Why do you not eat a breakfast of champions?
Why do you not eat a breakfast of champions?
Needs ‘vark sauce
Bacon AND avocado? Where's the sriracha cupcakes?
Vark sauce?
For me, it's salmon, white rice, and steamed broccoli, with a side of miso soup. And a glass of orange juice. I used to have problems focusing in class until someone recommended this weird combination to me. Now? Well it might just be a placebo but it works!
Your eggs are horribly overcooked
The good news is you're only an entire bottle of el yucateco and a shitload of jalapenos from being joe rogan
Those macros, that dry bacon, sugar milk, sweet blue berries, and is that tuna. Three eggs is over kill.
Either eat a banana, have a coffee, oatmeal or have something resembling taste with lots of fat, also you beverage game sucks, no wonder you live alone.
no need to turn this into a poop thread.
Secret Aardvark. The Best Hot Sauce.
Op here.
I dont have a neckbeard metabolism like most of you here, so i need tons of protein or i get tired.
not everyone wants to be soyboy faggot user.
Carbs and fat isnt protein, use less pepper you fucking pleb.
He’s already eating avocado toast. Chances are he’s a soygoy.
You sound pretty triggerd by my efficient metabolism.
Oy vey, the goyim know! Shut it down!!!
thanks for the breakfast idea, i should buy walnuts to put on my oatmeal
Dried cranberries
Clean your disgusting desk you waste of space.
I get organic walnuts. They the bes’
breakfast of champions is:
Some kind of carb
some kind of alcohol
A handgun or rifle.
This is common knowledge.
>.25 breakfast of champions because Veeky Forums
>Inferior genetics lactose intolerant detected.
I'm saving for a house.
So you eat top ramen for every meal then? Is that what youre getting at?
this. I don't get how people live like this, don't they see it?
why are your eggs made of paper towels
I see it, but im not a obsessive compulsive, autist & also i work fulltime and i have my priorities straight. I clean my hose here and there when i have an occasional day off.
>somehow seeing tuna anywhere in that image
you could have said something correct in the rest of your post and i would have disregarded it anyway because you're clearly retarded
>muh hose is clean
They mean make your own damn avacado toast instead of pay’n 16 dollars for it at some restaurant.
Veeky Forums is gayer than /lgbt/
i do
>needs to show off weed paraphernalia
You forget your gun too, or what?
My gun is too big so i wait till after breakfast and i bring it out for when i drink my apple cider vinegar.
Penis: small
Please elaborate
Post fedora.
In 1988, Oprah Winfrey wheeled a cart loaded with fat onto the stage of her show. It represented the 67 lbs. that she had dropped by using a liquid protein diet, according to USA Today. By Oprah's own admission, within two days of that memorable moment, she could no longer wear the size 10 jeans that she had donned to present her diet success story. Consumers and Oprah admirers who struggle with weight control often remember the show, instead of Oprah's well-publicized weight challenges since she completed the 1988 liquid diet.
>it's OCD and autistic to not want a dirty fucking bong, nail clippers and wadded up kitchen paper on my desk
Yeah justify living in filth you pathetic stoner cunt. Also I smoke weed but I'm not so pathetic as to leave it lying around in the open and I certainly would clean my bong if it was as black as yours is you filthy twat.
Oh and I run my own business, have fun working for someone else you pathetic cunt.
I can proudly say i have never owned or wanted to own a fedora.
Sorry youre a neet living with your mother who needs to keep your bong hidden away.
You forgot your batoning knives. Amateur.
Not him, but anyone compelled to post their penis substitute popgun on a Micronesian breadfruit horticultural board by definition has a microdick.
Go back to >>/k/ where microdicks and popguns are a dime a dozen.
>Oh and I run my own business, have fun working for someone else you pathetic cunt.
>Not admitting to yourself that running your own business is a 7 day a week job that sucks ass.
I would never want to run my own business. I enjoy having a day or two off a week. Also You sound bitter enough to lead me to believe that your business is in a downward spiral of inevitable failure.
Have fun filing for chapter 7, faggot.
brofist my niggy nog
Nah I meant the weed is pathetic to have lying around. The bong is just the icing on the cake because you've clearly only been smoking for like a year or two and think you're cool for showing it... With a dirty bong bowl that is making every bit of the "Jack Sparrow hybrid" taste like utter shit. Are you fucking stupid? Do you not know to clean out your pipes regularly for taste reasons?
Cracks me up you say I live with my mother when your room looks like a teenager's bedroom BUT WITH A GUN AND WEED I'M TOTALLY AN ADULT GUYS.
My dick is above average size. You seem a little too interested in other people penises by the way.
>intentionally keeps paraphernalia out to make sure everyone who visits knows what a "cool guy" he is.
I can't handle all your awesomeness, it's too much. Please stop.
>he's too lazy and talentless to start a business
Good wagecuck, keep slurping your boss' cum. I work a max of like four hours a day making my product.
Youre an assumption machine. If i meet someone like you i quickly move on to other people who dont suck soo much ass to be around. Have a fun lonley bitter life with your failing business.
>validating his dick size
You brought it up, homo.
>a product so great it mustn’t be mentioned
what's worse, being fat or gay?
Veeky Forums is literally the fattest board, aside from being a bunch of fags.
Found the micropenis
Damn, thanks I was looking for a while now.
>wasting 4 hours a day be a bitter instant-garbage, crap peddler on etsy so he can proudly call people he’s never met wagecucks
god dam you fat cunts eat a lot
ITT: soyboy losers who can't handle guns
>OP eats avacado toast
>OP also owns ar-15
>Veeky Forums‘s fragile autist interpretation of the outside world begins to crumble down around them
because I want to live to be 19
uhh let me take a hit first
less bacon, more fish
less avacado bread, more sweet potato
>breakfast of champions
Maybe if you weren’t such a fat pothead you wouldn’t be alone. Nothing wrong with smoking weed, but including your bong and stash container in a pic of your breakfast shows you’re a degenerate pothead.
This is Veeky Forums which you have mistaken for go there
When i worked in the lumber mill, i really needed a breakfast for champions.
Tried eating peanut butter on bread with a glass of milk but it wasnt enough.
What was enough was fried bacon, 6 eggs, a shot of brandy, 5 pickles, cottage cheese on the side and some bread.
It felt awful when i ate it all and i would get all sleepy but had to go to work.
So i started getting up at 4 30 in the morning to do everything on time, which is the real deal when it comes to breakfasts for champions.
You shit like a champion too
Tell us more about the size of your shits.
I had two cups of coffee with kahlula and about 3 or 4 whiterussians I felt pretty good until I took a nap : (
>this many calories for breakfast
>falling for the big breakfast meme
>working in forestry innaoregon
>sleeping in my trucc
>gotta show up at 0545
>stopping at gas station for coffee and a couple of egg sammiches
>two old guys standing out front having a smoko
>huge fat santa claus lookin nibba in beater square body pickup trucc with assorted chainsaws and such in the back rolls up and bellows something to them in authentic old-tyme western gibberish
>walks in to buy what I can only assume is a REAL breakfast of champions
>one of the old guys turns to the other and says, "now that's a real logger for you"
If you work hard enough, one day you might be that man
Are you an Aussie? Plz quit taking American jobs. You have to fuck off back to 'Straya.
Abos burn down all the trees.
Jungle book was right, apes shouldnt know the secret of fire
Can't you go and kill a bunch of niggers in the Solomon Islands or Papua New Guinea and cut down all their trees for lumber?
We have you niggers and we cut down your trees for lumber, and get paid at that.
>Are you an Aussie
nah I just know a few
born in the USA
I appreciate this poast, thanks user
Living alone is what every married man wishes he could have back. Having a lady who comes over for a quick fuck and then leaves is the ideal situation. Youre lying if that doesnt sound superior to your miserable fat wife and your ugly stupid children who suck up all your money and dreams. Kys, faggot.
>showing your firearms next to illegal substances
>posting evidence of a felony you're committing
are you guys lifting weights? this shit is massive and no normal male needs to eat this much
Are those vegan "eggs" or something? What the hell did you do to them?
normal males don't lift weights where you're from? huh, weird.
so you guys are fat? no way you can eat that much and be a healthy weight
And what kind of felony would that be?
Eating breakfast with a legally owned gun. Legally Smoking weed in the state of california?
You sound lke one of those retarded busy body old women who yells at all their neighbors and makes up fake laws to impose upon them because you have no day to day to day responsibilities to keep yourself feom butto into everyone elses lives.
You should just end your own suffering since observing what other people are doing pains you so much.
It looks like they cooked them in a non-stick pan over very, very low heat. They might've used coconut oil, thus the lack of browning on the eggs. And maybe they sprinkled cornmeal onto the eggs afterwards? Idk lmao
Perjury. When you legally purchased your rifle you were asked "Are you addicted or using any illegal substances?" and would have not been sold the gun if you answered yes. This is refrencing the federal laws which still view cannabis as a schedule 1 substance.
California doesnt acknowledge faggot jeff sessions federal bitching, you kiss ass narc faggot. Kys
Fish is excellent for cognitive function. There's been numerous studies on that. I eat fish for breakfast often, as well as for lunch.
Bet you like sanctuary cities too, faggot.
Wheres the proof that i was using an illegal substance at the time of purchasing my fire arm? Pleeeeaaassse kill yourself you kuck faggot. Your pressence is unbearable.
That's a little much.
I'd just combine the avocado, egg, bacon, and toast with some sliced tomato and spinach to make a breakfast BLTAE, and have the yogurt as well, with some tea.
I like them because they trigger you this much.
do your prep your wife's bull?
WTF - yogurt AND glass of milk
breakfast for a diabetes americana fatty who will rush to grab the insuling be4 he can even finish the eggs
Honestly beaners most of the time piss me off. They drive slow , throw their garbage everywhere and you can hear their annoying leaf blowers buzzing way too early in the morning, but knowing that they make some giant diesle truck driving,faggot, inbred,dumbass coal miner who thinks he’s gonna get his job back unhappy. Well then that Makes the sanctuary citys not so bad.
Plus the beaners pick all the fucking fruits and vegetables while you faggot inbreds complain about needing to dig in the earth for cancerous black clumps of dust.
Maybe if you want all the beaners out of the country you poorfag coal miners should come up out of the interior of the earth and start picking berries, you whiney faggots. Then you would have jobs and we could stop burning coal and fucking up the environment.
since when did milk and yogurt give you diabetes ,you 5 year old?!?
Because I'm almost never hungry in the morning.
And no I'm not a skellington, I'm builtfat.