Is it true?
Are drums better than flats?
Is it true?
Are drums better than flats?
about as TRUE as TRUE get
Only for fucktarded plebs. Flats are more tender, and you actually get more meat. Shortbuses just don't know how to eat them.
Flats are MUCH better. But I love the fact that no one fucking knows how to eat them, because more flats for me.
Flats all the way, baby.
Absolutely not. Overabundance of cartilage.
Flats are superior, fact.
people who think drums are better than flats are the ultimate food and wing plebs
>how to eat them
illuminate me, I beg of you
I want to not be frustrated with a bowl of half-flats
Flats, not even close
>Being this pedantic over high calorie snack food
Childhood is preferring the drum. Adulthood is realizing the flat makes more sense.
>Flats are more tender
No they aren't, why do people spout this lie?
Just peel the two bones apart and pull off all the meat.
You can pull out one of the bones very easily
Flats are easier to get the meat off
It's two bones. Just split them at the end.
It's true though.
Grasp the flat at each end. Twist until the bones split. Pull out one bone - if some meat's attached, eat it. Then insert the other bone with most of the meat on it into your mouth and suck everything off. You may have to spit out some cartilage, but so what? You're not eating wings to be Emily Fuckin' Post, here.
this is opinion.
I prefer delicious flats.
unironically thanking you
chicken wings suck in general. anything food that is more work than payoff is shit like eating a whole lobster
>eat flesh around bones
>push meat in between bones out with fingers
>eat said meat between bones
>crack open bones to really get in there
That's not even the right way to eat them.
This is even more totally wrong.
This is the correct way to eat them, but don't spit out the cartilage crunch that shit up, that's the best part
>not pushing the meat out with your tongue while staring at the Hooters girls
Jesus Christ, how have you survived this long without learning how to fucking eat?
Only the ones with a big hunk of grilled meat on them.
Hobokens are generally better than chimis.
this is how I eat them and why I hate them
RIP Maakies
>thinking I'm going to fall for this b8
no (You) for you
twist and pull
I prefer flats but drums have more meat.
There is no better since its all personal preference.
Tell me oh master how do you eat wings
>blocks your childish taste
>There are people on Veeky Forums that don't pinch the end of a flat, bite down, and slide the flat against their teeth, stripping the skin and using their tongue to disassemble the entire flat, drawing the meat and delicious cartilage inward while leaving the bones bare.
>They are trying to dictate how wings should be eaten.
Sweet BBQ wings are better anyway.
ITT: Contrarians
Drums are better. Because the bone is bigger you can get more marrow out of it.
flats are best and if you don't think so you are a little fucking kid
>more cartilage than meat 99% of the time
Yeah nah fuck off
Good post
But that's just the same thing except more of a pain to eat.
Just on one end, inset flat in mouth holding freed bone ends and pull letting your teeth and tongue remove 100% of the meat and skin, enjoy.
Am I the only one that grills their wings after deep frying and saucing? Its why i love flats. Can ge a pretty even sear on both sidea of the wing.
Flat is justice.
Is this the hot wings thread?
Why do you fucking retards call them flats? It's drums and wingettes you virgins
Because they're flat you fuck head
When i was literally a child, ike 12 years old i liked drums more. When i was a teen, i liked flats more. Now i just don't give a damn. Feels hard maturing earlier than most.
For flats I rip the cartilage off one end, remove the ulna, and eat the meat off the bone in one bite. I prefer flats.
>drums for children
>flats for adults
how about you all grow up and get with the best part of the chicken, the feet
When I was growing up I believed this to be true. Now that I'm an adult i have more mature and sophisticated tastes.
both are different aspects of the same wing
saying drums are better than flats is kinda like saying the holy spirit is better than jesus
You mean "peglegs"? Who here Long John Silver's, arrrrrrrrrrrrrr mateys?
But both parts of the wing actually exist...
Chicken wings and the little drumsticks are shit. "Boneless" wings (nugs) are superior.
does the meat on the wings exist
or are you just pretending to enjoy yourself while watching the big game™ with your friends and gnawing on bones coated with liquid peppers
>spit out some cartilage
Spotted the soyboy and/or gay.
nah it exists and it tastes good, you weirdo. not everything is a conspiracy. i bet you think everyone just "pretends" to like alcohol too
How the fuck are chicken wings work? You just bite them.
Both at the same time is better. A meal isn't complete without both.
>oh yesssss maakies
alcohol is the only thing that exists
>I'm so manly for paying for mostly bones
Admit it, eating bone-in wings stopped making sense the instant they stopped being markedly cheaper by the meat weight than chicken breasts.
>there are people on this board in current year who are actually too fucking retarded to insert the bone end of a flat in their mouth, suck out the bones and chamber them in their esophagus, launch them to opposite cheeks and use them as mouth-chopsticks/mandibles to daintily imbibe the succulent meats left in front of them
Just fucking stop trying.
The flat has always been better.
flats are better
but boneless is best
Like anyone’sgonna sit there and watch you snap vines in half like a goddamn lunatic
>boneless is best
Enjoy your tendies, you dumb fuck.
You have no idea what real food is.
I'll admit I like both. But, I'll also admit that I prefer whole wing "hot wings" versus separated wings.
Superior chicken coming through
Wings have no culinary value other than agressively making you forget the taste of the beer you were just taking.
You are one dumb faggot.
This thread isn't about the best parts of a whole chicken, it's about wings.
Nice 2004 callback bro
I know how to eat them but please someone tell me, how the FUCK do you dip a flat?
Only recently learned to the correct way to eat a flat
Love drums but won't waste a flat. I just really like dark meat.
Sorry, how about "You are one dumb fucknut"? Or "You are one huge fucking moron"? Or "You're about as sharp as a bowling ball"?
t. Only likes the skin of the chicken
is that a pic of donald trump naked? haha jk
Same way to dip a drumstick. Just because one side isn't thicker doesn't make it harder for you unless you have actual low functioning autism
>not boneless
haha jk!!!!!!!
clearly you don't know how to eat them if you are asking this question, who /meatumbrella/ here?
Drums are superior.
is this from a Stephen King novel?
flats. Always. Plebs don't wanna get their fingers messy.
flats are better. I understand the room for drums, but flats you get more meat out of, and are easier to suck down my gullet
Objectively worse in every single way.
patrician on every level
this guy fucks