i'm addicted how do i quit?
I almost went a week without food but broke down today and ate an entire pizza
how do i stop eating? this trash is ruining my life
I'm addicted how do i quit?
veggie bean chili and bread is a pizza like meal without the fat and is very tasty.
you don't understand i'm trying to NOT eat
go into therapy and get help, seek a prescription for something that will suppress your appetite
wtf are you talking about? You have to eat to live. If you fast for AN ENTIRE WEEK of course you will binge eat, numbnuts
oh so this is an eating disorder thread. You need to understand that this is a food board so GTFO of here and get mental help.
eat a little each day but count calories.
Right now it sounds like you either want soylent or to kill yourself.
Why wouldn't somebody want to eat?
how do i survive without stuffing my hole like a disgusting animal then?
Never stop. Pizza is so good, dude. Eat pizza forever. Eat pizza to death.
idk if you're retarded or what, but straight up not eating isn't going to help you lose weight.
if you want to unfuck yourself in a hurry, eat nothing but plain, unseasoned baked potatoes OR plain, unseasoned oatmeal. do this for a couple weeks, then start reintroducing regular food.
i HATE eating
i want to NOT EAT EVER AGAIN without dying
>go on board about food and cooking
>guise i hate food wat do
>i want to NOT EAT EVER AGAIN without dying
You're asking the impossible you madman!!!
There are meal replacements like soylent nd huel... but I think a fistulated stomach (pic related) is more your style. That way you can put food directly into your stomach without all that nasty "swallowing" business
Final thought: Pizza is a downright silly food and the fact that you go back to it says to me you have an emotional attachment to food and that's OK
start with eating a shit ton of veggies until you're full. As long as it's real fresh food instead of preserved, you'll start to feel healthier. From there on you can start with the walks and workout when you're ready but not eating will never do you any good. Many people say it but they say it for a reason.
Remove your stomach
Become gay for a week
Then don’t eat. Drink smoothies instead. Problem solved.
Keep a rubber band around your wrist, and snap it every time you think about food. The pain association will eventually deter you from thinking about it at all.
Try out breatharianism. Are you cool with drinking? Get a good filter so you don't get fluoridated.
everyone dies user
Really makes you think.
Easiest way is to ween off you gigantic faggolli.
Cut the carbs and make a fathead pizza or some shit
Fuckin woops I meant to link OP but my comment still stands
Have you talked about this with anyone IRL? A family member or a friend?
Do you know WHY you overeat? Something you've come to the habit of running from, an emotion/thought/situation that triggers the impuls to consume?
How long have you had the habit of eating too much and badly? Childhood or later?
I haven't eaten in eight years it's definitely possible.
Same here. On a daily basis I probably eat about 3000-4000 calories of just pizza. I order a large everyday and then I will sometimes throw in a frozen pizza in the oven or go to a by the slice place down the street and get like 4 large assorted slices. It's ruining my life. In the past 2 months I have gone from being 140lbs (I am 5'10) to 185lbs and I am so depressed and miserable and afraid. Everything in my life is wrong and I am such a fucking failure pizza is the only thing that makes me happy but I basically have budding breasts now and a slight belly developing. On the bright side I ONLY drink water, and unsweetened tea or coffee, sometimes beer or wine but basically my only serious daily calories intake comes from pizza.
Help me guys please I can't live like this I don't fucking want to be obese but I see myself getting there. I have eaten pizza literally everyday since the new year.
Why don't you just work out?
I'm too lazy and depressed to go to the gym.
Then work out at home. Don't worry about trying to look like a condom filled with walnuts, just get in better shape.
I hate eating pizza too. I always feel guilty after im half way done with a pizza then I force myself to stop eating. It taste so good, but it's so bad for you.
Vitamins and shakes.
Okay you might want to sit down for this one, it sounds crazy but hear me out:
Have you tried NOT eating pizza?
No fuck you
>pizza is bad for you
S-Stop that user.