>New York eatery that sells raw (edible) cookie dough of various flavours and with various toppings
Would you go? Or has anyone been? I really love this idea.
>New York eatery that sells raw (edible) cookie dough of various flavours and with various toppings
Would you go? Or has anyone been? I really love this idea.
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this thread will be nothing but teenagers calling the idea 'childish'
I'd go once to try it if I was in the area and I was in the mood, sure. It's a cute fad I think. I see a lot of edible cookie dough popping up in grocery stores.
Mostly I get my fill from baking tailings that I make myself.
I'd go cookie dough is GOAT
i probably wouldn't go, sweet stuff doesn't interest me. it's fine, i guess.
Fuck no, the only cookie dough worth eating is the stuff you sneak when your girl is baking
As an adult, I love the idea, but as someone who works in food safety, it's a ticking time bomb. Enjoy your salmonelosis
>go to any New York based food establishment
Not unless I wanted poor service, long lines, mediocre food and high prices
raw eggs
Nah, that's why they say edible. They don't use raw eggs in the edible cookie dough that's being sold as a treat.
Google salmonella in cookie dough. There was a huge outbreak that they traced to the FLOUR. It's not just eggs... Flour Mills and grain facilities are swarming with pigeon and sparrow fecal matter. It's the cooking in the oven that provides the kill step. I would provide a link but my plane is actually taking off this very moment and my seat mates are yelling at me about airplane mode.
For the cookie dough alone? Not really. If they had a sandwiches or some shit and the cookie dough was a dessert option or came as a topping option for ice cream then yeah.
people who die from food borne illnesses deserve to have their genes removed from the breeding pool
This. I suffered through a bout of severe salmonella for 2 weeks w/o going to a (((medfag pirate))) so I have immunity forever. Last night I ate medium rare chicken and drink a raw egg mixed with OJ every morning. My seed shall conquer the earth.
>Americans are so lazy and gluttonous they eat raw cookie dough
I guess I should've expected this
I have been to one and it was pretty nice. A few places do it, so I'm not even sure which one you're talking about.
this is more of what it was. they have mainstream candy, a collection of local baked goods/sweets, and the cookie dough was a novelty thing by the scoop
I can't stand cookie dough. Gross.
I went with a friend over the summer. They maintain a line across the street to hype it up, when in reality the store is never full of more than 4-5 people at a time and the people waiting turn over very quickly.
The cookie dough itself was ok but as it came up to room temp it got less and less appealing. Didn't finish our cups, felt like complete shit for hours after and almost fell asleep in Washington Square Park.
Weeks later this happened:
Yeah that sounds about right. I love cookie dough but I can't see myself stopping just for the dough. I'd stop for lunch first and then try their gimmicky dessert.
what a Jewish idea
I like to eat a spoonful or two, but I can't imagine getting a bowl of the shit. It's just too rich.
Sounds gay and looks even gayer. Imagine being a soyboy marching in with nintendo pajamas and demanding your favorite raw cookie dough while your hair is falling out and your stomach is spilling through your shirt
These fellas have the right idea
>I really love this idea.
the only stupid people involved are the investors
i think a sort of whipped peanut butter would be a lot tastier than cookie dough.
Here you are, my man.
>He thinks you can pasteurize flour
Kek came here to post this
...How long have you been referring to your mother as "your girl", user? That's not exactly healthy behavior.
And just like the Cereal Guys I'm sure it will be prohibitively expensive and multiple times what it would cost to just buy cookie dough from the store
Fucking why?
>look guys, cookie dough ice cream is just not enough, we need to open a fucking restaurant and sell nothing but cookie dough
ffs arent we fat enough? Dont we have enough diabetes, high blood pressure/hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol etc etc? No! Lets go even further, lets give these lard asses straws and let them slurp up LIQUEFIED COOKIE DOUGH!
Fucking Kek
I live in a flyover but I still would maybe go to something like that once in a blue moon
I've been, it's not too far from my office. It's fine! I tried the regular/brownie swirl. I probably wouldn't go back, just cause I don't eat a ton of sweets, but if I had family or friends in town and they wanted to try it, I'd take them.
They also toast the flour they use to kill any bacteria on it.
I just eat whatever cookie dough I feel like when making cookies. What is this deal about (edible) though, since when did inedible cookies become a thing?
>not doing the baking yourself and eating all the cookie dough you want
Because eating raw cookie dough is supposed to make you sick due to the raw eggs and flour. Though it's probably fine for non compromised individuals. I also vaguely remember being told as a kid that raw cookie dough could give you worms. Never stopped me though.
Edible is supposed to be free from the risk.