Do you rinse off your fish or meat in cold water before you cook it? I do with everything except beef.
Do you rinse off your fish or meat in cold water before you cook it? I do with everything except beef
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i rinse my meat every day.
is that crocodile meat?
i rip open the package and devour it with my hands
any single ladies browsing this thread? msg me
Why would you rinse meat? Does your country have zero H&S standards on fresh meat? Also, wouldn't raw meat juice just splash everywhere when you rinse it?
>not wiping your steaks down with a lysol wipe real quick before seasoning
idk how faggots like you are even capable of breathing on your own
If you buy a fresh chicken or turkey you wouldn't run some water over it before you season it and put it in the oven?
No? If there was anything dangerous that could be simply "rinsed off", it wouldn't stand a chance in a hot oven
season with salt
into the fridge or leave it out to temper if cooking the same day.
>not boiling your lysol wipes in bleach before
You tryna get salmonella?
That only works for organic matter.
No. Why would you? The only thing rinsing your meat off does is spray raw meat water everywhere.
>but my meat has slime/etc on it
Not trying to strawman, just being preemptive. People always fucking respond with this in washing meat threads and the answer is "buy better meat, dumbass"
You 4channers are so funny
I'mma post this to r/Veeky Forums to get some lol's
ironically poultry's danger is salmonella, and the danger in salmonella is the byproduct of it which you can't "rinse off"
>no thermal shock in liquid nitrogen after the boil
enjoy your giardia
what kind of non-organic matter are you finding on your meat, dude?
buy better meat instead of the wally world shit special
Okay well I rinse off chicken breasts because when you open the package they're covered in some sort of poultry slime and it usually coagulates or something in the pan and it grosses me out, so I rinse it off, pat it dry and cook it.
This. if you buy large beef primals they will also come vacuum packed in the US. this leaves them in "blood" (it's mainly protein and water, there is no blood in hung beef) that doesn't cook well, so I rinse it, this also removes any bone fragments that the butcher might have missed.
Don't rinse it. It'll just splatter all the nasty shit all over your sink and possibly counter and not make the chicken any less unsanitary. At most you can pat it dry if you're planning on roasting it or something.
>The only thing rinsing your meat off does is spray raw meat water everywhere.
This is why the USDA specifically says not to wash raw meat.
I have a quarts countertop that is not supposed to let germs grow on it and some regular 409 will kill off anything else there or in my sink. I am actulally a little bit of a germaphobe when I am cooking, especially if I am cooking for someone else.
There is no way I'm going to stop cold rinsing my poultry and pork. Sometimes it has a slightly funky smell that goes away when I wash off the "blood".
How fucking New are you?
Children I swear.
Do you idiots not have a cleaning rag and some counter cleaner?
I hate you.
>trusting the average tard to be capable of cleaning up after themselves properly
Also, the official reasoning for this is not because it splashes on counters and such, but because the average person will have the other ingredients out on the counter and it could splash on those. Often, other ingredients are not subjected to the same temperatures that meats are, and would then still harbor the bacteria after preparation.
>washing veggies and fruit is okay
>Veeky Forums flips out when asked to wash their meat
been here since 2005.
are you from the caribbean?
You should only rinse salt fish.
No, that's a piece of rockfish from the Chesapeake Bay.
Other places call it striped bass.
Board of health and food hygiene say this does no good and spreads bacteria over your sink area
why would you rinse fruits and vegetables?
namefag, read a fucken pamphlet or something about it. just because you can't keep your dick smegma-free doesn't mean we all have to diverge from the USDA and obsessive rinse every piece of flesh with water.
>diverge from the USDA
Needing a government agency to tell you what to do doesn't make you seem intelligent. I'm guessing without the government you'd be eating table legs and dirt wouldn't you?
sure that's fine, but making arguments and being ignorant of what the premiere authority in the land says on fucken meat washing *does* make you seem unintelligent.
it's fine to disagree with reasons, it's less fine to just be in the fucken dark.
>premiere authority in the land says on fucken meat washing *does*
it rinses off smelly vacuum bag juice and bone shards off the meat. Just spray lysol and don't fucking trim your veggies while you do it.
Why? The heat will kill any bacteria
nigga, I guess if you are buying those dollar store ribeyes, sure, wash those ratsteaks thoroughly. fucken mung
Saw this recommendation from multiple sources.
no, rinsing meat ruins flavor and texture.
sure buddy
you wash away dirt and bugs from fresh produce
yeah, those 8 beef tenderloin PSMO I got last week was just like the dollar store ribeyes.
fucking moron.
applying heat to a good cut of beef is blasphemy. stomach acid kills germs
>bragging about meat purchases on a tajiki propaganda and soap opera discussion forum
this thread is taking a grim turn
Bragging? No just explaining that meat comes in vacuum bags to people that have not shopped in their life.
I work in the meat department of a grocery store
multiple times I've witnessed my coworkers drop steaks and roasts on the ground and put them right back in the styrofoam tray
please rinse the meat before you cook it
I love little boy meat and I don't wash the smegma away. Much like garlic, it's an essential delicacy to have with eggs. Hair little eggs. I am an old bag lady. I wash in the sink. My wizard sleeves
I don't rinse meat and I dont wash rice, we are all gonna die sooner or later why waste time doing dumb shit.
To wash off the dirt and pesticides and boogers from the Mexicans who picked them.
>t. cancerboy
i dont rinse beef, ever. i will rinse chicken or fish if there is a slimy film on the meat from packaging, but otherwise i just pat it dry.
Looks like striped bass
Nah. They've been swimming in water all their lives; surely they're already as clean as they can get.
Rinse with water, soak in lemon