Would you eat this watermelon, or microwave it and fuck it?
Doing prep this morning, and
I would inject warm honey into the clit and have a nice candle lit dinner then softly fuck that thing under the ambiance of Phil Collins “in the air tonight “.
A true gentleman's evening.
Yes sir
Niggers would fuck it daily.
Looks a bit sandy. So i don't think i would eat it. Would definitely put a condom on first. Nothing like having watermelon bits in your pee hole.
Kiss out of respect for nature's joke, then eat. Still just a watermelon.
>Another racist white guy ruining a light hearted joke because his only accomplishment is being born with skin similar to people with actual accomplishments
Niggers would just eat it they wouldn't be able to resist
Leave Veeky Forums and never come back.
Watermelon belongs in the trash
>Being a shitposter is appropriate outside of anywhere besides /pol/ and /b/
>being this assblasted
>Being a school shooter in waiting because nobody likes you and you don't know what pussy feels like
Check this guy out and his moral high ground.
Good. I hope they keep happening and somebody you love dies
I'd fuck it cold
idk what microwaves would do the melon and I don't want to find out
>being this assblasted
I'd throw it out, that shit looks unripe
>into the clit
...i don't think you know what a clit is.
>being this blasted
Shots fired.
I bet you think there’s nothing wrong with being Jewish
by which i mean
"oh no someone was being racist! stop! stop!"
lmfao get a life.
t. massive soyboy
/pol/ containment thread?
/pol/ containment thread.
OP here. Racial shit aside, funny as it may be, the question stands; eat as is, or microwave and fuck?
I'd fuck it.
With a condom
I want niggers off Veeky Forums NOWWWE
It's the little flicky thing.
Except race is MUCH more than skin colour.
>Sees an accurate
>Cuntsplains why its "problematic"
You filthy whore, I wager you were dribbling over the thought of coon cock when you posted that.
I'll fucking kill you, Nigger lover.
>being born with skin similar to people with actual accomplishments
Jesus, enough with you people arguing about niggers, we have a thread to rerail
Have ANY of you actually fucked food before?
>bonus if you or someone else ate it afterward
women have probably fucked food more than men. It's a lot more convenient to shove an object (eg cucumber) in the pussy than it is to stick your dick in a banana peel and rub one out.
>t. virgin
I know what a clit looks like and I’ve probably fucked more girls than you kid
I prepared a spaghetti squash once, ate half of it, gouged the other half with a fork so it was stringy and went to town on it
It wasn't as good as a vagina but it was a pretty good orgasm
8/10 btw I highly recommend