What was the worst restaurant you've ever been to?
What was the worst restaurant you've ever been to?
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Little "Italian" place near me, I ordered the bresaola salad, it was arugala with olive oil on top and fucking pastrami.
There was this Italian place in my college town that was beyond awful. The food was bland as fuck, the service time was whatever, and it always had something wrong there. My first time there, my friend found flies in his salad, the second time I went there is smelled like someone tossed a used diaper behind the seats and the staff only said it was a sewage problem every store on the bock was suffering from (nobody else on the block suffered from the problem after I went to their places).
I worked at walmart while going to college and checked out the owners of the place a couple times buying in mass all of the great value pasta sauces, pasta, garlic breads, and meatballs. Not sure where they got the other stuff.
The place was also pretty quiet almost all the time and had no music, making it suffering to be in the place.
nothng dreadful, but most recent horror was going to a "sushi restaurant" with the familly and they had avocado in every sushi. (or should I say maki, of course they didn't have traditional ones)
some "authentic italian" place near wisconsin dells like 15 years ago.
This chillies about 15 minutes from my house
An Italian restaurant near my house. I got cannelloni but it looked more like an enchilada with ground beef and nothing else, not even seasoning. My wife got some kind of pasta with vegetables and tomato sauce and the pasta was white and there were maybe 4 pieces of vegetable. Worst of all it was $70
a mcdonalds staffed entirely of blacks
Recently the Popeyes in Lancaster Pennsylvania but a couple of years ago I was at a Bojangles a little north Richmond. That place should be burned to the ground, bulldozed and the ground salted so nothing will ever grow there again.
But i like chilis...my gf and i go there all the time and get their 2 for 20 deal
Three guys and a pizza place in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin
Now I know Wisconsin gets a lot of shit for being flyovers but if this restaurant were the standard by which we were judged we would deserve every last bit of it. They sell ad space to other businesses on their menus. They charge you 3 dollars if you want to share a dish with someone. The balsamic dressing I shit you not resembles grey mayo. Taco pizza topped with sour cream and tortilla chips
>Worst of all it was $70
Steam Plant Grill, Spokane, WA
Moe's. Everything from entering the place to leaving the place was beyond awful. I couldn't even stomach the food, because it tasted so fucking offensive and terrible.
Graham Elliot Bistro circa 2014 - two Michelin stars and hands down the worst dining experience of my life.
i'm sure there was something shitty and local that was just awful but the only one i can remember is Black Eyed Pea
Just a reminder not to trust any "Italian" place outside of NJ/NYC
And a further reminder not to trust any Italian place in general that says "authentic" Italian
An Italian "sausage" sandwich place. You can tell it was some old guy trying to live out his dream but was doing everything wrong like in kitchen nightmares. All of their "fresh" sausage was bought from a local supermarket, and their "specialty sandwich bread" was store bought Italian rolls. To make this all worse, when they actually made the sandwich, they took the sausage, microwaved it, then stuck the sausage in the a sandwich and microwaved both. They threw on some jarred peppers (cost extra) and wrapped it up, where the juices from the sausage and peppers completely tore the sandwich apart. Cost me $8, and I got a $3 specialty soda which was easily the only thing remotely tasty.
A Thai restaurant that everyone raved about. It was literally just called 'Thai Cuisine'. I just ordered a simple pad thai and it tasted ok I guess. The really bizarre part was the waitress was like a 15 year old white girl despite the entire rest of the staff being Asians. She didn't know anything about the menu, she was slow, and gave shit service despite my table being the only one in there. At one point she was sitting in a chair in the corner for like 15 minutes, which I guess was her break so the restaurant just had no waitress for that whole time. They also did that jew shit where you order a soda and they just bring a can of it and a cup of ice then charge you $3. I paid with a card and later I found out they charged me extra and I called and bitched and they reverted the charge.
diner I went to Thursday for lunch
menu board said "spaghetti and meatballs"
get linguini and meatballs, ugh
Whoa. This must have changed completely the dish.
>what is Italy
Obviously we're talking about America here
Unless you're some kind of non-American, which in that case you can fuck right off
>idiotic New Yorker thinks they live in the center of the universe and gets mad when anyone says otherwise
wow color me surprised
>Restaurant in NYC
>Order steak rare
>Get steak well done
>Ask for a new prepared according to my spec
>Do not get it
>No refill of water
>Pay and leave no tip
>Overhear the waiter call me "a fucking tourist"
>When I came home to my country I called my countries branch of the restaurant and complained
>Free dinner and wine, perfect rare steak and a cute waitress
>Tips are not custom, gave her 40 euros for the fantastic service
>>Pay and leave no tip
you paid for a steak you didn't get? that's your fault
>Third-worlder thinks he's clever by catching a post on an anonymous anime image board that did not specify the location mentioned despite obviously being American
>Third-worlder believes the poster is from NY because they mentioned anything related to NY
colour me daft!
Speak their language and you won't have such trouble
stay mad Yankee I'm from Boston, say hi to your motha for me
IWas too tired to cause any commotion and the money wasn't the issue.
All I remember the person serving me was flamboyant and spoke with a nasally accent. So he was prolly a faggot
Every single restaurant I went to in Lisbon.
The best food they had was some shawarma chain in a mall.
Oh it's just some fucking potatonigger from Boston. Nevermind
This shit. Someone tried to tell me it's like a Canadian Cheesecake Factory. It's not.
Went to a conveyor sushi place once. Most of what I had was OK, but the last item I picked up was some kind of seasonal "Valentine's sushi" that had no indication of what was in it other that what you could see in the dim lighting. It looked like inarizushi with strawberries and a couple sauces drizzled on, so I figured it was some dessert item and thought it wouldn't be too bad. Turns out it was filled with krab salad with extra mayo covered in sweet chili sauce and unidentifiable green shit. With strawberries. It tasted like someone made it as a joke to see if someone would eat it. I've probably been to worse restaurants overall but that was the most unpleasant thing I've ever tried while eating out.
which restaurant?
indian place in town, they have closed down now thank god...
>ordered some tandoori lamb as they for some reason didn't have any curry dishes.
>the sauce was so thick, dry and pasty you had to chew it, the meat was like chewing on a shoe and it generally felt like i was eating last weeks stew that didn't turn out so well. the rice was pretty good though but i mean its hard to fuck up.
I'm not a pleb so I never go to shit places.
>Italina place in town.
>Very small place, seemed like a house.
>Everything looked old, way too rustic.
>Waiter seemed to be the owner too, talked way too much, made too many forced jokes and laughed a lot.
>Hard to understand him because of his accent.
>Able to see in the kitchen when the doors opened, very small, again looked like a house kitchen.
>Crock pots of pre-made sauces and other food.
>Served way to much food per serving.
>"server"/owner always disrupting meal.
honestly if you paid for that you deserved it
There was this Italian joint in a suburban downtown that was absolute garbage. Food was way overpriced and bland.
I signed up for yelp just to leave a bad review
Planet Hollywood
A Mexican restaurant called "Macayos" or something like that.
1st time going to any restaurant i order basic. Example, this experience i ordered a carne asada burrito...Tortilla was cake like and beans were really fruity tasting, meat was beyond burnt.
Other issues, soda was terrible tasting (no carbonation or something like that) they charged for subpar salsa and chips (that were stale)
They closed down and honestly I can see why.
some shitty place that was called an "establishment, apparently by advanced Alzheimer's patients who lost all sense of taste in an accident and enjoy paying out the ass for garbage
>everything is store bought, and not even good store bought, but discount store
>salad was shit iceberg lettuce that already started to wilt, canned garbanzos and canned tomatoes
>they had no dressing at all the waiter told me, it was meant to be served "dry"
>ordered some sort of wine chicken
>it's the driest chicken i've ever had
>no fucking idea what cut the meat actually was, it was extremely wide and extremely flat
>came with a side of microwaved green beans
>this cost fucking $23
Hopjacks in Snohomish Washington.
Holy fuck was it awful.
PA should get an honorable mention do decent Italian joints
golden coral when i went to the states
>food gave me diarrhea (which is impressive because i have a pretty decent gut)
>go to unload the freight and some 8 year old kid comes in and pukes in one of those urinals that go down to the floor
>splashes on my brand new sneakers
>leaves after a while
>notice that there's no toilet paper in my stall
>wait for no one to be in the bathroom, check the next two stalls over
>have to wipe my ass with those rough brown paper towels from the sink
>have an irritated asshole for the rest of the day
Sounds like someone did not enjoy the CHOCOLATE WONDERFALL
>Not Applebee's
Sup fellow Lanc-bro, went to that same Pop-eyes when they first opened up and got a seriously upset stomach, tried it again not too long ago and it wasn't too bad this time to be honest.
I mean the other stuff is shitty but buying the pasta and sauce from Walmart meant most likely they didn't order enough or they got shorted (it would be too expensive to buy that shit retail and not in bulk from like Sysco or Labatt for the exact same quality but less cost) unless they were that incredibly retarded at business
>go out to east side marios
>4 people
>give us one loaf of bread
>one thing of butter
>friend eats the entire thing
>we laugh
>Servers are staring at us
>order a Chicago style deep dish pizza
>Receive this
I couldn't believe it
TGIF, so prolly my fault for going to the shitty chain. But it is pretty sweet at home
Bobby's Burger Palace in Cincinnati, Ohio.
There was one person working the entire floor. I mean like bartender, taking orders everything. It took 30 minutes for the woman to even get to me for my order and an additional 30 minutes to get the food to me. Oh, and in the restaurant there were four other people besides me. The food really wasn't that bad but not nearly worth an hour wait time and the price. I read in the reviews later this is how they operate. As bleeding edge understaffed as they possibly can.
Except for your house to your shit life, you miserable Veeky Forumsunt
A shitty place in Bongland.
My family and I took fish and chips just before taking the ferry to go back home,and holy crap they were disgusting/soggy abominations.
We all got sick during the trip
Freacking brit food I swear
I honestly have nothing against homosexuals except they typically have the nastiest attitudes. As if there is a stick in their ass.
I go to Whole Foods and ask some faggot with a green apron where x is. Answers me with a huff wearing an insepid visage.
We're past due for a good old fashioned fag drag.
This "Mom and pop" place in north charleston called Brecks that was known for their massive steaks.
A friend and I went and good god it was awful. The steaks were huge, but about a 4th of it was gristle, they look like they had been oven baked, with no char or seasoning at all, and the sides were literally just canned veggies with nothing added. It made me realize that "Mom and Pop" and "Local" does not mean quality.
I need a source on this webm so I can determine whether this is comedy or the guy literally can't eat pizza
A farm restaurant in the sticks of Lower Saxony that advertised itself as a "corrugated sheet metal palace". Basically a huge dining hall with a semi-circular roof built as cheaply as possible.
They mostly offer dishes with asparagus and potatoes that they grow themselves, but the service is absolutely awful. My parents took me there twice when I was a kid.
The first time, we ordered four servings of potato croquettes for the kids, and they brought four servings distributed among three bowls (???) so we were left with the task of doing the math and dividing them into four portions ourselves. It was like a test
The second time, we went there with fifteen or twenty people and they forgot my order. I got to wait half an hour extra and could finally eat my schnitzel when everyone else had already finished their meals.
Macayos! I’ve been there, can confirm total shit.
Ya fair enough but it took like 45 minutes to get the check so my wife and I just wanted to leave.
KFC in Oxford. That chicken was fried in a oil used many many times, at least I could tell so from the smell. It's incredible that even the fastfood in italy is superior to other countries, it may be more expensive but at least you'e not eating cancerous shit.
Shitty outright:
KFC in bumfuck nowhere with chicken cooked in ancient oil. A couple of employees got in a fistfight while I was there, but that was kind of fun to watch so I can't really say it detracted from the experience.
Shitty from expectations:
>Went to fancy, expensive restaurant in town that regularly won local awards for years
>Service and ambience were fantastic
>Food was either far too salty or too sweet and I swear to God my appetizer was microwaved
>Still gets rave reviews to this day and anyone with the same complaints as I had gets a bunch of people arguing with them.
Charlottesville VA is chock full of mediocre over-priced food, don't listen to anyone that calls it any kind of food destination. Bodo's is great though, go just for that.
Also one time I ended up at a Roanoke Applebee's, was seated, and then no one came for a half an hour so I just got up and left with the napkins and sugar packets to compensate myself for my time.
This is true. Moe’s is horrible
Pizza hut
Just get the deli sandwiches there. The rest is shit
the restaurant in some shitty hotel in queens, nyc. our flight got delayed or something, they offered to put us up in a nearby hotel for one night in exchange for a free upgrade to business class on our flight tomorrow. we accepted.
>get to hotel
>looks like it hasn't been used since the 80s
>swimming pool atrium literally overgrown, green pool water
>walked a couple blocks past rows of shitty, chainlink fenced houses to a nearby popeyes for lunch and some firefighters stopped us (a white family) and said to be careful
>that night, decide to eat dinner in the hotel restaurant since it's complimentary with the deal we got from the airline
>go down there, it's dark, wood everywhere, nobody else in the restaurant, like a bar from a movie
>old asian guy waiter
>ask for a ginger ale
>he returns with a coke "here's your coke"
>ok whatever
>my autistic picky eater dad tells the waiter he doesn't want the side salad, not to bring it, because he doesn't want to waste food
>brings it out anyway
>"i don't like salad" "yes you do"
>i ordered a burger
>shit was disgusting, i could have made better at home, one of the worst burgers i've ever had, absolute mess
don't go to queens, nyc
is it okay if I only go there strictly for queso and chips?
I just moved to winchester and the food here is real shitty.
Some hipster place on the coast when I visited Portland, Maine. 20 bucks for a piece of raw salmon, undressed - and the menu made no mention of it being raw. Though I got to see a piece of the berlin wall when I was there, so it wasn't all bad.
Ayo come to Boston's North End and say that
>Food Wise
Ordered from some local Chinese place, just the stringiest, foulest chicken I've ever had the displeasure of tasting, the fried rice was beyond burnt and dry, and the crab rangoon was just cream cheese in a terribly oily wonton
>Service wise
Went to a Buffalo Wild Wings once where I swear the waitress either left or got fired halfway through serving us, spent a good 30 minutes waiting around for drink refills, and of course the food was lukewarm by the time we got it and surprise surprise it's buffalo wild wings so it's terrible
ive never really had a bad experience there to be honest. you have to go there knowing you're getting deep fried probably 99% frozen bullshit.
Some people have what's called dignity and walk away instead of taking abuse because the food is expensive.
Not everyone is a fucking wagecuck
What exactly are you trying to say here?
He cannot. It's from a "how to eat pizza" video (seriously).
He became the CHOCOLATE WONDERFALL, apparently.
some armpit pizza hut stashed away in a strip mall where me and my friends picked up our order one night. nobody welcomed us, nobody was looking at us, nobody was working, and nobody was smiling. it looked like all the staff that was in there were suffering and all hated each other. the chick that punched through our pickup order never even made eye contact with us or said anything positive. I don't think she said anything at all except for whatever information was required for the order.
it's not like I really expect those things, and it's not like I was offended, I don't care, but to give context me and the two friends I was with all worked in the same restaurant where having a friendly attitude is not only expected it's required, so it felt extremely alien and prosthetic. I haven't gone back to that place since. I just didn't want to bother these depressed people anymore. jesus christ.
why the fuck would you ever eat there? It's a terrible restaurant and everyone knows it.
>have coeliac disease
>go out to eat(I know, terrible mistake)
>restaurant has big signs bragging how everything has gluten free options and is prepared in a separate area with sterilised equipment and shit
>get something that shouldn't have any gluten in it to begin with
>service is slow as shit and server doesn't speak the local language at all
>food finally arrives, lukewarm and flavourless
>suck it up because out with family and don't want to cause a scene
>get home
>go to bed
>wake up in the middle of the night, gut in an uproar
>spend weeks completely fucking incapacitated
Don't eat out if you've got coeliac. Just don't.
This weird Pizza Hut down the road from me. I went in to their buffet and noticed all at once the entire restaurant was empty. I mean no one at the counters, nothing. I was the only human being inside the building.
So I noticed a bunch of employees gathered outside the window around the side. I decided to ask them for some god damned service. Instead of actually replying a few of them held up their middle fingers in response. So I just kind of gave them the finger too and left.
I found out later that Pizza Hut was closing so the staff just decided to completely go fists in the air and not serve anybody in the final days. Each work day until zero hour was just an extended smoke break with a side of Fuck You.
IHOP. Shit service, shit coffee, shit food, waitress disappears for 40 minutes until you walk out the door then swoops down immediately to see how much money you left her.
I went up the street from where I work to this sketch as fuck looking deli. When I went inside the building they seemed to have a large menu. So I tried ordering the corned beef and swiss. The lady smirked and replied:
>"We're out of corned beef and swiss."
"Okay how about ham and cheddar?"
>"We're out of ham and cheddar."
This went back and forth for awhile until I asked what they -did- have. The lady answered bologna, mayo and american. Then she plopped down a bologna sandwich which she paired with Wonderbread from a bag and a slice of Kraft.
>I had wondered into a front for organized crime.
Wow, it really DOES happen.
I've been through Winchester many times but never eaten there, I guess I never will.
McDonalds. I hate myself for eating there as often as I do (at least once a week)
>all this Italian
Really activates my almonds
Holy shit did you go to WSU or does every college town just have one of these places?
Oh shit, this is what corporate capitalism will do to you
A place in the ass-end of the hill of Piedmont. The owner was an old bitch that insisted in speaking in the Piedmontese dialect, despite the fact she could clearly understand us, the cooks were doing crosswords while there were patrons waiting for food, and, when five hours later I got my meal, it was bad: the gnocchi's suace tasted like vomit, the steak was like 90% charcoal, and the alleged chocolate cake was just a block of (still frozen!) chocolate.
What was the total? 50 fucking Euros.
Having restaurants understaffed is a real problem. I was a maitre d' at a small local place and was expected to basically manage the joint with zero training from the new Chinese owners who knew nothing about western food or table etiquette. Luckily the chef was really talented, but I got a lot of complains for my crap service. I mean, I didn't disagree with them, but it wasn't really my fault.
Yeah, I saw the workplace Apocalypse happen at a KFC. On that day people didn't show up, people quit and even the manager ragequit. The only thing left was a visibly shaken young girl trying to run the entire AN STORE on her own. Customers were eating her alive because orders were like 30 minutes and by the time she hustled around yeah, things might have gotten a bit cold.
The store closed a few months later. That girl had some huge cajones. I would have just abandoned ship out the back door and let the costumers fry their own chicken, raid the registers or whatever the fuck they wanted to do. What the fuck is going on with YUM! brand shops?!
It made me feel a little bad because I thought at first 'they were just young assholes being assholes' and it didn't dawn on me at the time there was a good reason for the anarchy.
Oh, I get it. He's the guy demonstrating how NOT to do it. He plays the nutrient-negative, squeamish, health and germ conscious food wuss who doesn't like to get his hands dirty. I highly doubt he is like that in real life
Just dont to new york city in general the place is shit tier unless your a soycuck.
I learned this the hard way when my gf dragged me to nyc for a weekend trip (her idea), everything was 3x more expensive than at home and all the restaurants were filled with nonwhites working in Michelin Star restaurants. Streets were filthy and after 7pm homeless just lie around beg for money and ask to fuck your gf. Gf was so dissapointed we left a day early after i beat up four dindus for harassing us.