>dont usually like dipping my fries, but decided to try and buy this supposedly good sauce today
>its literally fucking mayo
>its not even a good tasting mayo
what a scam
ITT: Food scams
>He doesn't like dipping fries in mayo.
Not our fault you never watched pulp fiction
>doesnt like mayo with fries
get out
the point is, that i could just buy normal mayo if i wanted that, this is is quite literally mayo but advertised as soemthing else
I mean they're not wrong either -- mayo is the only correct french fry condiment.
Mayo with fries is disgusting you fat fucks
they are am*ricans, they literally eat fries and pizza with bread, dont mind them
yeah, or you could just buy normal mayo that costs twice less
But you can SQUEEZE it
>With bread.
>What is crust.
>>He doesn't like dipping fries in mayo
>Zhe's my fucking bitch of a fat ass sister who gorges on fat/salt/msg and smells like ass
>buying heinz
Fires are essentially the only thing mayo goes with.
Why not both?
>twice less
>what is half?
You know for a fact that mayo with fries is a European thing. I bet your'e some worthless braindead Australian shitposting cunt.
Dumb frog.
Are you trying to say it is only figuratively mayo? How would that be the case? Why would OP make his post if it weren't literally mayo?
how progressive.
What do you eat mayo with then you freak?
>he doesn't dip his fries in ketchup
Nothing, mayo is trash
Hey, guys.
>muh sriracha
Hello r*ddit!
>Holding strong opinions on the dipping sauces used with French fries
Pedantic autism.
that's some nice 'cha'chup user
>he doesnt dip his fries in bbq sauce mixed with hot sauce.
fucking reddidiot
>paying 500% more for this shit
>not buying ketchup and sriracha and then mixing them
be gone numale memster
kill yourself
Just so ya'll faggots know, fry sauce is basically a mix of mayo, mustard, ketchup, and pickle brine liquid. That's the general idea but there is a lot of variation that can be done. It's often what the "special sauce" at burger places is. So it takes about 5 minutes to make and you probably have the ingredients lying around. I would not buy it at the store because you can easily make your own better version quickly.
anything from heinz is low quality shit paste cheaply manufactured for mass profits with little to no care about flavor
Sriracha is the sauce of gods. Ketchup is only acceptable for fucking toddlers to consume. If you are an adult and still think ketchup is relatively decent you should seriously re-evaluate your childish tastes, and if you choose not to then keep wasting money on your shitty kids cuisines. Don't ever think you can pull a slick one on us. Deluding the superior flavor of fresh and ground red jalapeno chili peppers with watered down and died shit paste then you have many sickening mental illnesses.
I never usually say this but I think your kind of humour would be better appreciated on reddit
is your sister single?
Wait - why is the serving so small? If you're eating cancer anyway, why not at least enjoy it with a normal portion?
This burger/wing joint near me has barbalo sauce, buffalo and barbecue sauce mixed. Godly with fries.
the first time i was introduced to mayo and fries was definitely in europe, commonly streetfood
where are you getting this assumption, fries are eaten all over the world desu
>hey guys look at my shit taste
You really think i'm joking?
>haha amermuttz eat so much
>mayo on fries haha ammermut
>wait why aren't you enjoying more fries... n-not saying they're delicious or a-anything...
t. amerimutt