If Jews are God's chosen people what is God's chosen food?

if Jews are God's chosen people what is God's chosen food?

the jews


steamed jews

Pork. He tries to get people to save it all for him, but it's hard to convince everybody.

mozza balls

read the god's chosen book



That's unironically a good question.

God provided "manna" to the Jews when they wandered the desert for 40 years

Only 40 years?

What a bunch of sissies.


Hard tack and exaggeration in extreme circumstances.
I was born and not only lived but thrived in poverty. My first love wouldn't have been met otherwise.

Jews baked in a gas oven

Someone told me mana was locusts so bugs maybe

manna is a magical power that allows you to use magic

Who doesn't know this?

Jews rule the world now. How do you like that, trailer person.

Sorry, how do we reference people of the alabamian persuasion? Garbage south, dirt people, or just white trash?

they rule only half of palestine. all kind of rothschilds, rockefellers, trumps are not actual juws.

trump couldn't rule a starbucks. that guy is a charlatan. He's at least 400 million in debt.

I use and like cast iron, but making acidic tomato based stuff in it is not one of its fortes. I'd go stainless or aluminium non-stick for that.

even Weinstein was obvious, cmon man. Jews run banking. I don't give a shit, but most of you racists do.

make ragu and shakshuka in stainless. It's easy with butter.

unironically making my goy mouth water. real authentic lox bagels are good as fuck.

Israelis call that an American.

I prefer His cousin John's diet. Locusts and honey, pure protein and carbs.

what is this association with "poor white trash from the south " in hating jews? We don't like them here in brooklyn either

i heard jewish cuisine is pretty tasty. post good jewish food pl0x

does fried foreskin count?

Mana. Duh!

It's wafers that taste like honey.

In my mind, it's actually Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts.

listen, i hate kikes as much as the next guy and i do believe that the zionists should be triad for their daily crimes against humanity. but this is a food board so let us keep it food related.

you don't get it, it's ETHNIC