>say 'literally' while sipping on a cocktail in fancy manhattan bar
>retarded liberals get triggered because MUH WORDS
>get your skull bashed in, thrown out and pissed on while lying in front of the bar
what a nice and tolerant bar atmosphere
>say 'literally' while sipping on a cocktail in fancy manhattan bar
>retarded liberals get triggered because MUH WORDS
>get your skull bashed in, thrown out and pissed on while lying in front of the bar
what a nice and tolerant bar atmosphere
Other urls found in this thread:
This is unironically a good idea. Drink somewhere else if you don't like it.
>getting this much assblasted by a word
wew lad
why don't we ban niggers then as well? they can drink somewhere else if they don't like it.
This is the next word to be banned. You retards use it incorrectly all the time.
you are unironically a retard
Only one triggered here is you user. Isn't that ironic?
Because it's illegal. You could try getting around that by banning "you" or "sheeeeit" or something, but the inevitable legal defense wouldn't be worth it.
>anything i dont like is liberals!
The owner is literally hitler and literally drumpf (the same thing).
It's a fucking joke sign, not an actual rule, and the article is fucking clickbait from someone struggling to actually live in NYC who didn't have anything else to write a story about because she was getting drunk in an East Village (((dive))) bar. When's the last time you were even in the East Village? It's beyond reddit tier gentrification at this point.
>establishment in NYC
>not liberals
We see right through you, you fucking snake in the grass pinko fags.
This is literally 100% for marketing purposes.
More like literally triggered over a word
seems like you're the one who's triggered, desu.
It's NYC.
that's ironic, like rain on your wedding day
This is a good idea. I think Veeky Forums should word filter it too
Sounds perfectly reasonable.
Who wants to sit in a bar surrounded by whiny fags talking like 14 year old girls?
I’d kick out anyone using Ebonics as well, that shit is far too prevalent in the USA and it’s embarassing when whites do it.
Kick out anyone who tries to axe you something.
pretty based desu. nothing wrong with having some standards in your business
This is discriminatory against brits
Literally discrimination
ironic coming from the retard who calls things "based desu".
No. It is unironically the most based desu it is possible to be.
Liberals literally change the meaning of every word that comes out of their mouths.
If you weren't an idiot you would realise "unironically" isn't actually a word. So they're not using it "incorrectly" - because there is no correct usage. Because it's not actually a word.
But on Veeky Forums it is a word, so suck it up you fucking faggot.
some restaurants are getting around it by banning things that dindus like to wear. i haven't heard of any of these restaurants successfully being sued either. so i think it actually works.
Sure, not like liberals ever use the words literally and ironically wrong, ever.
The Hogan one doesn't seem really racist at all. Bandanas, workboots, and camo are clearly targeting rednecks and bikers.
It's Gawker- For them everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic.
Entire neighborhoods of bars/restaurants/clubs do that in Chicago.
It's sad to me that white people: aka poverty pimps and race baiters take such joy and pleasure in trying to call everything racist and make us hate whites and make whties hate us.
I wouldn't be surprised if these articles or "journalists" were paid by Russians or are Russian trolls.
If I ever win the lottery I'm going to open a soup Nazi sort of place where the food is so good people don't care how they get treated. I will enforce whatever the fuck I want regardless if it is profitable.
Censoring language, revising history and burning books is the prerogative of all progressive liberals.
They lead you to believe everyone hates you, so you'll think making it in white man's world is impossible, so you'll think you need to survive on government handouts, so you'll vote democrat.
To be fair, Republicans push the war on drugs so you'll get in legal trouble and can't vote.
Now the regular Joe democrat and Republican don't see it this way, they just buy into the narrative that everyone is racist, or weed is destroying society.
>It's sad to me that white people: aka poverty pimps and race baiters take such joy and pleasure in trying to call everything racist and make us hate whites and make whties hate us.
>I wouldn't be surprised if these articles or "journalists" were paid by Russians or are Russian trolls.
"Divide and conquer" is just too easy when your country has a population (blacks) that blame all of their own failures on other races.
People who hate NYC have literally never left their fly over hollers.
You are so completely out of touch with reality it's not even amusing.
Nothing keeps the blacks voting Democrat like free handouts and constant blame/racism/hatred.
The democrats have this down to a science. Even blacks who agree with republican ideas will get labeled as "racists" lol
>Even blacks who agree with republican ideas will get labeled as "racists" lol
This is like the liberals and Antifa kids who call jews "nazis" for being republicans. They just throw around words casually without understanding what they mean.
They should've done it for abusing the word "like". I cannot bear to listen to people that insert "like" into every sentence where it doesn't belong. Like nails on chalkboard.
Even if all the insane conspiracies about liberals that /pol/ goes on about all the time were actually 100% true, I'd still be slightly left-leaning purely out of spite for all these /pol/smokers constantly derailing threads and posting off-topic shit and unfunny nigger memes on a food and cooking board.
Wow that is literally terrible
This reminds me of when Bill Cosby got called a racist... Bill Fucking Cosby... Called a racist for daring to suggest that blacks take more responsibility in their own communities.
the audacity.
>throwing people out because you're too stupid and uneducated to realise that literally can refer to things not literal
I bet they don't do the same for words like "really", or "truly", or "actually" etc
even if its a cute cumdumpster like pic related? no exceptions?
You sound racist
It amazes me that people like you exist. They're not even rare.
People who think having a pretty face is a good excuse for poor behaviour. Sure, using "like" too much isn't a big deal but the principle of it is. You're willing to accept bullshit you wouldn't otherwise because you think she looks cute. Sad!
>proud MGTOW permavirgin detected
kek you're miserable and alone but at least you have good pretend conversations in your mind
yeah, tapping that ass doggystyle would be worth ignoring how annoying she is. how do you think the human race marches on?
they also called morgan freeman a racist
>Say "Egyptian" one day while sipping tea while walking down the road in the states
>Retarded niggers come out of nowhere because WE WUZ
>Get skull bashed in, gun rights revoked, and blamed for all the problems in the world
what a nice and tolerant country atmosphere
>You're willing to accept bullshit you wouldn't otherwise because you think she looks cute.
Welcome to real life, sweetie.
Men will put up with all sorts of shit for a pair of B-C cups attached to a small waist and ass.
The less attractive you are, the less men will put up with your shit.
> In other news: water still wet.
unremarkable women get droves of men to basically worship them online
unremarkable men get nothing.
Welcome to the world, female sluts have ruined society
They are doing God's work.
Not to mention them singling out Hogan's bar is probably because Hulkamania ran wild on them.
FUCK that's right! I totally forgot the Hulkster elbow dropped their whole goddamn pyramid scheme.
I know. This is not new to me. I just hate seeing it.
Just look at those two who replied assuming I must be a pathetic incel because I want a woman to be a decent person rather than just a pretty face. Thankfully it's not impossible to find women like that if you bother looking.
It's just sad seeing men, many of them probably capable of doing better, switching off their brains over a pretty face. I can understand that in a teenager but a grown man really ought to set the bar higher.
It's no skin off my nose, though.
Liquor store near me kicks you out if you use a cellphone while there.
They've had this sign up since as long as I can remember.
She looks inbred
Not that user but you realize that you're showing off how rare sex is to you if you're willing to put up with that shit just to get it
>calls user a virgin
>while admitting that they'd do anything to have sex because it's so rare and such a limited thing for them
>getting beaten up by liberals
Whats it like eating all that soy?
that is an intense dislike of phones
>im jewish
>Morgan have none of it and continues to refer to him as white
this is the one and only time i have ever seen /pol/ be right
This. Isn't it usually the liberals who want to be able to use language however they please? Arent they the ones who think think that AAVE is perfectly acceptable?
Also I thought they officially added the improper use to the dictionary.
you can be jewish and white
you just have to practice judaism
Probably. People realized that subversive "hey X is great, check it out!" doesn't work anymore and makes people suspicious. But you get people angry and make them feel like they have something righteous to fight against and they'll unknowingly shill your product over and over and over.
Liberal =/= "liberal"
im referring to the fact that jews try to distance themselves from being white despite having all social privileges of being white.
>assert that not all liberals are "liberals" while nullifying the distinction by calling them all liberals anyway
why even bother
The correct way to do it would be classical liberals vs modern liberals
thank you for explaining what you meant
by that definition I'm a classical liberal and I disagree
these "modern liberals" are authoritarian leftists and I think calling them liberals at all poisons anybody attempting to be a geniune pursuer of individual freedom in the modern day by association with their oppressive philosophies
>Thread about literals turned into a thread about liberals
Like pottery...
Yes, but understand they are poisoning the fuck out of your waters, and it's getting harder for some people to tell the difference.
Well, Winston Churchill was a liberal but it didn't stop him laying waste to central Germany or indeed slaughtering African tribes on a regular basis.
People get confused between liberals and the left.
but you have to acknowledge that the problem is only exacerbated by being aware of that and still calling them liberals, modern or otherwise
I've seen more and more people saying SJWs/"liberals" aren't liberal and trying to push back against them too.
Personally I think I like the term "technoliberal", because it isn't tainted by authoritarian leftists and focuses on how technology can work with classic liberalism. It's not very popular but I think it's the way forward and how to put distance between liberals and SJWs.
They ended up getting bought out by some weird Russian guy, right?
>Bill Fucking Cosby... Called a racist for daring to suggest that blacks take more responsibility in their own communities.
'merican blacks have turned on their own and have become even more racist than those they hate.
>'merican blacks have turned on their own and have become even more racist than those they hate.
BLM is a great example. In 40 years, americans will look back in shame and realize they supported yet another hate group like the KKK.
hey don't compare us to those "thugs"
alot of them aren't even poor
bullshit. BLM is not a racist hate group. that infographic looks fake as shit.
In your next fantasy you will claim that feminists aren't all man hating cunts
>bullshit. BLM is not a racist hate group. that infographic looks fake as shit.
"Hatred shakes Black Lives Matter Toronto credibility"
> BLM Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali appears to have said white people suffer from “recessive genetic defects” and mused about how the race could be “wiped out.”
> Last April, Yusra Khogali tweeted: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these white men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”
I love it when people get triggered by the misuse of "literally".
All the more reason to use it, to be honest.
poor gannet ;_;
This is literally the only reason I use it
From the right wing news group: Huffington Post
Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign
> Now, normally my white skin would admittedly preclude me from even suggesting that a black activist should hang up the megaphone, but Khogali has made a habit of directing violent, hateful language towards people with white skin, so much so that I feel comfortable calling her out. She once mused that just by having white skin, white people are sub-human. She tried to qualify that statement by saying white people did not have a high amount of melanin, which prevents them from absorbing light, and with it a sense of moral clarity.
> Now, maybe if this was her only controversial statement all could be forgiven, but this is a pattern of hate that can't be ignored any longer.
>appears to have said
>no quotes or reference to where her direct quote could be found
Oh shit, that's certainly hard evidence right there, lol! Christ you sturmdrumpfer /pol/tards are laughable.
> "appears" because she posted it on Facebook then went back to delet it
It's so odd that you just stick your head in the sand and pretend like Black racism is acceptable.
Or are you one of those liberal racists who claim "blacks can't be racist, only whites, asians, latinos can!"
And I'm not even white.
>> Last April, Yusra Khogali tweeted: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these white men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”
Why do blacks constantly stereotype themselves by saying racist shit like this?
This crazy bitch will probably turn right around and cry racism if you dare suggest she is "violent".
iAll with his penis to be specific
>You literally have to call whites subhuman animals before the lefties calmly call for your quiet resignation, apologizing all the way.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>. In 40 years, americans will look back in shame and realize they supported yet another hate group like the KKK.