Pregnant diet

what do pregnant women eat while pregnant?

Other urls found in this thread:

Black men's cum

Black men's cum

Black men's cum

Who give a shit white boy? I already gone.

More babies.

folic acid and mifepristone

Cum from black men..?

What do pregnant women eat while NOT pregnant?

congratulations user, who's the father?


whatever their bodies tell them to, but they are known to crave foods rich in iron. Some of them end up licking metallic objects because of it

When my pregnant was pregnant, pregnant ate all the pregnant pregnant wanted.

I wanna read a story about a pregnant woman who eats other pregnant woman and uses them as fuel.

Ramp up your protein and fat rate, lower your sugar and carb.
Stay away from caffeine and herbal teas, only one that's okay is raspberry leaf tea. No booze.
Stay way from raw meats/fishes, make sure everything is cooked. Some fish is okay, smaller ones like sardines or fish that aren't predatory (like salmon).

Women can't get pregnant.

Or do you mean women (female)?


did you try to say that pregnant women can't get pregnant but you fucked up?

>black man have white cum

nail polish remover


blackbois btfo how will they even recover



according to a previous user she may need to be slathered in minerals

my pregnant asian wife is on a low-carb diet, because her glucose is high, because she's a bitch.