>Take bottle of juice from shelf
>It slips and falls
>Juice everywhere
Do you get an employee or just walk away?
>Take bottle of juice from shelf
>It slips and falls
>Juice everywhere
Do you get an employee or just walk away?
>"Ma'am, it looks like somebody has spilled something over there. You should clean it before somebody gets hurt"
>it slips
It didnt sliped by itself its because you have faggot hands.
It never happened to me because I have grip. Big and strong alpha hands.
>tldr; you're a fag
get an employee and apologise.
walmart? walk away
publix or a place i like? i tell an employee that someone else spilled it
you've done this more than once?
Virgin slip vs Chad toss
collapse to the floor and cry
Or if you are meek this.
360 and walk away
The only correct answer is slip in the puddle and sue the store.
I had an interview at walmart and they asked me what I do in this situation. Damn bitch how the fuck do I know company policy. Like fuck why ask a bunch of questions that you're going to train me on how to do.
Steal all of the cones.
THEN tell and employee.
i was answering hypothetically
you realize if you do a 360 your position has not changed right?
you got the job though right
r u serious
it a meme you dip
So is that.
Every single time. How deep does the meta meme go?
no i didn't ;c
getting a job is impossible with all the brown people being imported
Just walk away. Where the fuck do you think you are? Target?
You get someone to guard it to warn people not to fall in the new mess, and go and get someone right away to report it for cleanup.
No one gives a shit if you broke it yourself. Anyone could make an argument it was stacked wrong, you have butter fingers, etc. No one cares in the big box stores. What matters is you didn't leave it for someone to fall and break their hip and/or die when they hit their head on the way down. Simple falls are life changing for people. I'm not talking about lawsuits, which corporate of course wants to avoid, but being hurt ends people's careers, their lives, not even exaggerating. Report it and then leave.
Just gotta move my dude :p or fight for your land
this tbqh
there's also thousands of single mothers that have worked in grocery low skill tier jobs their whole life.
Every job requires you to compete with them. They'll also be managers so they'll hire their friends and their children instead.
My parents don't even bother trying to help. They only complain.
That is unless you count them texting me to say a place has a hiring sign up when I've applied there multiple times and once just recently.
>get asked a simple question
>sperg out and fail to answer it
>blame not getting the job on immigrants
yous a dumb ass bitch. I replied with something about cleaning it up and helping the customer.
i really don't understand people who walk into a puddle of liquid at a grocery store.
if the idiot is really blind or a retard, they wouldn't see a "WET FLOOR" sign. bitches be getting fucked at stores just to sue
i say, let em break their necks
the wet floor sign was invented to stop scammers from sueing
this obviously.
>My parents don't even bother trying to help.
What could they do to help?
Not trying to be a dick here, I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing. Plus I know some people who need jobs and if I can help them I will.
There are always retarded customers. I had an area I'd blocked off with carts and wet floor signs after I had mopped it and the fuckers push past the carts and still walk all over it.
As for OP you should always tell an employee because this . No one gives a fuck how it broke but they need to know there's an issue. I had a customer once who spilled her own soda that she brought into the store with her. Besides that what if it wasn't a spill but something glass that fell and shattered? I fucking hated filling out accident reports. It's a pain in the ass and takes time away from all the other shit that has to get done.
I "accidentally" drop things all the time at Target and Wal-mart. Those glass bottles of olive oil, honey and maple syrup? Whoops! I accidentally knocked them off the shelf!
Those jugs and boxes of laundry detergent? Oops! I accidentally threw it on the floor as hard as I can!
Powdered sugar? Salt? Baby powder? You name it, I have "accidentally" spilled it.
And the best part is some dumb wagecuck is going to pick it up for me while I continue shopping. I'm improving the economy by creating more cleaning jobs is the way i look at it.
i once knocked down an entire shelf of wine. glass and wine EVERYWHERE. couldnt even walk casually away. walmart employees just wanted to make sure i was as ok and not cut up, i was in flip flops. didnt have to pay for anything felt bad and was pretty embarrassed tho.
Lol epin dude
Park your cart next to the spill and go get someone who works there. Don't be a fucking walmart mongoloid.
wagies btfo
>Powdered sugar? Salt? Baby powder? You name it, I have "accidentally" spilled it.
ROFL. Good stories.
I would have no issue telling someone at Publix I broke something, but I would be tentatively worried at any other chain. I would still report it, act like I was only reporting something I found that was unsafe conditions, but I'd leave before any further discussions. It's a good lesson to remember you-breaka-you-buya signs in the back of your mind, and keep your hands off of items out of curiosity that you really probably aren't going to buy, if they are expensive. Don't touch. Ooo, new flavor of ____? If you don't need ______ that day, just leave it alone. Move along. Don't touch that endcap precariously stacked, or try to pull off something off a clip hanging in front of other things, go to the regular aisle location.
kys for being in florida
It's a little late now because they already fuckex up but they could have better prepared him to be an adult.
Yeah I dunno. Maybe doing literally anything would have helped.
I just rip open some toilet paper cases and dump them on the spill then continue shopping.
Dump some more of that shit on the floor and mock the wagey that gets sent to clean it up.
If someone sees me get an employee if not then walk away
Who gives a fuck about some faggot dying in Walmart
Wouldn't have picked it up to drop it in the first place.
I made a vow to not ever buy food at Walmart or Target when they first started selling produce a few years ago.
Newfag gtfo, one of the oldest memes in the book
Why are you buying bottles of juice to begin with, fatty? The reason so many people in America have the diabeetus is because they don't know what water is. Well, they do, but they think it's just for showering and flushing the toilet.
I'm so glad I wasn't born in a 3rd world country.
You are a good person and I hope you are appreciated.