Have you got yours yet lads?
Have you got yours yet lads?
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The meme is actually from Rick & Morty, not reddit.
Exactly. Go back.
>Reposting pics from earlier when you don't get enough (you)s
Sad, really.
Tfw you eat so much McChickens™ that your intelligence is too low
Shit sauce, from a shit "restaurant", inspired by a shit show with a shit fanbase, leads to shit posts on Veeky Forums. Who would've guessed.
>not knowing leddit and morty is literally rëddit: the show.
You know shilling is against the rules right?
Buy a banner to advertise your meme sauce faggot.
what this no more meme label talk about cheap fucks
I doubt autistic manchildren are going to buy it now
Meh. You caught me on a slow day.
Never actually seen the show, looks stupid. Fucking love Mulan though.
I fail to see how Rick & Morty, an animated show on adultswim that parodies science fiction cinema, is affiliated in any way with reddit, an Internet site that is broken into hundreds of groups that allow for the discussion of a variety of topics. I do understand that Rick & Morty popularized Szechuan dipping sauce, but the connection between the sauce and reddit eludes me.
sooooooooooooooooooooooi booooooooooooooooooooooi
What does my comment have to do with my dietary habits? You don't make any sense, my friend. You're just spouting random nonsense.
Because both are gay af and for man-soy children who suck at life.
>Contains: Soy
They really know their audience.
>replying to an obvious redditeur shill
So they have similar demographics. That doesn't guarantee that they have the same audience, though.
I hear Veeky Forums memes are pretty popular over at reddit. Wonder what the implications of that are.
ive never been to reddit and i like rick and morty and this is my main board
what does it taste like
My wife's son and I love this sauce!
Not even reddit is hyped about this anymore.
McDonald's missed their chance to make big bucks off free advertising and autistic meme culture months ago and they won't get another.
Go back to r*ddit you filthy soy creature
Garlic and ginger mostly. Cheap Chinese shit you can get anywhere without the melted chewing gum texture.
>contains soy
this explains so much
Can someone explain the soy/reddit/rick and morty thing please?
There's an episode where the dude that belches a lot mentions szechuan sauce or some shit for le epic maymat. It doesn't really mastter.
Pretending to not know things isn't a good trait.
Rick and morty is a show for feminine men, soy gives you da lady hormones, reddit is also for females and girly men with test deficiency
And where do you think that came from DUMBASS
No-one wants to hear about it, Rick and morty is for females and low test creatures
What are you asking?
Rick and morty was made by a dude who fags out on reddit, fuck off back there with all the other girly men
Reddit started in 2005 and was a very different site back then. Rick and Morty started in 2006. Doesn't mean you're necessarily wrong, but it seems pretty unlikely that Rick and Morty started on reddit.
Creator is a numale redditor, end of story, it's a low test girly man community
Also where it says it contains Soy and Wheat. Just like the meme!!!
What's with your obsession over masculinity? There are few things less manly than obsessing over the masculinity of others. Are you gay, user? It's understandable if you are.
>rick and morty started in 2006
10/10 got me to laugh, rage, and reply all at once
For the autistic soyboys
It's what soyboy means u big fag, fuck off to reddit.
i fucking hate the soy meme but god damn does it write itself
Sounds like you grew up without a father figure and now are overcompensating into what you think being a man is
Sounds like you got tricked into buying a year's supply of Soylent and now that you've realized you're being associated with the wrong crowd, you're trying to damage control everything in order to feel better about being a meme loving fuck who plays games for pop culture points instead of just for fun
No, I am a grown ass man with a life, you should try it sometime, it is pretty damn good.
>being a grown man means you aren't allowed to enjoy a condiment
szechuan sauce is literally for manchildren. He's right.
Veeky Forums has been really obsessed with soy for a long time and like to post obscure autistic studies about xenoestrogens in rats, and it spilled over onto /pol/
>basing what you eat off of a feud between to online gay loser clubs
Jesus Christ what a faggot.
You don’t want to see me when I’m angry
Szechuan sauce has been a thing long before Rick and Morty ever existed. The only childish thing here is refusing to eat something because "waaahh those dumb soyboys like it!"
Grow the fuck up.
I don't refuse to eat it, but it's really nothing special. It's just another variation on generic teriyaki sauce. The only thing that gave it any attention or set it apart was the whole Rick and Morty fan craze.
The only thing szechuan and teriyaki sauce share is the soy base. You're basically saying that ketchup and marinara are the same because they both have tomatoes. Clearly you're retarded, no wonder you let a cartoon impact your decision making when it comes to meals.
Proper szeuchuan sauce, sure. McDonald's bullshit sauce? No.
>The meme is actually from reddit, not reddit
what did he mean by this?
>They unironically eat poison children slop.
This is what retardation is folks.
It's back? Thought it was only a day
Rick and Morty is pretty inline with old Veeky Forums's sense of humor. unfortunately like everything Veeky Forums produces, Leddit runs away with it and shits all over it. Causing it to suck.
Rick and Morty is wannabe 2deep4u.
Roiland is an every day Veeky Forums user he tells in a podcast. "Le reddit Rick and Morty meme" seemed to be imbedded in you by a few autistic /pol/lards most likely. Sorry for your lack of willpower user.
Nice dead meme
>eating meme syrup
>everything I don't like is from /pol/
If you spent five minutes lurking that board you'd maybe discover that it doesn't resemble the posts you assume are from there at all.
People like you are simple-minded idiots. You think anyone who mentions Trump is from /pol/ completely ignoring that every man and his dog on the entire fucking planet talks about him because the election and ensuing Presidency turned out to be one of the biggest and most unique media shitshows in history.
Someone mentioning Reddit, One of the busiest websites in the world and easily Veeky Forums's closest competition, doesn't make him a poltard either, you fucking idiot.
Nice frog, by the way. Only six kilobytes too. I guess you accidentally saved the thumbnail onto your phone, yes?
I guess that's neat since you got it before release date? Although may have just gotten lucky and found an apathetic employee.
First off, citing IMDB is a fucking mistake. Second, that's because they're including the Doc and Mharti short you fucking dunce.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
All seriousness does mcdonalds charge for sauce packets if you get no nuggies? Ill probably buy a mcchicken just to try it
Adult Swim ran a single episode of Rick and Morty all night April Fools 2017 with the Szechuan sauce being mentioned.
Faggots on reddit started tweeting McDonalds about it and McDonalds decided to do a small release that wildly underestimated how hyped people were.
The result was a bunch of autistic fags reeeeee-ing the way /r9k/ memes about tendies irl.
The best part was that some fag bought a 20 piece and was selling single nuggets dipped in the sauce for $10 each
Got mine yeah
he made a fucking video
>gets the sauce
>some girl gives him 10 bucks
>instead of giving her the packet, dips a chicken tender in it once and gives her the tendie
>my fucking face
>t. soyboy
How much do you get paid to be part of the /pol/ defence force
Fuck gaychan, Reddit for life.
Y'all just hating cause we have upvotes and OC memes.
Reddit out~
Sometimes it hits me that after all the original shitposting, there end up being people like this who think what they're saying actually means anything. Veeky Forums continues to be a living example of Poe's law.