Are instant pots Veeky Forums approved

Are instant pots Veeky Forums approved

I use a slow cooker all the time, right now I have chicken thighs simmering in a curry. If you try to make a whole meal inside of it the results won't be great. But just using it to slow cook shittier pieces of meat is great. Cheap cut of beef, stock and wine serve it with some roasted veg. Shitty pork roast, tomatillos, chiles, and chicken stock for shredded pork tacos/burritos.

my mother keeps insisting on getting one of these for my girlfriend and i, I have to keep pushing back and telling her over and over that we just want some good quality pots, pans and utensils and want to avoid the vast majority of electrical kitchen appliances, she seems to think it is revolutionary though... how often do you use yours and what are some of your typical staple meals?

Pressure cookers rock, use it every day.

i got an instapot. at this point, i almost exclusively use it for sanitizing jars and such, and cooking beans. i don't really care for the pressure cooking function, i'd much prefer a stovetop pressure cooker and i've already got a crockpot (slow cookers are just fucking inferior to cooking low&slow in the oven anyway). i did make a killer chicken stock in it the other day, in like 3 hours.

Why on earth would you prefer a stove top? Electric ones have timers.

I don't use meme appliances.

Slow cookers are great for things like stews, chili, and other like foods.

They're also good for making really tough cuts of meat or cheap cuts of meat really tender and flavorful. Yesterday I threw in a cheap roast and 6 hours later I had really tender beef with no fuss.

there's no need for a slow cooker. Oven works just fine. And if you're not retarded and plan ahead, you make your slow cooked items on the weekend and eat them during the week. Stews and braises are actually better defatted and warmed up the next day (or 4 days later).

Fuck no.

I do cook in a slow cooker most sundays for the week. Also it makes storing easier with the pot.

Yes. It's so useful. Despite its main purpose as a pressure cooker it can be used as a slow cooker, a canner, and rice cooker, among other uses.

See thing is neither of us eat meat so i feel like 80% of the benefit would be wasted on us... stews are super easy to do with an oven

Epic bro lol ;)

>t. countertop appliance salesman

Slow cookers and pressure cookers are vastly different things, brainlet

Im willing to go to bed or work with a slow cooker on. Im not willing to do that with the oven.

You just felt compelled to tell us all that you are a vegetarian/vegan when nobody asked you. The memes are correct about you weirdos.

I work kinda late so it's great to make parts of or a whole meal much quicker then on the stove/pan. Makes great soup, broth, curries and stews. Makes Anything a slow cooker does in under an hour. Also can be a straight up saute burner. Makes yogurt and you can even bake in it.
Also makes good rice.
Facebook mom's treat it as the coming of Christ, I think it's useful and I use mine a few times a week, sure but is it a revolution? Nah, it's just a tool, a good one though.
Makes a bomb Japanese curry though, buy whatever cheap ass tough cut of beef the shop has and it comes out tender.

If you don't have a good quality set of stainless pots and pans yet that and a good quality knife or two should be priority before a electric pressure cooker
t. A drunk user

>Hitachi Wand Customer of the Year 2017

>Im not willing to do that with the oven.
why? Electric ovens would be just as safe.

Lessons We Are Taught Growing-Up
1. Crock-pot - "Set it and forget it!"
2. The Stove - "Don't walk away from the fucking stove if it's on"

Hitachi wands are no meme, they are legit perfect pussy thrashers and just because they're in every weeb thing doesn't meme them; it just means the Hitachi wand is a home appliance that's here to stay.

>doesn't know the difference between stove and oven.

>Hey user, most of the benefits of owning on of this is cooking met
>oh, well I don't eat meat so I wouldn't get much


It really is revolutionary, to a degree. It's completely redefined the use of pressure cookers for normal people.
It's turned perception of them from something like pic related that your grandma used, has to be babysat, rattles, and has the potential to explode if something gets clogged or isn't properly maintained, into something that you can literally just turn on, set the timer, and walk away.
I use mine all the time for broths, beans, stews, and slow-cooked meats. I literally got rid of my regular slow cooker and rice cooker because of how good it is. Just straight up took them to Goodwill.

The ONLY downside to an Instant Pot that I know of is that you can't use it to can or jar foods. But honestly if you wanted to do that, then you need a dedicated pressure canner because there's no IP model big enough for mass canning.

no meme, this shit will rock your fucking world

Damn right.

If you like to regularly make roasts, dried lentils or any kind of soups or pasta sauces they are bloody amazing. I pretty much use it at least once a week.

>Im willing to go to bed or work with a slow cooker on. Im not willing to do that with the oven.

Its funny because some of these instant pots where recalled because they overheated so much they actually melted.

awesome for beans and meats

I can't seem to make rice properly with it though

I haven't been able to get rice with it either. Used mine today for eggs

What kind of eggs would you possible need a slow/pressure cooker for that could not be done on the stove for half the effort?


Why not just make them in a pan? Takes like 30 seconds. Its stuff like this that makes it look like a meme gadget for hipsters.

>stews are super easy to do with an oven
Sure, but ovens are a colossal energy waste.

I use a cheaper off-brand chinese knockoff and love it. I make one or two meals a day in it; I can have perfectly cooked rice as a side to any dish and I can turn dry beans into perfectly creamy perfection. I made yogurt in it once, plenty of oatmeal, and a cheesecake.

Same, I burned some shit in the oven when I was a lad and I always get nervous when after I use the oven because I think I left it on and shits on fire.