Is Haagen-Daz the best ice cream you can get at a typical grocery store in the states?

Is Haagen-Daz the best ice cream you can get at a typical grocery store in the states?

Living in Oregon we are one of the big craft everything place and we have a lot of much better ice creams in big chain grocery stores, let alone more boutique/upscale ones. I prefer big chunks of stuff so I lean towards Ben and Jerrys for the major brands, but density and quality arent rally the reason why. Shit when Im really feeling like just saying fuck it I get a Blizzard with like 3 times the toppings with a big one being these mini peanut butter cups and just scumbag my life away while my girlfriend looks at me with disdain.

The best widely available one? Probably. I have several better local brands that show up in near by grocery stores.

So generically? Yes. However check for local brands because you might get lucky and have a better one.

I live in Oregon too. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

Jesus fucking christ. If you fucking hate her then leave her, don't beat the shit out of her. I get she was a shit human being, but god damn.


Haagen-Daaz is top tier for sure. Butter pecan master race.
A better move, if you are lucky enough to live near a homemade ice cream shop, is to get their ice cream by the pint or gallon.

>when you come home and find the brownies a la mode unopened in the freezer

no pic to describe this ascendent feel



phish food is good but nowhere near as good as cherry garcia

Quit beating your wife user

They have fuck all flavours of it available in Australia but it is good. They're salted caramel is insanely good.

I haven't seen this pasta in a while

Does gelato count? Because you can get Talenti in any Walmart

never had it, is it expensive?

don't you need like a vice grip and dwayne the rock johnson to open that shit

it's $4-5 depending on which walmart you're at.

Only if you have baby hands. Ive never had issues

>not blue bell
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

In alaska, you can get fireweed and honey ice cream, which is the best ice cream that man has ever made
idk if you can still get it in stores tho, didn't see it last time i was there


its a toss up

This is the best one.

what does fireweed taste like?

i don't have adequate freezer space for all this stuff.

that's only in the south numbnuts

Vermonter here:

(((Ben))) & (((Jerry))) are horrible people who built a brand on the image of being "green" and "progressive" because they're aging hippies who donate to all kinds of liberal causes, but really their company is run just like every other big business and they get their milk from mega-farms that use illegal alien laborers who are treated like virtual slaves. And that was true even before the brand was sold to Unilever. They're the East Coast equivalent of Starbucks.

Their ice cream isn't as good as it used to be, either, IMO (but then I prefer smooth texture to lots of chunks, anyway).

Fair, I hadn't read OP's post as carefully as I thought I had. Move to the south OP, our Cookies n Cream is the best

pasta gave me a boner

Blue Bell is garbage compared to Haagen Dasz though. I don't know why you're even mentioning it.

If you didn't know, they sold it fuckin years ago and don't have control over the operation, which is why it actually functions as a national brand instead of a boutique operation by a couple burnouts. Did you really think a couple hippies could run something like that?

Did you miss the part where is said
>And that was true even before the brand was sold to Unilever.
I'm old enough to remember the era when they still owned it, BTW. They were a joke even back then. It's why no one here was surprised when they sold out.

Yes. Plebs need not apply

Talenti's quality has fallen off hard.

A typical Oregonian dilemma.

all trash with stabilizers that give it shit texture
never tried this but their website also shows guar gum and shit in it

Haagen dazs is the only national brand I've found that uses a traditional recipe without stabilizers, why is this?

for me

what is stabilizer

Rum raisin

Frozen Custard>>>>>> "ice cream"
Belfonte is my fav brand but that's local.
Häagen-Dazs sounds like a fucking Nazi salute or some shit

oregon is nothing but soy boys, doesn't check out

Try tasting them against each other sometime...

>Haagen dazs is the only national brand I've found that uses a traditional recipe without stabilizers, why is this?
Most likely because stabilizers make it easier to ship (you are less likely to ruin the product from temperature fluctuations).

Haagen-Daz doesn't hold up as well above 15F as the gum-thickened brands do, and if the distributor or grocery store isn't careful with the temperatures, they can easily ruin a pint with re-crystallization by melting and refreezing it. The gum-thickened brands usually very openly state that they add the gum thickeners to prevent this.

But of course, if you have a well-kept pint of Haagen-Daz, the classic ice cream recipe is still the best ice cream.

Haagen-Dazs originates actually directly off a home brand. The creator was the son of a woman that owned a really local ice cream company that was profitable for the time (30's and 40's), so when the 50's arrived and the big ice cream companies went on a price war by lowering the price as much as possible, he realized the best way to counter that was to take the original, true recipe, then sell it as a premium product, because that was an unexplored market niche and he knew how to do that stuff well. Hell, it's why the company is called Haagen-Dazs - it's trying to pass off as foreign for the sole purpose of seeming more fancy; the creator is a freaking Polish Jew that immigrated to America.

In short, it's because the only way Haagen-Dazs could survive in the market was selling itself as a premium product by doing the recipe properly when everyone was throwing the price way down and using many new chemical ingredients.
Ok, basically the traditional ice cream recipe is based around using cream, eggs and sugar and that's pretty much it, afterwards you add anything else such as vanilla or chocolate or what-have-you. To get more volume off ingredients, most companies pump air into it while mixing, which expands the volume considerably - except air makes it crumble really easily and can't stand on its own. So they need to add some form of stabilizer - in the original recipe this is left to the eggs, but the issue is that you pretty much need to get the egg to cream ratio right for it to work, so they can't add more eggs. Instead, they add something else to keep the thing from cumbling.

Crap, I have seen this same copypasta dumbass post on almost all of the chans now. Veeky Forums 'specially popular natch.
Bull manure.

Yeah I get why companies use stabilizers and their purpose. It just seems strange to me that haagen dazs is the only brand I've found with a traditional recipe. Even ridiculous $10/pint smaller brands at fresh market and whole foods use stabilizers.

IDK, corporate culture. Most people don't care, but I suppose that for the people at Haagen-Dazs it's kind of a matter of honor and how they built themselves up.

never gets old

ive done this. Haag is really basic tasting ice cream. It's good but it's not amazing. I like the Talenti because its creamier but nothing beats Ben and Jerry's. I'll picky cherry garcia over literally anything else everytime

Aldi's Specially Selected chocolate and vanilla ice creams only use eggs as stabilizers.

It's not the best, but it is pretty good. I like the rum raisin flavor. Haagen-Dazs is better than Ben & Jerry's, which is subpar ice cream loaded up with chunks and shit so hopefully you don't notice how bad it is.

Jeni's doesn't.

Yeah, fundamentally, these are all business decisions, and the price point vs. costs should be pretty favorable for any company selling a pint for over $0.50.

More importantly, most people can't tell the difference, because they don't really know any better. But if you are sensitive to mouthfeel, gum thickeners are really obvious and can be off-putting compared to the classic ice cream.

Which flavor(s) of Haagen-Dazs did you try? Their more extravagant flavors are still classic ice cream recipes!

It's also possibly not an entirely equal comparison, because gelato should have less air than ice cream (by definition), which would make it appear creamier when frozen. Perhaps the most equal comparison would be to let both melt somewhat (to lose the air) and then try them against each other.

I may also be biased because my grocery store regularly has Haagen-Dazs pints for $3, but the Talenti is never below $5 for some reason.

ive had all the classic flavors. It was all I would buy since I thought it was the 'good' ice cream growing up

>which would make it appear creamier when frozen. Perhaps the most equal comparison would be to let both melt somewhat (to lose the air) and then try them against each other.

Fucking what? Why in the world would you melt the ice cream to compare it? I'm never going to eat it in any other state than frozen

I said "melt somewhat" not "drink as ice cream soup." Think a soft-serve consistency rather than truly solid. This occurs around 32F, I would guess, since ice creams should be kept around 0-10F. A warmer temperature is also pertinent when you're eating it with something warm, like brownie a la mode.

seems like a pointless thing to compare if one thing is better than the other when they're both in their natural state. Most people arent going to differentiate between getting ice cream and gelato

Hello fellow Ohiofag. Jeni's is pretty damn good stuff. Shame it's so expensive, I'd eat it more if it didn't cost a billion dollars a pint.

And honestly, I still kinda prefer Graeter's. Grew up on that stuff, it's still my first ice cream love.

Nice work, she sounds like she deserved it. Hope she stays in line for good this time. If not, im sure giving her another round will do the trick.

like weed on fire

This copypasta is circulating real fuckin' quick