Dining rooms/Kitchens of Veeky Forums

I'll start with mine.
Picked the table out of a dumpster and patched it up with some hockey tape. $0
Chair was a garage sale find, 25 cents.
Overhead is room for a chandelier, but i think thats just gaudy.
tonights fare is a spam/vienna sausage shepherd's pie, shared of course with the lovely Wendy.

are you the hot dog guy?

>plate obviously purposely set on fire because you wouldn't see much if any change from the hotdog's exterior
Did reddit enjoy this, OP?

Show some respect to chef DT

>chef DT
The birth of a tripfag

i enjoyed it right now. fuck off negative nancy.

a better view of this tasty bite

what's the white thing on top of the pie

Here, see for yourself!

this looks like it was crafted by a 3-Michelin-star chef in the finest restaurant in Paris. don't let dinotendies fool you, he's a master at haute gastronomy.

how does that egg have so little yolk
what is this sorcery


how did you get back on Veeky Forums

it's me !



what is it with everyone but me and giant jars of protein powder everywhere

Some of use like to go to the gym, work out, run and be relatively healthy.

Pro Tip; There are two jars of protein in this picture

>garbage bag for a plate

Dat tape around the table leg doe.

Hey DT, what's for dinner? Please cook something legit. You're serious recipes are always better than your joke ones.

Do you live in a crackhouse? The fuck.

Pretty fucked up that is probably the best room in the house. The next room over doesn't even have an electric outlet.

How fucking new are you?

Sup DT, whatcha got for us tonight? Please don't get frustrated and destructive again.

RIP DinoTendies

I recently started collecting pictures of really awful living spaces. Thanks for sharing your pic.

>tfw dinotendies got shot in the parking lot of the dollar tree

>that hidden bottle of Syntha-6

It's because DinoTendies cut it off with his chainsaw, tried to burn it as firewood, and reattached it afterwards because his table kept falling over.

Man I miss Dino tendies. I really hope he's not in jail for fucking with those turtle eggs.

I hope he's dead for shitting up this board with intentionally terrible cooking.
And I hope people like you die.

DT are you related to masaokis?

this nigga larping as dinotendies. whatta world.

he got banned by the fag mods for allegedly breaking the law. all he did is bury chicken eggs and dig them back up and the fucking mod accused him of using real sea turtle eggs.

Maybe they're finally cracking down on namefagging retards. I support this.


Pretty much my dinning room

Fucking embarrassing

Fucking hell, I'm so glad I'm not you.

>t. never been to college

eating in front of your PC is fine
what's not fine is funko pops and buttplugs (especialy in plain view)

>yfw I was at university for six years

which field?

did you finally get your A.S.?

Making daddy Jean Phillipe proud.

>And I hope people like you die.
he'll be dead but you'll still be a faggot

Leaving me the victor.

I can support having lieutenant commander data but why the gay bobblehead version? get a picture or giant cardboard cutout or something instead.

Where have I seen this set up before?