Fact. Argentina has the best meat in the world.
Enjoy your soyfed cows amerimutts.
Fact. Argentina has the best meat in the world.
Enjoy your soyfed cows amerimutts.
Other urls found in this thread:
>claim to have the best meat in the world
>cook it all well done
fact: argentina is in america. please consider achieving at least a middle school education before shitposting on my forums, thanks.
Looks like a complete shithole.
>argentina is in america
When will europoors learn 2nd grade geography?
i'm american
>Argentina is in America
Remember guys, Argentina is white!
Pedantry is not wit, be quiet child.
Oh, so you live in Argentina.
not all americans live in argentina you fuck
No, you're not. LARPing involves actually doing the things the user you're pretending to be does.
>Fact. Argentina has the best meat in the world.
Im not going anywhere near that shithole
>Argentina has the best meat in the world.
That would require you having actual food.
America is a continent.
>Veeky Forums
Fact: you outted thyself as a filthy redditeur.
You’re thinking of “The Americas”
reddit is a bbs, retard
Also kys fag
>worst bait ever
And yet I always imagine that there are 3rd worlders who actually believe this.
America is a country. You're thinking of "The Americas" which is the collective name for the continents of North America and South America.
There's only one american continent retards.
There's actually two, you inbred gypo.
>america is a country
You mean the United States of America right?
South and North are regions of the American continent. Fact.
Yes, see
This triggers the sudaca.
Oh, yes, the mighty Eurasian continent right?
Edited. Deleted this false information. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Here's a question, what do you call Mexico?
you realize they're just going to revert it, right?
ITT: Buttblasted amerigoys being salty because their meat is shit and America is a continent.
I'd wager that any drumpftard dumb enough to consider North America "the American continent" probably imagines that it's Mexico all the way down once you cross the southern boarder.
Argentina may have good meat but they burn the shit out of it for some reason. Stick to tacos, Paco
Argentina doesn't even have that great of meat. Most of it these days is corn fed in shithole factory farms - I'm pretty sure to an even higher degree than in America.
Mexican meat is better, Argentina is full of cucks
Leafland has the best meat. It’s indisputable.
TFW Kamchatka is more 'Murican than South America, tectonically speaking.
My god... Trump really is helping Americans...
>all the idiots replying can't understand the fact that America is a continent, not a country
God-tier comment user, good to see there are a bunch of shitheads in here.
Proven: the USA does not understand geography. First we learn they have no sense of humour and take even the silliest thing dead serious, now this. What next?
Where are you from
we do but we export the best and we keep the rest around here to eat
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say hit us again and finish the job.
In the book he was from the Philippines. His mother died because she was on vacation in Buenos Aires. It’s a great fucking book, one of my favorites.
Why is there 2 Pacific plates?
How fast was that meteorite going anyway?
Thousands of times the speed of light, right? Shouldn't it have annihilated the planet?
I need to read the book. Sounds great.
It really is great, pretty short too.
Buenos Aires was an inside job.
That honestly sounds like the most logical explanation, yes.
It's been something like 20 years since I read the book but I'm pretty sure the bugs were established to have some real tech including FTL in that.
In the movie, which was entertaining but shat all over the source material because Verhoeven is a leftie cunt, they apparently just toss the thing across the galaxy.
It would make sense that the Earth Govt. did it themselves to start the war but why have a scene with a meteor coming out of the quarantine zone headed towards earth and hitting one of the human space shits in that case?
>Live in Argentina
>Get home
>My screen door has been stolen
>Smell sizzling meat from next door
>It's that fat shit neighbor again
Steal my screen door again and I'll shoot you you fat shit!
Cringe. That literally makes no sense nor is it funny. If anything, having meat would be a requirement to have certain dishes.
its so good it stays tender and flavorful when cooked to that point
thats because they paid niggers to get on a bus and drove them there so they could break shit and not let anyone work the whole day
>3rd world shit hole
>full of niggers
>best at anything / cheat at everything
How does it compare to say a nippon kobe or balnahard luing ?
I guess that would explain it
The book was great.
chili is better than argentina
There's three, you dimwit.
There ARE, dimwit.
Maybe learn the language first.
As far as cooking methods goes, Argentina is pretty good. The best actual meat I've had is from Japan & Australia.
What language? American?
I think Veeky Forums tends to have one of the lowest gathered IQ's out of all the Veeky Forums boards because of the high number of female posters here.
Notice how they try to act real tough and gangster like they are men, its pretty cute.
English I would expect.
Three is more than one so using the plural "are" does seem more reasonable to me than the singular "is".
Feel free to correct me, though, if you can.
the bugs didn't send the rocket brainlet.
>not reading the rest of the conversation
Nah. Cooking is an intelligent hobby. It takes time, dedication, practice and some low skill-floor skills that have an extremely high skill-ceiling.
/pol/ is obviously the lowest IQ board. I guarantee by simply saying this, the outspoken /pol/lards will, instead of arguing, just post raeterdid.jpg and adhom.
Having a political view and a keyboard takes zero IQ.
My cat fucking hates water and can walk across my keyboard and speak his mind about it. Every /pol/fat was given a political view in their early teens by friends and family.
Point being, my cat would type a higher IQ post than 90% of threads that have ever been posted in /pol/.
English isn't your first language is it?
You are just as bad shitter.
u r gay
>mfw my post was more intelligent
English is for faggots
Don't forget bubble and squeak.
>This thread
>Amerimutts can't into geography
Not surprised desu
Nice trips
Wish something good was said but nope.
I like to pretend South America doesn't exist
trips+doubs don't lie fagtron.
they sure know how to do some good meat on a stick
Los Estados Unidos de Abominaciones y goblinos
no one cares about your grass fed meme meat hipster
>the mighty Eurasian continent right?
Yes? Eurasia is the continent, Europe is a subdivision .
El Goblino
When will Americans break 20 IQ?
Central America. Not him btw
i would so hate having no chest hair
This is a shit meme.
And you wouldn't hate having a 60 pound gut?
>this is /int/'s White Latin America