Post your favourite American delicacies ITT
Post your favourite American delicacies ITT
Wisconsin reporting in.
That is Nigger cheese from England. Not even gay Americans would spell it flavoured
Ever been correct about anything in your life, dipshit?
>Post your favourite American delicacies ITT
Definitely fried chicken. The most american food there is.
why is american bbq always so fucking black?
those ribs are prolly the least black that i have ever seen and even those are rather black.
is this a bbc kind of thing? you love them black?
>getting this bent out shape over MRE cheese spread
What a dipshit.
This is what mental illness looks like
American BBQ was invented by the black slaves so that probably has something to do with it.
Isn't fried chicken originally from Scotland or something?
I don't like the way you use the word "black" so I'm going to call you a racist.
>Isn't fried chicken originally from Scotland or something?
That's only because the scotts stole it from the moors. Blacks invented errthang, famwhtieboi
I'm black and I know you are completely wrong whtieboi
Why do you assume I'm white you fucking racist?
Oh, I forgot, you blacks can't be racist right?
BBQ was invented by white slaves, but they were the black Irish hence your confusion
It’s smoked. The smoke clings to the meat and makes it look black. But it also makes it taste delish.
Can a potato be racist? How about a car? No they lack the capacity
bullet poisoning
>BBQ was invented by white slaves, but they were the black Irish hence your confusion
True BBQ was invented by Cubans, Haitians, Jamaicans, etc. All the recipes in "black bbq" are all variants of our traditional cooking. Heck, most of what you call 'soul food' are just variants of latin foods. No africans BBQ'd or ate creamed greens.
Silly whiteboi, Scots weren't black. Do you think they invented watermelyon too?
>Cubans, Haitians, Jamaicans
Exactly, that's where alot of the black Irish were kept as slaves and slave owners who then bleached out some of the African slaves who appropriated black Irish culture
>Cubans, Haitians, Jamaicans weren't black slaves
How is it carrying around the weight of an extra chromosome?
Scots are black, the demoman form tf2. get owned: epic style.
>Can a potato be racist?
You tell me.
Finally somebody is saying something. I'm tired of your American blacks just casually claiming our music, foods, and even some of our games without proper credit.
smoking brisket was invented by cowboys who were given the shittiest cut of the cow (brisket) to eat while they worked. They cooked it low and slow with a dry rub because that's the only thing they could do while out on the cow drive.
BBQ is a white people food
>produced for UK
he's not wrong, faglord
Nah, he's an idiot and one of life's losers.
Texas beef BBQ doesn't even qualify as BBQ and it was invented by mex vacqueros anyway, you inbred.
Holy shit! America? Why?
That's haggis you fucknugget, it's Scottish. I understand that the US has no culture of its own, but don't steal shit from other cultures and call it your own
do americans actually eat this? would explain a lot
Yeah, that’s a pretty normal breakfast. What’s wrong with it?
i get trying to cover food groups for breakfast with the carbs, fat and protein but theres no greens at all, milk clashes with meat the majority of the time especially pork if it is pork and the cheese is just a weird addition
Yeah the lack of greens is poor form. I would personally add some grapes, or maybe basil.
>why is american bbq always so fucking black?
It fulfills their unconscious desire to have some black meat in their mouth.
LOL, you repeated what the guy you were responding to had already said.
MRE cheese and crackers is goat
my favorite american cuisine dish is beef strogonoff
>9x13 casserole dish
>uncle bens quick rice (boiled beforehand)
>browned chuck roast
>combine chuck, sour cream, campbells condensed mushroom soup until creamy
>spread rice on bottom of dish
>add beef mixture on top
>bake until bubbly
What part of Wisco? 920 here.
Local buffet I frequent
That pic reminds me of when I lived in Atlanta.
2 with everything Detroit Coney Island Hot Dogs
Yeah, a typical American vegetable like a bagel bite would be a perfect addition to make this more wholesome, but vegetables are more of a special occasion thing in my American family.
Jalapeno cheese spread is top tier
It's quite obviously fake.
There should be at least 8 hotdogs, and no one is getting shot in that picture.
Where are the hot dogs?
The Arawak people of South America roasted meat on a wooden structure called a barbacoa in Spanish. For centuries, the term barbacoa referred to the wooden structure and not the act of grilling, but it was eventually modified to "barbecue."
fried cheese curds are fucking god tier
Glow’s Donuts