I ate two bags of flaming hot cheetos earlier today and I felt like I was going to die on my toilet. If someone put a gun to my head and told me to eat a flaming hot cheeto in the future I would just ask them to pull the trigger.
Foods you will never eat again
You have done irreparable damage to your digestive track, Op. there’s no going back to the life you once knew before.
Regular cheetos are fine, it's the hot ones that are awful.
They're basically just fried cornmeal and cheese.
Yeah, ok.
guys. don't eat deep fried food. Think about it. It's not supposed to be eaten. it's trash.
CHEETOS ARE ALL FRIED CORNMEAL AND CHEESE POWDER. The flavored kinds have extra bullshit added.
I love them things, especially as a snack for the road but then your hands, lips, shirts, underwear gets red and people start making fun of you
I didn't mean to suggest flaming hot cheetos aren't also fried cornmeal and cheese.
I was trying to address two different points at the same time and probably should've separated them out better. Basically:
A) I was disagreeing that regular cheetos are bad which is what the post I responded to implied, and wanted to make it clear I only had a problem with my anus being on fire afterwards when the flaming hot diarrhea started and
B) I was making a more specific counterargument against "cheetos aren't a food" by pointing out they're mostly just cornmeal, which is definitely a food.
they fuck my stomach too. not only that, they leave me with a crusty feeling MSG mouth and throat for a couple days.
You mum's pussy.
the jalapeno cheese ones are the superior choice
>"i can't pronounce the names of unbranded chemicals and food products so they're BAD!"
ate maybe half a small bag of these fuckers, threw up a tiny bit in my mouth and it went int my nose and burned for an hour a burn i cannot describe all through my nose, nothing helped. i havent eaten them since
These are niggerbait.
They are bad for you, you moron, Go back soyland.
>not the patrician cheeto
I was responding to user who said
>They're basically just fried cornmeal and cheese.
Clearly not the case.
Time to go back to /mlp/, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
I once ate a whole bag of these for dinner and the next morning my shit was entirely red. I thought I was bleeding from the insides until I remembered what I had ate. A friend of mine was not so lucky though, she ate a ton of roasted beets once and the next day went to the ER thinking the same thing and got slapped with a 3000 bill just to have a doctor call her stupid
I know hundreds of adults and not one of them eats cheetos. What shithole do you live in?
The ingredients listed are corn meal, seasoning, oil, cheese, buttermilk, and salt. There's literally nothing unnatural except dyes
the best cheetos flavor if they still made it
I did something very similar with Nitro Takis. I binge ate an entire bag while drinking black coffee and all I could taste the entire day was myself burping up my stomach lining. The bowel movement the next day was not pleasant, either.
Both Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Takis have MSG in them, OP. Stay the fuck away from any chip that has MSG in it, they are begging you to overeat.