How does Veeky Forums plan on celebrating International Woman's Day?
I'm going to burn a simple dish than any idiot could have gotten right if they just put a little effort into it.
How does Veeky Forums plan on celebrating International Woman's Day?
I'm going to burn a simple dish than any idiot could have gotten right if they just put a little effort into it.
pol, r9k
I’m going to pretend I don’t know how to cook and then blame the patriarchy for me not knowing how to cook because if I did know how to cook I would be subjecting myself to the traditional female role. Then I will put on a fat suit and post myself on fb in a revealing outfit and wait to get compliments. Finally I will find some guy online to order pizza for me.
Are there really people on this site who don't hate women?
hatred of women is a marxist propaganda meme to prevent white people from having kids
yes. but they are a minority.
shove off cletus
I'm going to make chocolate chip cookies in a kitchenaid stand mixer that my dad bought me and I have used twice in the 5 years I've lived in my Williamsburg apartment
Telling truth isn't the same thing as hatred. Birds poop on cars, and it's very inconvenient, but pointing out that fact doesn't mean I hate them.
>Woman's Day
the fuck is this gay shit
she spends 3000 a month for a closet sized appt
>International Woman's Day?
I thought it was a thing only in former soviet countries
But there is a declining white birth-rate, so either there are differences between races or there is another force shifting their perceptions of parenthood and self-worth. You really wrote yourself into a corner here bud :^)
this isnt the forum for race discussions, fucker. i could wreck you in a conversation about race. this is a food board, so fuck off.
Fuck off shill; gas the kikes, race war now.
I fucking hate Jews. As much as I hate nogs and slimes, if it weren’t for the Jews the others would be back in their own shitholes.
you arent intelligent enough to hate jews.
It might have something to do with white people being rich, buddy, which is what always happens. When a society gets money they have fewer kids
It is going to be my birthday :D
You were saying?
Learn to make a proper steak, reverse-seared on garlic butter you neet.
I don't hate women particularly. I know men and women I respect greatly as well as those who I don't think are worth much at all. Shitposting and memery aside, all the actual beef 4chinz has with women can be chalked up to the greater issues of mankind. Not their gender specifically