The best chip
Real men agree
First taste that hits you is a mild salt and vinegar, followed by a sweet BBQ taste. Every once and a while you get this cool sensation. A very complex flavoring for a potato chip.
I’ve only had it taste like sea salt and vinegar =[
This is indeed the best chip flavor. Good job.
I wish I could find these here in the Northeast. The only grocer that I knew carried them went out of business a few years ago.
They're so fucking good I might just overpay to have them shipped to me.
Heretic, Funyuns are the supreme chip.
They're good, but salt and vinegar are easily number 1
chips make my tummy hurt. i think its because theyre too crunchy. english chips are nice and soft and go down fine
I started breaking out in hives from these but they tasted alright
>Not Crawtators
I bought a bag but I don't remember if I actually ate it or not because I have no recollection of what it tasted like
Was it really so forgettable?
Step aside, chiplets
Das rite. Taste's like butter and salt; delicious.
Muh nigga.
The black peppercorn ones are bretty good too.
hard to find in sf bay area. only one store, chavex mexican, carries them. really sublime taste.
if you can't get all dressed chips you live in a shithole.
Thank God Wawa carries both of these brands
Jalapeno is the best flavor
huh...I don't think anyone's actually posted a bad chip yet. I need to keep reminding myself to only visit Veeky Forums threads with less than thirty posts, it usually helps keep the idiots away
They're in pretty much every Wawa