Care for some Sierra Leonian food Veeky Forums?
Care for some Sierra Leonian food Veeky Forums?
Looks like what I made in the toilet this morning after a bowl of chili last night lmao
Looks like what happens when you drink 2 quarts of orange powerade, 2 quarts of purple poweradade and take a laxative to clear that 3 day bind.
The slop-of-shit meme has been overused of late, but nothing else fits here: it looks like a big slop-of-shit. On rice.
Holy shit, that post didnt even get through until I connected the words of the meme with hyphens. Has it become so bad that somebody has installed a slop-of-shit filter???
Of course those apes would come up with something that looks like a pile of rancid feces on top of the blandest food ever invented
looks a lot like Palak Chicken
Which tastes great.
I would have to smell that before passing judgement. It was the same way with my first time eating Indian food.
I'd eat the fuck out of Natasha Lyonne
>Sierra Leonian food
More like mud cakes and powdered milk, amirite?
As long as it's not bushmeat or grilled directly over suspect metal (like mattress springs), I can get down with some African foods. I don't think I've ever had any Sierra Leone food before, but I've had Ethiopian, South African, Moroccan, Egyptian, Namibian, Angolan, Algerian, and Kenyan food, and it all rocked with a couple of exceptions.
>Ethiopian food
pic related
Lmfao every time XD
Nice slop o' shit user!
i'd eat anything out of her
even her slops of shit?
looks like a slop of Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. shit
Are you too old to be here? Only people over 50 still think that's funny.
Kitfo or go home. That stuff is magical.
Looks Iike a sIop of shit.
Dis man hier, he know da way.