>used to be very picky as a child
>now eat normal foods
>family always says shit like "Wow! user is so adventurous!"
Please stop. It's fucking tomatoes, you don't need to be so shocked.
Used to be very picky as a child
It's your own fault for being a little shit when you were younger, autist.
>"A single solitary tomato can make the world go extinct."
I was the only boy in my family who wasn't a picky little shit so my mom must have loved it. The list of shit I didn't like was all of about five foods so she wouldn't force the boiled spinach on me since I ate everything else all week.
they are mocking you, get with the bants m8
I still eat picky with normal things but I find it easy to eat all sorts of weird stuff like frog legs and escargot. I think my family is a bit disillusioned
Eat some Doritos®.
>"but user, you love the attention as a kid". "Has your diaper filled up yet big boy?"
On second thought, are they making fun of you? Lol
Just SHIFT to another timeline where you were never picky and so your family doesn't poke fun at you for your past fussy eating habits.
Can I stay buff for 11 months living on nothing but
>used to be very picky as a child
>"If you dont eat what we eat then you dont eat" - grandpa
>starve for a few nights
>just eat what they eat
If that happened today your guardians would be charged with child abuse.
This i hated onions ,and spinach and all like flesh cakey things. I now love onions in like pots and bigger dishes but still dislike them raw like on burgers. now when iam with my family they always go "oh you eat onions whoah? What did change your mind?". I understand but i was fucking 8 now im 22
So what does Veeky Forums put in their pasta?
>be asian
>see avocados becomes a hipster meme and prices shoot up
>now have to pay more for avocados to make avocado smoothie
I can eat:
- Beef tongue
- Balut
- Escargot
- Frog legs
- Sushi (not the Americanised fake crab shit)
- Fermented and pickled veges/beans/fish
- Chicken feet
- Dishes with fish sauce/shrimp paste
- Organ meat
- Blood pudding
The foods that are weird by American standards that I want to try are insects/worms/grubs, bull penis and milt
Fuck that motherfucking puzzle to fucking hell. Also I like ground beef.
Sure, just make sure to wear a condom.
Is there a condom large enough for an 18in Σ-shaped wang?
And pasta does taste nice with beef mince
I have like an inverse problem than you. I used to be picky and my family never really bothered to cater to my pickiness when I was a kid, only when I got older did they make an effort. Now they have relapsed into not remembering foods. It's weird. I'm pretty much limited to not liking cauliflower at this point and my family will still be like "We made you some cauliflower". I don't know, i'm just weirded out by the fact they raised me for 18 years and don't know anything about me. I'm fucking 26. You can date a chick for a month and know what food she likes and dislikes. Apparently in 18 years my family still doesn't know. Except for my prick brother who knows exactly what I hate and intentionally tried to feed it to me as a kid. He would sneak ingredients I hated into food. Poisoner.
when did asians use avocado fatty? You're just a fatty who complains about everything.
You're pretty fucking spoiled where I come from if you DON'T eat those stuff as you grew up.
Because you're spoiled bra. That all. In Africa, you'd die to get a taste of cauli fucking flower.
You sure he’s not telling your family that you like those things behind your back?
If you have to ask, you're not one. Asians tend to use avocados for milkshakes, particularly South-East Asians.
>Asians tend to use avocados for milkshakes
No they fucking don't. You guys just barely got that crop in thailand and I'm sure you're american which meant that you fucking stole it from the spics. You're so fucking retarded it hurts me to respond.
>No they fucking don't
You're either really a retard or you're just desperate for (You)s. We Viet call it Sinh tố bơ and I have had it all my life.
Your family is white aren't they
>I have had it all my life
You're retarded as fuck for thinking that because you've had a fruit your entire life, it is yours when your people don't even fucking know how to grow it until some 90 years ago compared to the spics who have been growing it for centuries lol. Go to sleep kid and take your complaint with you to bed.
When the hell have I claimed that Asians own the fruit just because they use it? Have you really been having this online meltdown over nothing?
All I said is that because I'm viet and I make avocado milkshakes, they've become more expensive due to an imbalance in supply and demand where I am, and I made a joke about hipsters.
You seriously need help if you're getting this mad online over avocados.
What kind of fucking family do you live in that eating TOMATOES is considered outlandish?
I come from an exceptionally large and extended family. Plz no judge. Most are picky eaters; my mother, 3 younger brothers, and I will eat just about anything.
The Gen-Z and the Boomers are the ones that are really bad. The rest of us are hanging out making home-made stock, noodles, prepping vegetables to saute; and they're spreading out in literal terror like they're afraid of anything colored green.
This desu, easiest solution.
Diana? In my Veeky Forums?