I have a bunch of flour and sugar

I have a bunch of flour and sugar.
Can I make anything?

Do you have butter?

No but I guess I could get some.

Do you have eggs?


Throw it together on a baking shit, into the oven and post results. What could go wrong.

do you have soy sauce, onions, oil and hot sauce?

First time on /ck and i already know where this is heading...

you're pretty close to sugar cookies if you got eggs, vanilla and baking powder

Don't do this it makes mustard gas


milk? eggs?

I have some artificial vanilla. So I just need eggs?
Should I just make a bunch of pound cakes?

Yeah. Mix with water and cook it. Either a thin batter and fry in a pan, or a dough flattened out and baked in the oven. It's not great, but it's edible.

you'll need butter too but yeah, pound cake m8

>want to make angel food cake
>no pan
>no skill

The only thing that stops a cook is themselves.

Cooking is literately the easiest thing in the world. If you don't know how to make something, just follow a recipe. 80% of the shit you make ends up being "mix these things together, heat."

The only thing stopping you from having a pan is going to the store and getting one. They aren't even expensive.

With the addition of butter you could make shortbread

I think shortbread is the best minimal ingredients cookie recipe in existence.

Easy to make, hard to perfect

As with all simple recipes. There aren't any extras to distract from your technique. What oven temperature do you bake them at?

150 usually, I've changed it a few times depending on the recipe, but I've found that tends to give the best results.

make a crepe. put some vanilla essence and eat it with chocolate sauce or peanut butter