ITT: Food related autism and habbits that you always do
I always eat pizza from the crust onwards, for some reason
ITT: Food related autism and habbits that you always do
I always eat pizza from the crust onwards, for some reason
I do a similar thing where I'll start the pizza from the tip until I have an equal amount of crust and pizza left, at which point I'll eat the crust and then fold and eat the remaining good stuff.
the only right way to eat it, desu
I eat salad at the end of the meal, not the start
I eat one or two bites of the tip of a piece of pizza, then swap to the corners of the crust, then alternate between the two until just a single bite of half crust/half pizza is left to eat
I like to eat the peanut butter first.
When I was a kid I'd eat these by separating a layer and eating them one at a time. The last waffle layer had to have the peanut butter on it.
everyone does this
Thats the proper way to eat them.
I do the same when its my last slice, always leaving the good stuff for the last bite.
>you are not going to eat that user?
Well nevermind then. Not today, autism... Not today.
I place my teeth on the edges of the bizcocho so that it separates into halves. It doesn't always work.
I don't microwave my hot pockets.
I wear disposable gloves when I eat wings
I often use toilet paper instead of napkins.
I wait months on end for girls who haven't expressed even the slightest interest in me, thinking they just need some more time to like me
And if my meal is made up of different separate stuff (like fries+veggies+meat) I eat such that I get it to equal amounts of each, and then take a bit from each part such that all parts are finished at the same time
I sometimes drink water while eating soup
I eat Hershey kisses by rubbing them against my front teeth and getting little chocolate shavings.
If I fuck up cooking something I will eat the whole thing right there even if it was meant for 4+ people. The worst was the time I made a steamed ham from a local farm. Turns out it was just a pork butt, not a cured and smoked ham like the recipe required. I spent the next hour eating an entire steamed, spiceless saltless hog shoulder
I ALWAYS overdo the amount of sauce and toppings when making pizza.
I don't know why, but what I put never looks like enough, and then when it's done I realize I've put on too much and the top port of the dought is not cooked through. This is one of my biggest failings in life.
last time i made steamed hams I fucked up so bad i had to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking
Damn that sucks. What did you get? Burgers?
Not really autism or a habbit and not really my proudest point, but i recently gave up and bought a huge pack of plastic disposable plates cos im too fucking lazy to wash dishes 2-3 times a day.
I just hide them when i have guests and use regular ones
If I'm at home I will absolutely not eat anything unless I have a show on my tv/computer to watch, even if I'm going to end up gobbling down whatever I'm eating in 1 - 2 mins
I bite the nipples off of pretzels and then use my saliva to semi digest the pretzel internal organs like a fucking fly before digging out the mush with my incisors.
same, i literally cant just sit on a table, doing nothing and just eat, dunno how people do it
sucks being so much of a slave to technology and modern entertainment, but i just need a screen infront of me while eating
>I always eat pizza from the crust onwards, for some reason
ITT: im le so quirky xDDD
thats more like being a germaphobe
Does anyone else watch food related videos when eating more often?
if I eat several stuff at kfc I always eat one item at a time (first fries, then wings, then tendies etc)
Aurora Borealis/10
I have this weird thing that I do where I use my teeth to chop and mash the food that I want to eat between my sets of teeth until its a mashed up paste, and then swallow it. Sometimes I'll pour liquids into my mouth and swallow them afterwards as well. I'm so weird!!!1
Except for dairy (butter and cream), I demand everything be as fresh as possible when I cook. Even check dates on the packaging and reach to the back of the grocery shelf to get the freshest stuff
a skeleton I know had this special food strategy where he'd prioritize the less tasty food and leave the good stuff for last so that he can be motivated ot eat it all.
so when he got a burger with fries he'd do the fries first.
Bet you thought your post was hilarious when typing it, you cringy redditor
I bet you thought calling me a cringey redditor would make me upset, you cringey 4channer.
I do the latter.
>t. fat dude
People like you are the reason we have so much food waste.
I freeze the bars and then spread peanut butter on top. Usually JIF Natural. It tastes so good...
Not my fault you fucks would rather dump clorox on expired food than give it to food kitchens and pantrys.
why not simply reuse the plate..?
yeah I dont get why idiots dont do that.
use one plate, maybe rinse it after eating on it and just use that one. dont take out multiple plates for your own ass.
>user buys disposable plates exactly cuz he's too lazy to wash his real ones
>durr why dont you wash your plastic plate
when i have a full english breakfast, i don't like the baked bean sauce to touch anything else and will sometimes use a chip or hash brown to create a barrier, whatever is most expendable.
I roll my pizza like a pancake and then eat it
I also always use garlic sauce for it
I eat corn from can with just ketchup and salt
what kind of thin pizzas do you eat that can be rolled?
I wash all utensils involved in the cooking process before sitting down to eat my meal.
Also eat the contents of my plate in order of preference from least enjoyed to most enjoyed, so the meal gets better as it goes on.
wouldn't grease go dripping everywhere and stuff falling out of the end if you roll it up?
Haha, yes.
I always try to queue up at least four food related videos when I make something to eat.
euro detected. I do the same.
I cut the first third of the slice at the tip, then pick up the rest, fold and consume. my co-workers nod knowingly - American detected.
>eat the contents of my plate in order of preference from least enjoyed to most enjoyed, so the meal gets better as it goes on.
i do this
watching people who put a bit of everything on their fork each bite makes me uncomfortable
when the plate has peas on and usually its fish and chips too so theres tomato sauce but if the tomato sauce touches even a single pea then all the peas are contaminated and cannot be eaten
i got over it now though, but at one time that would have made me puke to eat those contaminated peas
I often try to judge the amount of each food item. That way I know what I have to eat more of so that I'll end up with exact the same amounts in the end
i feel you
peas and ketchup is a disgusting combination
looks more like curry sauce.
anyway, i'm not so spergy about it that a mere picture will upset me.
>implying I don't buy only what I need
I hate wasting money just as much as I hate produce that's on the edge
Whats wrong with you? I would always blend my ketchup and peas. Still would.
On the rare occasions I get these, I eat them the same way I did when I was a kid. First I slowly eat the outer chocolate later, then I unroll the thing as I eat it.
ketchup outside gravy inside