Fuck me up daddy

Fuck me up daddy

Thots get out

could you imagine living an existence so sad that you're actually too lazy to make lasagna

you mix flour and eggs, roll it into a sheet
you mix cheese and tomatos, put it between the sheets
then you put it in the oven for a little bit
like holy shit dude everytime i see this in someones freezer i automatically assume they're a degenerate

While I think its shit, I will not deny that things like this or frozen pizza are absolute top tier picks for days when you are too tired to cook -anything-.

Im not talking about too lazy to prep food for the next day, or "Uhg I just dont want to Im gonna order pizza!"

Im talking you saw it on sale, you worked 12 hours, and youre fucking done.

I actually make lasagne with Serious Fucking Bolognese, so it can take a while.

>not bolognese
you disgust me

>too lazy to make lasagna


jesus i like cooking but i will eat seventeen of those in one fucking calendar day if my oven supports it

yall ever made a lasagna, motherfucker

If it doesn't take hours, you're not doing your ragu justice.

>no meat

That's not real lasagna you fucking hippie vegan faggot.

I'mma teach you how to make lasagna.

Fuck off white cunt. My grandma makes lasagna all the fucking time and it's probably better than any of the flavorless shit you white people make.

Is lasagna a sandwich?

It's clearly a trifle.

Wait a second, you can bake a lasagna like it's a pizza even with all that sauce and cheese between every layer?
I haven't made one myself but my mom always used to get those long noodles and boil them first.

>race baiting
Found the nigger

did you guys know
did you
bolognese is a kind of sauce
and you can make it ahead of time
holy shit!!
if you're eating literal garbage after working 12 hours you're just as big of a degenerate. you need to nourish your body not shove shit down your throat

>bolognese is a kind of sauce
>and you can make it ahead of time

Making it ahead of time doesn't detract from the total cooking time.

Furthermore, your recipe doesn't use Bolognese ragu, so how is this relevant?

stand aside, superior frozen lasagna coming through

>Rustic ground beef

thats what you call it when you cook in a cast iron

how often do you 'find niggers' in your job you don't have?

what's it like being unemployable worthless white trash?