Hi Veeky Forums...

Hi Veeky Forums. I have a final project in Computer Aided Design and we're supposed to design and 3D print a kitchen tool or utensil. Ideally, it should be something novel and solves an existing problem with cooking or eating. An example of a problem could be people don't know how to hold chopsticks, and a product to solve that might be spring-hinge connected chopsticks.

What problems has Veeky Forums faced in the kitchen that needs solving?

I hate it when food sticks to my knife.

Like when you're slicing veggies and the water in them makes them stick? So the solution would be to coat knives with a water resistant coating. Not a viable product in CAD brah.

Sounds like they just want you to design some unnecessary bullshit.

School is all just one giant unnecessary bullshit.

Is that you?

But that assignment is quite literally unnecessary bullshit.

Build a camping knife designed for eating fruit without a plate. Go slice a fruit like a pear or apple and see how the fruit slices stick to the blade. That's generally how i eat fruit while camping, since i don't like biting into hard fruits. Sometimes the fruit slips off thw blade if i move it to fast while cutting, find a way to fix that while making the knife shorter. It's a unitasker by design, but i'm sure the shape will have other applications.

yes ;)


Just find some weird chinese shit on Banggood, Gearbest, or AliExpress and copy it (not exactly obviously) if you're desperate for ideas.

Sounds like a shit final project if you're in college to be honest, kitchen gadgets really aren't that complex

who the fuck cuts vegetables like that? retarded ass bitch roastie whore

I'd stuff her loins, if you know what I mean.

Put holes in the knife and say you're saving material while conserving material strength through triangles.

That and sliced product won't stick.

show bobs and vagen

Design a more efficient cheese grater.

don't think coating, think texture

combination buttplug / waffle iron

telescopic rolling pin

You know what I hate? Knives are only half efficient.

A bladed end and a dull end. WASTE OF MATERIAL, SHIT.

Why can't one side be meat slicer and the other bread corrugated?


At this time, I am working on adding a third dimension, but the molecules aren't stable enough.

Make a reverse colander where only the big stuff falls through and the liquid is left behind

Does camping shit apply? You could look into some sort of canteen system with utensils (or one that's multi-sided) that fit together in some neat compact way.

For home kitchen you could do some sort of neat cutting board, maybe with a trough a la pill sorting tables to more easily scrape and funnel minced things into another container.

Other weak ideas:
>Double-edged knife so there's no wrong way to hold it
>pot lid with some sort of way to store the stirring spoon instead of just having to stick it on a counter beside (thus making a mess)
>Salt and Pepper shaker in one device as opposed to seperate shakers, maybe have a sliding door so when one is opened the other isnt with the option to open both at the same time (who doesn't use both simultaneously 90% of the time?)

It's a cad project, not mat sci.

Most cans have the same circumference. Howbout an instant can opener that's just a circular punch?


I want to insert my ERECT PENIS into that person's VAGINA

In 6th grade we had a similar assignment. We had to invent a new better way to eat spaghetti and demonstrate it in front of the class. I just made a bulldozer out of legos and plopped the spaghetti on my desk and put my mouth on the edge of the desk and bulldozed it into my face. I wish i was kidding.


>what is putting a bowl under a normal colander alex


It’s a trap dude

That's why xhe said "person", shitlord.

You’re an idiot for taking his colander post seriously.

>implying that isn't better

who in the fuck grips their knife like this?

I wish she was really fat. She'd be perfect.


Nice idea but that's going to make the hilt really non-ergonomic.

I do it if I don't think about the way I'm holding the knife, I dunno if it's because the knife is somewhat dull or if the handle feels bad.

It isn't the worst grip, honestly. That's a utility knife, not a chef's knife. Pinch grip isn't comfortable.

Her grip just needs to be a little closer to the blade.

make a collar that shocks old ladies when they use a freakishly small paring knife to cut onions

Flexible, springy steel spine epoxied to the pusher offer, embedded down the inside top of the handle condom. Available in smooth and ribbed (for her ergonomic pleasure).

Cross section of plastic pushy thing and Z-bend in springy steel wire thinger to offset from blade.


I was thinking more like this for the cross section. If it's only on one side how do you make it flush to the face of the blade?

Hm, yes! I changed my mind about the Z-bend in this case. Like this, a flat, rectangular hole for a simple strip of spring steel would work more better. Also, I started thinking about how sticky cheese is and added silicone squeegee wiper blade strips!

Could be improved further by making the action linear instead of rotational (chopping close to the handle is going to have really high resistance).

That said, would buy/10.

How to do that so it's not too complicated or expensive? Ok, so flat spring steel strip can be secured on knife point end with simple fold over bend. Arc bend at fulcrum relives a possible stress point. How to linear force?

Blue bar sits on top of the knife, connected to the squeegee by springs on both ends.

Hm. Re-cross section the gondola for this. More rigidity is probably needed.


You can run a rigid steel bar through the core of the blue plastic thingy.

Blue bar needs to be a rigid piece of steel or something so it doesn't bend up at the opening of the knife handle onahole. Or plastic with some kind of reinforcement grid trusses.

Is she chopping vegetables with a steak knife?

I-beam! Hey, is OP even here? Are we just drawing stupid kitchen gizmos for ourselves?


Ok. Revised cross section to allow glue-less slide in of pre-made wiper blade squeegees.

OP was a faggot anyway. I'm only here to refine the design so that it's optimal when I 3d print it for myself.

As always, I suppose. I'm just fucking off avoiding doing work.


10/10 user

Phil go back to /k/


this is going to be unhygienic and a pain to clean.

you've obviously never held a knife if you think that'll work

>I want my fruits to stick to the knife
>I hate food sticking to my knife
I kek'd.

My suggestion would be to make a knife that only sticks to food sometimes, because I like to be surprised

How about a butter bell that's actually shaped like a stick of butter.

For stock