How do you go from this
To this
You don't. Literally nobody knew that Brooklyn even made barbecue until you made this terrible thread.
Looks exactly like the family platter at the BBQ joint I like. Good shit.
Brooklyn should stick to bagels and other Jew foods.
No one with access to the first would choose the second.
What is everyone else having?
The actual meat could be good. This is mostly a presentation problem. If you leave 80% of the tray empty it'll look sad no matter how good the food is.
Go away JIDF
There's one of these places near me, the meat was great but it looked like prison food
What even is that in the first and second parts of the webm? I am a total shut in and have been all my life, I've seen it but never eaten it and every time I see this webm my mouth waters and I have a strong craving for it. Can someone link a recipe for this?
first item shown is beef ribs, following one is brisket
>gay displays
This dude is secretly a faggot
beef ribs, brisket, pork ribs, pulled pork, sassage, pulled pork and sassage sambo, roast turkey, black bean salad, potato salad, coleslaw
>Can someone link a recipe for this?
The recipe is incredibly simple.
Take a nice fatty cut of meat, rub some sugar/salt/pepper on the exterior, and put it in a smoker for 12+ hours.
Not as gay as pouring beer in a mason jar.
I hate this faux-slumming attempt at presentation.
i live in brooklyn. the bbq is garbage.
the restaurants are owned by dilettantes who convinced their parents to let them at slightly more of their trust fund than normal to open a restaurant. the food is made, obviously, by either mexicans or bearded white dudes, both of whom could use a bath. served by brooklyn casual attired hipster females who inevitably fuck something up, but still want 20% tip...or buy from the counter, watch them grudgingly scoop your brisket made two days ago onto a sheet pan(?) and still want tips. food is inexplicably expensive. suffer the indignity of eating at a bench surrounded by fags, shrill females and their browbeaten bfs, having less of a conversation and more just directly regurgitating their entire fb feed at each other.
son of sam did nothing wrong.
Both are $20, it just changed location to brooklyn.
I bet the pickles are good at least, New York jews do a good pickle.
>He doesn't drink Coors from his mom's empty canning jars
New York has great bbq tho. The Dixie Pig is probably the best you can get in the continent.
It's taking over the world!
you cut the meat and put it on a plate and add a bun and pickles i guess
not real sure what else you're supposed to do pal