This is the most over-rated brand of ice cream ever...

This is the most over-rated brand of ice cream ever. I have tried over 10 of their flavors and none of them have been above average.

Are they popular because hipster numales lie about Ben and Jerry's being so good?

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theyre popular because their icecream is good. you just disagree, which is fine.

fuck you dipshit what do you eat

This, it's a decent quality with interesting flavors. It's a shame they're so politically active with the brand but whatever

who cares? individuals have political beliefs. I wouldnt completely judge a product because it says TRUMP on it, just like you shouldnt judge ben and jerrys.

Possibly over-rated. That's kind of a personal perception thing. It's one of the better mass-produced ones judging by the ingredients. I used to like it a long time ago. I haven't habitually eaten sugar in a really long time though. Last time I tasted it, it was so sweet to me I almost spit it out. I don't know why I'm posting in your bait thread. I'm fucking bored.

>(((ben & jerry)))
refugees welcome
just not in israel

Liberal bias
They have more backing by the media, endorsements, and Hollywood than any other ice cream producer solely because they encourage people to vote left

Marketing and political affiliation is all that brand has and is the only reason it is successful.

The founder has a medical condition that prevents him from being able to taste that should clue you in to how shit his product is.

Cherry garcia is carrying the whole brand. Thats why you can get cherry garcia in a larger size. Cause its the shit.


Has anyone tried TrumpSteaks? Are they actually any good at all? They look like processed pieces of shit to me, but I do enjoy some processed pieces of shit.

no because I live near a city with 250k people so I have a couple different butchers with good meat.

Ben and Jerry are pretty cucked though.

The consensus seems to be that they were of decent quality but absolutely overpriced.

Why should any of that shit matter? We discuss taste here. If you want to boycott a company due to their political beliefs, take that shit to /pol/ or tumblr.

not going to read your posts, because the titles are objectively true and some little detail I disagree with wont make me disagree with the basic point.

LOL I'm a pinko commie but do they really think any racists are going to be convinced because they decided to do a deep dive on an ice cream website one night? Like oh shit, maybe systemic racism IS real! I've seen the light, so glad I didn't get Breyers!


my nigga

>the titles are objectively true
"Black lives matter" taken out of context is true. "Black Lives Matter" as a political movement is bullshit.

Systemic racism isn't a thing. It's used as an excuse when black people don't do well in society, as the B&J article shows.

I dont need their bullshit context. black people's lives matter to some people and there are aspects of society that create subconscious racist behaviors (systemic racism).

a phoneposter posting dumb two scoops memes, why am I not surprised

>ice cream brands have to weigh in on politics
This is the retarded ass timeline we live in.

fuck off

you are an idiot

Everyone agrees that black lives matter. The BLM movement acts like police go around killing black children for sport.
> there are aspects of society that create subconscious racist behaviors (systemic racism).
Systemic racism implies that society as a whole is set up to discriminate against people. Individuals who develop subconscious racist behavior (as a result of the behavior of blacks) isn't part of a system. If anything, the system makes things easier for black people and discriminates against whites and asians through policies like affirmitive action.


Not an argument.

youre right, it's not. and we wont have one.

I agree with you to an extent, society does seem to be stacking the deck in favor of minorities in a lot of ways. This is our inelegant way of "balancing things out". But, I believe we can do better. It really all comes back to income inequality, the cycle of poverty and basic optics. The face of success in America is still very much a white, male face, and I believe that's always going to stay the same, we just have to show people that there is more success to be had on different avenues. A successful nation producing as many new successful, educated people who all value that nation's society is the ideal.

How about we discuss the actual ice cream while leftists and rightists who absolutely cannot contain their political beliefs on a fucking food and cooking board go fornicate themselves with a rusty iron spike?

>This is our inelegant way of "balancing things out". But, I believe we can do better. It really all comes back to income inequality, the cycle of poverty and basic optics.
Right. It's not systemic racism then, it's getting African Americans to take responsibility and achieve success like other races do.

>The founder has a medical condition that prevents him from being able to taste

It's both! Africans act out because they feel they have no place, so a society that says we're all one and race is a thing of the past grows tired of their acting out, and the lie of a hyper-liberal post-racial society echoes into eternity. These people are American and they need help seeing America as something worth valuing, not just as the thing that overwrote their ancestors' entire culture and identity (even though it did do that, but I feel like it's been long enough). Coming from bondage creates wounds, to be sure, and this particular wound needs a graft, not stitches.

Yeah, one of the founders (Ben) has an awful sense of smell and taste, which is why the texture is so different and why so much of their stuff has chunks in it - it's how he got variety in his diet: texture.


>Africans act out because they feel they have no place
They couldn't be more shoved into every aspect of the mainstream, but they still reject it because they see it as "white culture" and they want their own separate black culture, not integration.
> Coming from bondage creates wounds, to be sure, and this particular wound needs a graft, not stitches.
If only they would take it. The more society fails to get black people integrated and successful (outside of sports, music, and movies), the less possible I think it is that it'll ever happen. You can only do so much.

shit ice cream for gay leftists.

>they want their own separate black culture, not integration.
And why shouldn't they? It's obviously never going to happen, but our society has defined success as something black people might as well not bother aspiring to. Would you want to integrate with that if you were black?

>You can only do so much.
I agree, and I think any movement that asserts the infallibility of black people does a grave disservice to society. Black people fuck up, too.
A LOT. Really, it comes back to tyranny by the rich and the tendency for our society to keep prosperity exclusive. Most people don't realize we've been fighting this fight since the god damn Magna Carta and that the powers that be have ALWAYS tried to dehumanize us, even when they looked like us. I don't believe the solution is to replace capitalism with another "ism", but I hope more common people realize that there IS an imbalance of power, and that they ARE entitled to a just and equitable society.

All of you can fuck off to either /pol/ or tumblr. We're discussing ice cream here.

It's pretty decent. I just don't like all those ingredients mixed together. I like each on their own, and some combinations, but I don't like how they lump all of them into one "flavor". That being said, it's not bad in any way.

>And why shouldn't they?
Because it's self-destructive, in some ways racist, harmful to the rest of society, and prevents them from ever becoming successful.
>our society has defined success as something black people might as well not bother aspiring to.
The last president of the country was black. I hate to pull the Obama card, but come on. What does it take? The media does everything possible to show black people as successful and valuable. The most discouraging thing black people see are statistics on black crime and employment, and that's on them.

>Having a good job, a house of your own, a family and contributing to society is not worth aspiring too.

Well fuck black people then.

Make your own ice cream. Even the better ice creams like Häagen-Dazs aren't very good.

I miss Festivus.

I usually get Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate.

It's always been pretty decent ice cream. One possible reason for it's fame (I'm guessing here) is that when they got started being sold in stores few ice cream brands had clever names (that referenced popular culture) and some of their flavors were pretty good, a bit outside the norm. Now a lot of brands do similar so B&J doesn't stand out as much.

But as others have said, Cherry Garcia really carries them and it's is a distinctly good ice cream. The big chunks of chocolate or cookie or whatever helps too, they seem to be more generous with the mix ins than a lot of other brands.

My favorite was the Liz Lemon one, it was such an unusual flavor combination that's nearly impossible to get (lavender, lemon and blueberry).

>and there are aspects of society that create subconscious racist behaviors
Those aspects are called niggers.

It's also why all the product tastes like shit.

>lol only [insert race] create racist behaviours
>I most certainly aren't racist, only [insert race] is racist!

Weird most people seem to think Ben and jerrys is overrated at least where i am at the most overrated thing where i live is most definitely häagen dazs

The problem is that it's okay. Not amazing, but it's also very over priced. I can get the Lidl knockoff stuff for £2 or pay 3, 4, 5 pounds for the real stuff.

The Lidl knockoff stuff tastes just fine.

They were popular before anyone know anything about them other than they listened to jam bands.

Boy I love watching middle schoolers discuss the politics of ice cream.

they do not sell this flavour anymore in my tiny country..

>/pol/ doesn't ruin every thing
>over rated ice cream thread turns in to /pol/


>They couldn't be more shoved into every aspect of the mainstream,
See here's where I've got an issue. There's this thing that people are doing where they want brownie points for putting tanned skin people in the background all over the place in movies, cartoons and just everywhere on tv. But no one iz developing character for these races and only have them there for the sake of meeting quota. It doesn't feel real because of how obvious it shows.

*is, my bad

what's it called? never really tried buying ice cream at lidl desu.

It's easily the best artificial cherry anything. Such a light and pleasant cherry flavor

In my country this ice cream is associated with teenage girls. It's like pumpkin spice latte. But then it should be noted that ice cream is a quite feminine food overall.

Gelateli Master of Taste or something.

They're jews that are very well connected in hollywood, that's basically what it boils down to.

Over rated? Nah it's good Ice Cream. Overpriced? Hell yeah.

I tried pumpkin spice latte last fall and it was p. good.

BnJ's thing has always been 'dude mixins lmao' over actual quality of the base. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that. Mixins are fun. The problem is, since they were bought out by unilever, the quality of their mixins has fallen off. The brownies they use being the starkest example, having a texture more similar to a gummy fudge now than cakey. They still come out with interesting novelties occasionally, although most of their 'new' flavors are just new iterations on the same 'safe' concepts (cookies, brownies, chocolate chips, caramel swirls, vanilla nd chocolate bases).
If HD offers the same flavor or concept, it's always going to be better. And even though they do have their moments, Jeni's clearly eclipses them on the 'innovation' front.
So yeah, i don't buy them often.

> no one iz developing character for these race
Not even black people. At least they were happy with Black Panther, who they probably think Ryan Coogler invented.


I like the cinnamon bun B&Js but that's about it. Phish Food has to be the most overrated. Why anyone would want big hard pieces of chocolate in their ice cream is beyond me. Usually the more complicated the flavor is the worse it is.

This stuff is my personal shit. You'd think it would be overly sweet but it's actually pretty mild and the cakey texture is great.

Forgot me pic

>frozen dairy dessert
lol americans

chill, only the mentally handicapped buy breyers

I'm a turkey hill guy any other day but that stuff is good

the best flavors are cake batter and cinnamon bun. i like chubby hubby too but it;s kind of gross at the same time. it's a pretty good quality ice cream compared to other supermarket brands.

ur eating shit either way bro

americone dream was a pretty good flavor, that's the only ben and jerry's I would consistently get.
I am more of a green tea flavor guy.

I know, mommy only gets you the best brands

>That one discontinued flavor you still crave
What's her name, Veeky Forums?

they are amazing served well done with a fine ketchup.

>this is the mind of the liberal

It's just how the left tries to generate loyalty, these shitskins and dumb HR women KNOW for a fact they're worthless without the democrat machine lifting them up.

>people tell the truth about a shitty company.

Whatever the mint chocolate chip one was called

I dunno if it's actually discontinued but I can't find it at my grocery store anymore

>i can't discuss fucking ice cream w/o going into a sturmdrumpfer rage about muh leftist conspiracies
This is the mind of the alt-right

Remember when we used to talk about food and not politics around said food? Man good times

Kill yourself

I really really love a couple of the flavors (mint chocolate cookie and cinnamon bun come to mind) but they're not as niche as they once were. It was different when they were one of the few brands actually experimenting with flavors, combinations, and presentations (like the pints with cores). That was a big part of their popularity. Now lots of brands are branching out and creating interesting flavors and B&J's doesn't stand out as much.

I'm sorry that I discouraged you from screeching autistically about muh libruls or muh conservatives, but while you're on a food and cooking board, you can plant your political beliefs firmly inside of your arse.