>being a sodacuck

>no disgusting after taste
>no unhealthy syrupy bullshit
>tastes fucking great
>almost addicting once you acquire a taste for it
>feels like you're drinking soda
>literally just drinking water

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

oh shit, my bad dude

>I spend at least $50/month on La Croix

I need help

>>no disgusting after taste
Had 12 pack of these, and could barely get through them because of the aftertaste. I had the coconut one though, so it was already kind of eh.

>could barely get through them because of the aftertaste.
Really? Maybe we just have different mouths.
>inb4 OP has a dick in his

At least all that liquid won't go towards developing kidney stones

This guy never has any purpose. This guy is on every board.
>he's the only one that cares

Get it at Costco, you can usually get a variety pack of 24 for 6 dollars or so
>mfw when the variety packs are mostly tangerine
But usually the flavors are pretty good otherwise

i drink water

>tastes fucking great
Doesnt taste like a fucking thing

Sorry, I'm not a yuppie soyboy faggot. I shop at stores for real American men.
>pic rel


Sparkling mineral water with some lime and salt is GOAT.

>not drinking WATER


>once you acquire a taste for it
I've fallen for that meme too many times in my life.
Now when somebody says it's an "acquired taste" you can tell for a fact that it tastes like shit.

Based Tyrone.


i've grown to love sparkling water a lot
usually its la croix but canada dry has a good orange flavor one too
I usually only drink water so its nice to break up the monotony with one of these
my favorites are cran raspberry and tangerine. I just wish they weren't so expensive, 4 bucks for an 8 pack is kind of bullshit but costco has a 24 variety for like 8 bucks which is much better

>drinking laCrap
>not superior Spindrift

I want to throttle whoever started the trend of selling 8-packs of sparkling water for the same price as 12-packs of soda.

Welcome to the /sig/ bar. Feel free to choose from our selection:

Water (Recommended! If you bring in our brand 3L container, first refill is on us!)
Black coffee, no sweetener
Green tea

>drinking nonalcohol
I'll be shitposting on ya graves bois

Also don't forget about the store brands. There are some great flavors that even MeMeCroix doesn't have. You get a full 12 pack and they're much cheaper

la croix has the most Veeky Forums can

Nah it bothers me too. I can understand the op will namefag for the sake of addressing questions to him, but there's no point for anyone to, on an anonymous image board. Stop being a fag.

Sadly we don't get them here just shitty aspartame/stevia tainted club soda.

But all that BPA, fluoride, and glorified tap water...