ITT: foods that only soyboys like
ITT: foods that only soyboys like
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I don't think his mouth is big enough. Can we make it bigger?
Put a nintendo switch in front of him.
Fuck off it's a cross board meme now
This. It's how part of Veeky Forums culture to limit cross contamination from reddit
"soyboys" dont even exist
hard to see past your own nose isn't it
The 'soyboy' is a legitimate modern phenomenon in more developed countries, particularly the west. Not saying it's soya that's causing it but stop getting so triggered about people shitting on a legume.
the fact remains that you are a retarded faggot and you need to get back to your containment board and goddamn stay there this time
complete non argument
>hurr how dare people like what i dont like!
if that helps you sleep at night..
It is scientific fact that soy does not have any measurable developmental effects on the human body
"soyboys" literally dont exist outside of /pol/tards imaginations
Generations of excessive soy consumption is the reason why Asians have the lowest sexual dimorphism (Flat women with fridge-like bodies and men with weak masculine features), why Asian males have the smallest testicular volume (and penis) size, and et cetera
Mummy binging with babish, rick and morty and nintendo now mummy pleeeeeeeeeeease!
If you have a scientific source to back it up i'd be unironically very interested in seeing it
>hurr i dont like thing, how dare other people like thing!
you're pretty pathetic my dude
Damn I'd suck his dick
Says the soyboy
obsessing about masculinity on a female majority board makes no sense you cuckquean
>female majority board
citation needed
honestly, has anyone ever done a Veeky Forums survey?
Well the facts are all true (e.g. concerning lowest testosterone in East Asian male and lowest test. volume). The causation is not clear though. Their soy consumption is just one of the most conspicuous differences in habit, so it was singled out.
Studies I found only show little to no significant effect of soy on males, but I expect these small effects accumulate over hundreds to thousands of soy consumption (Result= Current Asian men).
this might be the single laziest excuse for a photoshop i have ever seen, neck yourself at once my man
*hundreds to thousands of years of soy consumption
Your favorite food
dont project user
>but I expect these small effects accumulate over hundreds to thousands of years of soy consumption
No way to actually prove it though, so its all conjecture at best. Nonetheless an interesting idea.
Yes, it's only a theory. An "accumulation" theory is hard to actually test on humans. Maybe test it on many generation of soy-fed mice. I don't know.
I guess those guys really like meat chili
>that weebbum
is that supposed to stretch and decompress the neck after doing neck work just like you'd hang from a bar after deadlifting?
I believe it was a chocolate fountain but someone likely poured water into it and now the chocolate is seizing
regular milk contains multiple times more estrogen that soy milk (thats also animal estrogen, not plant estrogen)
its ridiculous how far the soyboy thing has come considering its only basis is in the idea that vegetarians are effeminate, and in people wanting to confirm the bias that they can judge someones diet by the way they look
Is the high level of estrogen in milk a recent phenomenon (due to modern feed and hormone shots) or is this natural?
Also the phytoestrogens found in soy are found in most if not all beans and seeds
All milk contains certian levels of hormones, including but not limited to estrogen. It varies by species but it is natural.
Well I know estrogen is natural in milk. I just heard that the level increased during the past few decades due to hormonal shots done to cows and modern feeds
it might have been made worse with hormone changes, but milk has always come from pregnant cow tits, dude
again, it probably doesnt matter because theres very little proof that your body can take estrogen from your digestion and turn it into human estrogen. thats not really how the endocrine system works
There is not much evidence to suggest that estrogen levels have changed significantly from things like hormone shots.
However, many dairy cows nowadays are kept constantly pregnant to increase milk production, which does in fact increase estrogen content in milk. These higher levels are completely negligible though, and have been found to have no negative affects.
Board culture is dead, newfags won.
>Board culture
Last time I checked people can post in multiple boards and crossposting was legal since forever. Every board was founded by """"newfags"""".
Soyboys is a stupid fucking meme but not gonna lie it's pretty funny how they make that exact fucking fake smile open mouth face every time
>this is your brain on memes
Every meme, no matter how stupid, is usually born from a grain of truth.
Forgive my ignorance but how is the soyboy meme more related to /pol/ than it Veeky Forums or even Veeky Forums?
Ever since "cuck" fell out of favor, "soyboy" has been the new go-to insult on /pol/.
Is it exclusive to /pol/? Did it originate on /pol/? Why is it /pol/ more than Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums?
Please don't make me repeat the question.
>/pol/ unironically believes in lamarckian evolution
I don't fucking know, don't take the internet so seriously
I thought it was a /v/ meme cause of the switch.
It came from Veeky Forums then /pol/ took it. Like they took cuck from /v/ iirc
/v/ just embraced it wholeheartedly because the console wars are raging on right now.
It started on Veeky Forums as just "soy makes you weak and effeminate" but /pol/ quickly adopted it and twisted it to the current meme, which isn't really accurate. Bugmen is a better term for the gaped mouth faked smile that these numales do.
/pol/ made both big though, it's pretty much their shit meme. Not even a containment board hinders them, the cancer of this site.
>right now.
It's always raging on. It's a never ending shitstorm of fanboys defending billion dollar corporations who couldn't give a fuck about them.
I guess what I mean by "right now" is that it seems particularly fierce at the moment. Not that console wars haven't always been a thing, but the Switch vs. PS4 arguments seem to get particularly angry. Though that could just be my memory failing.
Thank you.
middle eastern master diet confirmed
Fuck off and kill yourself
Really? Been more than a year but I remember reading the opposite, that the constant extremely high estrogen levels in milk cows reflects in the milk hormone levels (significantly). Do you perhaps have the source for your statement?
this, fucking end your life retards
This meme again
Not an argument
That's a hardcore chriopractor
The biggest one? Eating vegan foods when they're not vegan, just to virtue signal that they're eating vegan food
I can see it being a good meme on Veeky Forums. Why does /pol/ have to systematically ruin everything about this site?
Whatever you say soygoy.
Looks like he shaved but still not that well
i see what you did with that 218x223 resolution.
tiny baking was alot better when it was just a lonely jap man living in a shack having fun, now its a meme thats shit
Looks like the food RoboCop eats
>all the mad soyboys ITT
What the fuck happened to Veeky Forums
It's fun to play with your daughter. I had mine last weekend and introduced her to it, and she loved it. The first weekend I had in a very long time where she didn't ask to go back home before the end of her visit.
>soyboys don't exi-
>that dead stare
>that soy grin
>those unmanly features
Holly baby jesus, these fucks are unnerving.
He can scare anyone with that stupid face of his
oh no the wrath of the soyboy truly is a fearsome spectacle
the problem is worse than we thought
See drumpftard.
>muh drumpf
soyboys aren't exclusively american fag.
Is this what ‘prepping the bull’ is?
wow you showed me limpwrited fag
i'm emotionally devastated but I should recover because my hormones are in balance
cupcakes that try to force memes
well-done steaks
Stop Parker posting
t. literal soyboys
this was a Veeky Forums meme originally you tool