Found out today that icing/glaze is just powered sugar mixed with milk.
Found out today that icing/glaze is just powered sugar mixed with milk
The cheap ones use water. What did you think it was?
Nice blog, moron.
I work at a donut shop and make our glaze with an additional special ingredient ;)
Cream cheese?
fried dough?
It's your bull's semen, isn't it
Why can't places sell plain donuts? No glaze, no powdered sugar, no filling, just a plain fucking donut
>he wants a cake donut but doesn't know it
have you tried asking for one?
most donut shops that make their nuts in store could probably figure something out
What kind of shit tier bakery do you get donuts from that doesn't make plain cake donuts?
>think cake doughnuts are the same as an uniced doughnut
please KYS
Cake donuts are different dough doe
Post what you think a plain donut is then.
we were having a clean thread and you just had to ruin it with your lewd shit huh
light fluffy texture of Krispy Kreme doughnut, minus the glaze.
cake doughnuts are dense... like cake.
yum yum donuts sells plain, unglazed donuts. i like them because they are crunchier than the glazed ones, which tend to be soggy if they're not fresh.
Post a picture of one
literally OP's pic... anyway, yeast doughnuts are lighter and fluffier than cake doughnuts which are dense/spongy
compare a slice of white bread to a slice of pound cake.
It's actually a pinch of vinegar, or lemon if you're fancy.
good lord jesus i can't wait for this meme to die out
I work at DD. You're right, they're great. I eat plain yeast rings all the time