Unironically eating egg whites

>unironically eating egg whites
What the actual fuck? Can someone explain this meme to me? They literally taste like nothing, or at worst like concentrated cum. Why the fuck would you ever not eat the yolk, the actually flavorful part?
>inb4 muh cholesterol
Don't fucking eat eggs then, you weak pathetic soyboy.

>They literally taste like nothing

>at worst like concentrated cum
When you've drank that much semen ofc it's gonna taste like that.

why do you know what cum tastes like faggot

but cum is delicious!!

This, your mum confirmed it.

she lied, wouldn't have been born otherwise.

Just another soy boy thing

It's good brotein

get your taste buds fixed, moron

Muh cholesterol tends to be the biggest reason, and muh fat. Buzzfeed regulars still think both are terrible for you despite those studies being four decades old and dozens of new studies suggesting otherwise.

too much cholesterol in the yolks

>calling people who are eating concentrated animal protein soyboys

So what if I can still kick your fathers ass then I will own you tool bag. I can fuck I can beat your face in and have drink as 2 litres of whole milk a day.

Mother fucking soyboy not eating the egg whites

The good news is that the types of people who read Buzzfeed might die early.

People do it for the macros not the taste. Lots of protein for very little calories.

I agree with your general point though, the yolk is what makes eggs worth eating. Runny yolks especially are the best. Brotein powder in water is superior for low calorie brotein, I can live with the fact it's not whole food/"natty"/unprocessed/however the fuck you'd define it.

The future is looking brighter every day.

>unironically eating egg whites
>Why the fuck would you ever not eat the yolk
eating egg whites is not the same as not eating the yolk, user

Triggered by your own mantits?

if you don't get your cholesterol you get alzheimer's, you should be eating 6 eggs a day nigger

If you've never tasted your own you have the intellectual curiosity of a brick.

Because they taste like concentrated cum of course.

Hard boiled egg whites were a big part of my diet when I wrestled.

>tasting your own cum is "intellectual" curiosity
It's culinary curiosity at best

>muh joe rogan podcasts!!!

Millenial retards are the only one who think valid science is somehow invalid because years have passed by

Fucking retard

bit heavy on the assumptions m8

You do realize that perfectly legitimate, valid science can still result in erroneous interpretations/conclusions, right?

'unironically', 'meme', 'literally', 'soyboy'

This is a food that has been around a lot longer than you.

I hate millennials.

>dietary cholesterol has not been proven beneficial through several dozen studies
>the basis of fat being bad wasn't the result of falsified and misinterpreted "studies" backed by the people trying to push low fat foods and carbs from sugar
>dozens of recent studies, using modern technology and tests, have not shown that everything you've been clinging to for the past few decades has been wrong

Probably also thinks that anthropogenic activities aren't affecting global climate, ecosystems, and species.

You're a savage cunt mate. I have a fair idea of the taste judging by the smell but I wouldn't put that shot near my mouth. You gay or something?

>global climate
That one is true tho...


> like concentrated cum
thats because ur eating ur mums pussy eggs after i fertilized them

if you've never sucked another mans cock then clearly you are a small minded fuck who is afraid of learning new things

Shameful, singular "pff" to that one.

I have peak cods and can have your body and will crap out you fucking pussy.

>Not maxing your protein intake by drinking your own cum

Fuck you, concentrated cum is delicious. Gays are the most powerful people on earth. Remember this.

If you don't hang yourself right now you have the intellectual curiosity of a brick,

they have protein

you know outside of america people actually have basic knowledge of what to eat

Yeah, basically. Those without experience haven't a leg on which to stand.

>reading comprehension
I think that user agrees with you

I mean this is true
>anthropogenic activities aren't affecting global climate

why is eating the yolk or the white mutually exclusive to you? what did your parents do to you?

I like the taste of egg whites, and don't like the taste of yolks.

I use the yolks for other stuff, like making hollandaise sauce, or if I'm around dogs, scrambling the egg yolks and feeding them to them. What's the big deal?

>or at worst like concentrated cum
speaking from experience?

Slightly on topic, but whats the verdict on those bottles/cartons of egg white?

>concentrated cum.