Post healthy snackies
Healthy Snackies
your mom's pussy grool.
I don't know if that has any nutritional content
The healthiest is a McDonald's burger which has been hailed as the cheapest, most nutritious food ever. At 380 calories with 22 grams of protein and about a quarter of the daily recommended calcium and iron intake, McDonald's McDouble is the cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food that has ever existed.
that called a meal, I was talking about snacks
You need to stop snacking.
Best is to eat onced a day, or maybe two but deff no snacking
While sardines are good, I am skeptical about the claims about there being a ton of omega-3s per can. The only confirmation of this has been on the sites of the brands.
>wanting to be a skinny numale SJW
>eating less means you have to be a skinny nu-male
Just lift some fucking weights, or move your body. Ever.
those skinny arms though
I'm sure you're real big with your 275 deadlift faggot
well, fish fatty acids are mostly omega-3 plus they are cheap so you can eat 1 can a day and get plenty
My great grandma had snackwells but they were like white Oreo things. Didn't even realize it was supposed to be "healthy". That was like 15 years ago
Sure, if you want to poop reinforced concrete.
This is the strangest label I've ever seen
Oh god, those things are godawful. They leave a sour aftertaste in your mouth. I remember my mom used to get those when I was a kid cause I had one friend who fuckin loved those things.
Those were delicious but I would eat the entire container
Reminds me of Fight Milk
Its all about the non-healthy version of those (smokehouse flavor)
Fruit, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds