Veggiefag with a question

What are some good recipes for making meat substitutes without using tofu?

Inb4 "just eat meat"

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just eat meat

just eat meat you waste of space
Or better yet just kys so you don't breed and spread your inferior genetics onto some poor kid who will resent you for the rest of his life


Just eat meat.

If you need to ask this question you are going to be nutrient deprived in some field or another. If you are hellbent on continuing down the delusion-road, look into tempeh and saitan.

spend a lot of money in the vegan aisle buying shit from morningstar and all that. meat substitutes have come a long way but you're going to pay for your lifestyle choice out the ass if you want to pretend to eat like a normal person

Just eat tofu.

gluten and TVP

Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I'm ready. And you're ready. It's my job.

Not a veggie fag. But I have good time substituting chicken with cauliflower. such as a buffalo chicken cauliflower.

a bagel is sorta like meat. eat that.

Why? I don't know what angle you're coming from, but I'm not a vegetarian. I also don't believe in eating highly processed shit. I do eat a lot of vegetables. The only thing I can think of that comes close to the taste and texture of within my parameters is a big old fat mushroom cap. Mushrooms are fucking great.

It would depend on the recipe and what you're hoping to achieve. Ask yourself what you really want. Do you want to replace the texture of a meat, like say chicken, to make a replacement dish that looks, tastes and mouthfeels like that chicken dish that you're trying to replicate? Or are you simply looking for another source of nutrient that you can find in meat? Like protein, B vitamins, iron, etc.

I mean, asking for a meat substitute just sounds like an alcoholic looking for a vice substitute, like cannabis or cocain. It's never going to work. Like vegetarian burgers, or low calorie chocolate, or low fat butter.
You need to change your whole lifestyle/diet instead of simply looking for a quick fix substitution ingredient. Because when you eliminate meat you're not just eliminating one thing that can easy be sustituted with another one thing.

At least that's how I see it.

you're a faggot

I'm not a vege but my roommate is and he has put me on a couple things that are actually good.

Field Roast sausages are so fucking good. get the choptle ones and chop them up with some mushrooms, fry them and scramble your eggs on top of that. great breakfast that.

Cauli Crumble is like a ground beef substitute but it's very delicious, nice mix of spices.


check out seitan/wheat gluten recipes! if you live in a place with a big grocery store, you can probably find a bunch of meat alternatives ("veggie crumbles," soy "tinders" etc) that'll work great in recipes in the place of meat in recipes.

Seitan (made by mixing vital wheat gluten and seasonings, with maybe a bit of chickpea flour mixed in to give it a nicer texture)
Mushrooms (chop 'em up however you want and put 'em into a stew or a stir-fry)
Beans (good for stews and soups)
I've seen some recipes that call for using lentils instead of ground beef, or chickpeas/white beans instead of chicken. I've even seen BBQ'd aubergine steaks. One of the weirdest recipes I've ever seen for veganized anything was a carrot marinaded in kombu and soy sauce, which was supposed to be some kind of smoked salmon-like imitation product.

>"veggie crumbles," soy "tinders"
Hahahahaha how do these people take themselves seriously?

it's almost like we like to eat food that has good taste and texture :)

OP literally asked for recommendations. so, OP, here's a good seitan recipe

do you know where you are

Seitan is delicious.

Also, once I had a lentil/chickpea burger and it was amazingly good and meaty.

also, try out a lentil ragu/bolognese!

Just eat meat faggot

There are plenty of dishes with vegetables, fruits, dairy or eggs that taste fine. Don't "substitute" shit for meat.

Textured vegetable protein, seitan, konnyaku, tempeh or falafel. I like mixing them to get desired texture.

>lol why do meatcucks kill animals
>how can I make my veggies taste like meat
If we weren’t suppose to eat animals, they wouldn’t taste so delicious.

I'm on my way to kill you. I bet your fatty ass is delicious too.

Fish is meat.

No fish is fish dumbass

Fish is meat and the pope doesn't speak for God.

Joke’s on you. I’m skinny with a flat white ass. I do enjoy a good fight tho.

For flavor: beans, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, and marmite help with the umami. Garlic and onion are good too.

For texture try seitan, tofu, tempeh, tvp, and all the processed frozen stuff from Morningstar and the like.