Starving literally

On day 9 of a 14 day water fast

Post pictures of food for me to drool over

Other urls found in this thread:

>water fast
>post pics of food
>literally dehydrated
>make me drool


Die of thirst, faggot.

i'd post a picture of a giant cock for you but this is a blue board

Water fast means drinking only water bois

Risotto looks like undigested vomit

That's because he cooked it wrong.



so youre only drinking water and not eating anything? If so I respect your self discipline user


Why are you doing this? Are you trying to lose weight? Do you have a mental illness? Trying to save money? Why?

you honestly probably just wouldn't understand.

I'll understand when you are hospitalized.

going to do this to try and loose some weight before I vist my doctor

here is my contribution

He's super oxygenazing his body via water dihydrogenation.







Why the fuck are you doing this? You’re going to kill your gains you dummy

LMAO Veeky Forums got another one. Let me guess. You found the fasting general they have but skipped over the sticky?

If you lose 10 lbs in three days you're dying.


Not OP but it's to reduce body fat. I've done 5 and 10 day water fasts. Excess fat is accumulated to sustain your body in times of lean eating. OP is just making his body do what it's supposed to with excess fat. There is no reason for modern man to have excess fat.

I doubt they talk about water fasting on Veeky Forums considering >>muhhgains

See this, OP? This is it right here. A pepperoni pizza. You are going to break down and eat one of these. The entire thing. That will be it. You will be so impacted that no amount of enemas will free this pizza from your colon. You'll need to make a doctor's appointment after about a week of not being able to shit.

Because if you don't refeed properly and slowly over several days, this will be what will happen to you. You can even die from it.

That's why I said Veeky Forums got another one. The fasting general threads on Veeky Forums are trolls to get uninformed people like op to starve themselves back to skeletons for the lols, when all they have to do is read the sticky to see how to get gains and lose body fat while retaining muscle.

it really doesn't. doesn't look great, but at least you tried. gud jub buddie!!

Did my own water fast last year only to find out that i had gall stones
Learned the hard way much , much pain

its water weight not fat and no you arent dying

*reads pic*
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck






As a type 1 diabetic, those blood glucose levels really worry me. The lowest I've measured was 29, plenty of low 30s. It feels really scary, tunnel vision hardcore, desperately trying to find food, it's primal. Ive had a diabetic seizure at like 45, this dude was chilling at 20-30, how the fuck

after those three days

Deer Park comes in the same bottle. I bet it's the same water and they just change the name based on region. I live in the southeast, deer hunting is popular.


>9 days of not drinking
>not dying after 3 days

Fucking brainlet.

Fat is 900 kcal per 100 grams. 10 lbs is 4536 grams is 40824 kcal. Base metabolic rate is 2000 kcal/day. 40824 - 6000 = 34824. At a pace of 10 km/h you burn 725 kcal/h. 34824 / 725 = 48. You sleep 8 hours a day 8*3=24. So if you don't eat anything and run every second you're not sleeping for three days straight, you can lose 10 lbs in 3 days. You'll likely die of exhaustion during the 1st day though.

>On day 9 of a 14 day water fast
on day 23 of a possible two month my self.
good luck lad

>water fast

Having nothing but water is just called fasting. There's no such thing as a "water fast".

You need to be careful. Fasting for that length of time can be extremely dangerous, and can cause long term damage to organs, especially the heart. 9 days is way too long. At most you should fast for 3 days. But whatever, I'm guessing you won't listen. The medical evidence to the dangers is all online though.

try again lad
>be 400+ lbs
>don't eat for a year
>doctors find no negative health effects
>come out healthier than you did

>be 400+ pounds
>do literally anything to lose weight
>lose weight

b-but the morbidly obese person came out healthier at the end!

still not seeing a valid point on your end.

wrong nigger

God bless op, carry on. I'm 3 weeks in.


Also this is a study with a range of exactly ONE subject. While it's neat this happened, in order for it to be convincing you need a much wider data set and a control.

what exactly is the problem with a dude losing 120kgs of fat?

Nah, normie retards need to produce proof that fasting with snake juice while >10% bodyfat is dangerous.

then thats just normal fasting you cretin


Learn how sloposhit autist board speaks*


Regular fasting also means you don't drink. It's what muslims do between sunrise and sunset during ramadan.

looks like Casey's pizza

dude you need water to live

Fasting can mean a lot of things. Some fasts lets you eat small amounts of food during the day.

have fun losing all of your muscles too.


OP here
I bought sugarless gun last night to help and it does a great deal

A few tempting food pictures in this thread

Post more food pictures please

Your body does not cannibalize muscle until all of the fat is gone and after that It cannibalises your organs

maybe stop this bullshit and learn how to eat in moderation instead. Water fasting is beyond fucking retarded. Let's just fuck over your gut bacteria. And what happens after the 14 days? You gonna start all over with your presumably shitty diet? Let's hope this bullshit takes enough years of your life to prevent you from passing on your shitty genes. Jesus fucking christ just work out and eat reasonable amounts of food if you wanna lose weight like any other respectable person.

>this is what fatties actually believe
McDonalds and Walmart have done such a good job at indoctrinating you retards. Yes, if you go three hours without shoving your face with another cheeseburger, you'll turn into a lanklet and die. Fucking retard.

Fasting has been shown to extend the human lifespan greatly

OP clearly wants to achieve optimum soyboy lanklet figure

mushy peas and chips=patrician taste

im a skellington (132 lb- 6'2) and I keep that skinny from working out and not eating like a total pig. Theres alternatives starvelet. Have fun with your kidneys dying.

>14 day fast
If you had certain underlying health issues, couldn't this be deadly?

Holly shit man, why do you a fast so long?

How fucking fat is op? Protip. Eat d
During regular intervals do not eat 10k kcal a day and do som exercise and you wont have to resort to stupid shit like this.

>t. 40 year old mom
Your studies from the 80s are outdated. I bet you also think margerine is better than butter and how too much cholesterol is bad for you.

Uh no, they can drink water

>sugarless gun


Some studies suggest fasting improves insulin sensitivity in the long run, also he probably adapted to ketosis

*citation needed

Ive lost 20 lbs since the beginning of the year just by cleaning up my diet and exercising regularly.

You know, the only correct way to lose weight

There's a difference between 3 hours and 14 days you double nog.

>this is what brainwashed amerilards actually believe

as sloppy as shit can get

Litteraly eat 3 meals a day and 2 healthy snacks. Have at least one of them a salad with Mostly vegables. Like I only walk 8 miles a day and could easily lose 5 pounds in a week.
.t 6'2" 195LB user

you have twice his tdee even without the walking


God fucking damn that looks amazing

This isn't true at all. Studies have shown that it might extend the lifespan of fruit flies and rodents, however studies with monkeys have shown no evidence of this at all. They're also weak studies, that really lack any definitive answer. So yeah, you're wrong.

Fasting isn't terrible, if done for limited periods of time it can be beneficial to weight loss, but there's many side effects and the possibility of death when it comes to prolonged fasting. Your body will literally start to eat itself, no matter how fat you are. You'll lose muscle and body tissue. You can have complications. It can make underlining conditions worse. Things like gallstones, kidney problems and gerd can happen. Even after stopping these conditions can continue. Obviously nutrition deficiency is another thing, and not to mention the fact it destroys your gut flora. Then there's the fact it slows down your metabolism and your heart rate, which again is potentially dangerous, especially if you try to exert yourself, or have some underlining heart problems that you're unaware of, which lets be honest is likely if you're morbidly obese. Lastly there's the reintroduction of food, which can also be potentially fatal, due to refeeding syndrome. People who suffer with anorexia die from this all the time. And honestly, do you people think anorexia is healthy? Because that's what prolonged fasting is, but I'm sure all these anorexics are super healthy individuals, who will outlive us all, right?

>be dumbfuck user
>does fasting instead of intermittent fasting
>dies from lack of nutrients

Literally a crime in UAE to drink water during Ramadan.

theres actually studies with intermittent fasting and caloric restriction which suggests having many small meals is better than eating or overeating large meals. look it up. this is old news. been around since early 2000's. why do you think hollywood celebs and french people look so good, its because they eat small healthy meals and work out. they don't blow their body's energy digesting fucking massive meals like the stupid "big portion" shit and buffet diets that average workerslave amerisharts eat. in fact, look at any extreme case of hollywoodfucks overeating, they all died (james gandolfini, elvis, marlon brando).

the key is finding a balance on the spectrum of starvation, eating too little, eating what you need to maintain great energy and health, and eating too much, which will fuck your shit up.

user is talking about full-fledge fasting, not intermittent fasting. intermittent works and is good for you.

Have you tried boiling your water? I don't recommend baking but boiling is good if you want to have a bit of variety through your fast. Frozen water is pretty good too, especially if you like crunchy things.

too bloody for me, I would have sent it back

I've been dry fasting (not even allowed water) for two days now, will finish tomorrow but I am getting worried because the last time I peed it was brown.

Why would you deprive yourself of water? retarded?

Bait isn't fattening but you should still be a little more discerning.

Found the Ohioan