COORS LIGHT: "almost" as good as piss

COORS LIGHT: "almost" as good as piss.

ah, American beers, why u so suck? u embarass uself.

>singling out coors light

>amuricans drink piss
this idea is exhausting
let people drink whatever they want

>bud lite lime straw-ber-rita
Humanity's lowest point yet.

Not a huge fan of light beers, but regular Coors is pretty refreshing ice cold on a hot summer day.

>this silly picture is factual

>not drinking your piss

Get with the times, man.

If I were American I would want to be a comfy High Life drinker. It seems pleb in a pleasant way.

Yuengling is the only acceptable beer on this list, and only on tap.

It's pretty good. It does have a more prominent corn flavor, I think, than does Pabst, but I enjoy it quite a bit if it's not too warm.

I know this is bait, but I always enjoy talking about beer.

Most Americans definitely drink low tier easy to drink beer. This is a fact, a lot of beer like bud light is culturally engrained into american life. For a long time after prohibition there just werent many options for beer. So yes, when you consider how many people live in america and what is "Normal" for them to drink when it comes to beer, bud/coors/miller is the drink of choice.

Today there are a TON of very high quality craft breweries. Places like Minnesota have a wealth of top tier breweries making all kinds of interesting and varied beers. Young people especially are leaning in this direction.

As for european beer snobbery; there are for sure some great european beers. I've spent enough time in Germany to know this. I also know that european beer history is equally a drawback. It can get to a point where every Kolsch or Hefeweizen tatses nearly the same as the next. Before you sperg, yes I realize there are exceptions that blow that statement away. You should realize the same about american beer.

Pic related is an extremely popular but somewhat overrated craft brewery

Wtf I thought Yuengling was a Chinese beer. Turns out it was literally some white guy who started it.

>he doesn't brew his own beer

>German brewer David Gottlieb Jüngling (1808–1877) immigrated to the United States in 1828 from Aldingen, a suburb of Stuttgart, in the Kingdom of Württemberg. He anglicized his surname from Jüngling to Yuengling and began the "Eagle Brewery" on Center Street in Pottsville in 1829.
he accidentally a chink

post the coala with the leaf

The whole point is that it's cheap and alcoholic

America makes the vast majority of the worlds good beer even if the foreign owned top selling beers aren't good. The most popular beers in literally every country besides Belgium and Ireland are bad (and even Guinness is way below average for the style, its just such an inherently better style than the most popular beers elsewhere)

FACT: Pennsylvanians are the most powerful race

shittiest meme on earth

Drink real beer

>The most popular beers in literally every country besides Belgium and Ireland are bad (and even Guinness is way below average for the style, its just such an inherently better style than the most popular beers elsewhere)
Actually the most popular beers in Belgium are trash, they have great specialty Trappist ales and the like but the most drunk beers are shitty adjunct lagers like Jupiler and Stella.

I think it's like that everywhere. The common generic choice is inoffensive lager, and it's Central Europe that is the best at making those.

don't get the point of 'lite' lagers personally, would rather drink some cider if I want something refreshing and crisp

t. bong

>tfw only buy miller lite

I enjoy it and theres nothing you can do about it

Because they're made for hicks who want volume not quality. Making it as watery as possible is good for them to knock back between rounds of bandwagoning NFL teams.

Why not just buy regular Miller and dilute it?

Because it's not the same

>Great beer
The beers cheap and usually pretty ok. But fuck, reinheitsgebot stifles beer creativity so much. Something marketed as beer in Germany can't (outside of a very specific list of beers) allow dry-hopping, ingredients other than malt, hops and water at any stage, souring, etc.

There are good beers in Europe. You can find micros in Germany but they're not hugely popular due to the law and it's effect on public opinion. Belgian trad beers are solid. Prague has a good craft scene. The UK has been making some amazing real ales since CAMRA came about to fight the macros (80s?). Beer is innovating all across the world. There is more to craft beer than the West coast and Midwest.

it's the fourth most popular beer, you seem to be in good company
I dislike it

B-...but C-Corona is okay... right?

>reinheitsgebot stifles beer creativity
Horseshit. It does not in anyway prevent a brewer from brewing different styles of beer not in accordance with the purity laws, he just cannot call it beer. If Germans had an ounce of creativity instead of being logical robots, they could come up with a name for those beer styles that poked fun at the law itself.

>muh strawberry oatmeal beer

never change amerifat

Corona is the beer for people who drink 4 times a year and when they go out they want a "party beer"

Americans have the best micros in the world.