Whats in your underground bunker for when holocaust II hits? I have a lot of fruit it should last me a while

Whats in your underground bunker for when holocaust II hits? I have a lot of fruit it should last me a while.

A noose

nothing, i don't have a underground bunker.
when doomsday hit, i'm going to stand outside and wait for my blissful death while smoking a cigarette.

I'll have the strongest bones of all the survivors.

>when holocaust II
>holocaust II
which was the first one btw?

I'm white so I won't be hiding.

>I have a lot of fruit it should last me a while.

When have you ever seen fruit last "a while"?

dehydrated/freeze dried double vacuum packed. shelf stable for months or even a few years

There was a first holocaust?

I'm a weirdo that likes MREs so I have a case of them that I rotate out regularly.
In most situations, you only need a week or two of food tops, anything longer and you're looking at "full societal breakdown" situations where you'd be fucked anyways


Yes, but, some of these natural disasters in the recent past have turned out to be logistical nightmares for infrastructure repairs. I think a month of supplies is reasonable preparedness in places where hurricanes hit. Actual wartime doomsday scenario prepping is pretty unrealistic and impossible for most people though. I might just go watch the pretty colors with



based magapede BTFOing anti semites back to rreddit

I've got wall to wall deenz
just because the world is over doesn't mean I can't still enjoy a cheeky can

Western civilization won't end with some massive nuclear war; it'll be a nice societal breakdown where governments, police forces, and other institutions start to lose power and everyone fends for themselves. So, instead of hoarding food and water, we have guns. We can use those to take all the food and water we need from all the dumbasses ITT.

seems like a good theory but please cite your ass next time you spout it... save us all some time

Cite what? It's all speculation.

this is the correct answer
peace be upon you, deenz lad

This guy gets it

Pork and shellfish because I'm not a stinking Jew

>holocaust 2
Why would I need a bunker? I want to get in on the Jew killing!

What if white people are the ones being hunted by the superior black race?

>What if white people are the ones being hunted by the superior black race?

Too late for hypotheticals, don't you think?

>tfw never seen a black person irl
thax god.

>What if white people are the ones being hunted by the superior black race?

Then white people will still have to apologize to the niggers for forcing the poor mindless blacks to be violent murderous savages.

This. Flyover cities have all been slowly taken over by niggers. Only developed places left in America are the coasts, but they're all going to shit too.

>What if white people are the ones being hunted by the superior black race?

lol @ "what if"

Welcome to Memphis, Cleveland, St. Louis, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chiago, Detroit, etc, you sheltered faggot. This is the real world, white bitch.

>tfw they all expire before you drink any

very nasty cities, inhabited by very nasty people. pls die.

by bunker, do you mean 'tomb'?

once you've been killed, your bunker would actually be a giant can packed with cans packed with sardines.

i second that.

Whoa .. mindblown.

The beauty of UHT milk is that it has a six month shelf life, though what you're seeing there is barely more than one month's supply so I'd eat it all long before it's expired.

But on the off chance that I have to spend a few months in hospital or jail then I can always enjoy a nice warm milk bath if I like.

A co-worker still has shit survival food he bought for the Y2K scare. He sold nearly everything he had and bought everything marketed by the Y2K fear mongers. Nothing happened. Wife is ultra pissed about missing 401k and other assets. Made him sell all his survival shit and guns under threat of divorce. Makes him eat shitty survival food 2-3 times a week. He is massively and permanently cucked.

i've got some bitcoins stashed under my bed

What if the real apocalypse was the friends we made a long the way

What bothers me more than people who overreacted is how many people today now think there was no such thing as the Y2K bug. They don't realise it was a real problem which was fixed.

Truly, the highest melanin answer.

there was no such thing

there was a problem, and it was fixed
nearly every computer system on the planet was updated with fresh firmware

fish duh

