Why do I always get hungry at fucking 2 am

Why do I always get hungry at fucking 2 am.

No one here knows what you are eating, what you are not eating, when your normal bed time is, or anything else. The only answer you can get is, "you are hungry because you are hungry," and variations on that theme.

You probably got bored at 2AM once a long time ago and decided to eat even though you weren't that hungry, and then from that point on you let it snowball into a habit where your stomach started getting used to you eating at 2AM each morning and now when you try not to you notice feeling hungry because of how your stomach got used to the habit.

I'm always hungry so I can't help you there.

You're way overthinking this. His issue is the same issue almost everyone runs into at some point in their lives where you get bored and eat at a weird hour and then let it become a habit.

Not is you are us:

Because you eat early and/or go to bed late.

>Not is you are us
What did he mean by this?

Trips of confusion.

He's saying the obvious answer of OP just eating at a weird hour at some point in the past and letting it turn into a bad habit isn't always the right answer because according to him he's hungry 24/7 instead of just at certain times of the day.

Not true. Normies get up at reasonable times every weekday, and leave for a superficially productive day with loads of fulfilling social contact, which they take for granted. Every single day.

because your liver, it needs fuel to do its job,
needs protein and sugar

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I believe what I'm writing.

I'm saying that for people who are hungry all the time, there's no common ground with people who, "the same issue almost everyone runs into at some point in their lives where you get bored and eat at a weird hour and then let it become a habit."

burger is not for kot

What helped for me is not eating meat every day and eating around the same time. (07:00-10:00, 12:00-14:00, 17:30-19:00, 21:00--22:00)

One day i eat 500 grams of vegetables (sprouts /brocolli) with optional some rice.

Other day i eat meat with little less veggies

In the weekends i make a full-fletched recipe. But during the week i just eat simple as fuck.

And i never forget my breakfast. Always 2 cooked eggs and some yoghurt.

As an evening snack, an hour before i go to bed (never eat past 22:00) i ussually eat some quark or yoghurt or more eggs or a protein shake.

Also drink at least 1 liter of water a day, even if you have had soda's.

Because you've made it a habit, fatass.

not consuming enough protein and minerals so your body wakes you up and starving

cat eat burg

It's a good thing nobody's actually hungry all the time then.
For starters you would die from never being able to go to sleep. So no, bullshit.


No you just think they do. Everyone is unhappy to some degree. Everyone.

You're a fucking fatass is why

spot on. i was unemployed for over a year and now i've been working for about a year and this is extremelly accurate.

NEET status: wake up whenever, eat whenever, do whatever.

work: wake up strict time, eat strict time, work and feel more accomplished but besides a paycheck not necessarily that fulfilling.

Either you have free time to do whatever you want, but eventually run out of stuff to do, or you go to work, do stuff that you likely don't care that much about, talk with people, then go home and catch up on your internet/reading/tv.

theres really no winning in life. you either have too much time on your hands, which gives you an existential crisis or you don't have enough time, which gives you an existential crisis.

i think you're projecting a bit.

Would a cat get sick if he eats a cheeseburger?

What's wrong with this cat's eyes?

he's an excited and confused boy

You skip breakfast. Stop skipping breakfast.

Probably because you keep eating at 2 am fat fuck