why does food from other countries look so unsanitary?
Why does food from other countries look so unsanitary?
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is thst lady making traditional swiss bee pasta?
Shithole countries don't have sanitation laws
Here's sanitary food in the good old you ess of ayyy.
It's in china, some sweets stall at a festival or something, those things are wasps iirc. There's a video if you care to find it.
That's hot.
But it's a dog act.
Because they're poor and dumb
because it is
Like that wasn't the most delicious hot dog the customer had ever had.
I'm left with this sensation that she is beyond redemption, and whoever she used to be is gone, and what remains is some kind of zombie. An empty husk of amoral irrelevance, but there are a lot of contradictions in this simple advertisement of venal decadence. Maybe this is what primitive societies fear, when they hold the superstition that cameras can steal your soul...
She doesn't have a lot going for her, and even that is diminished by her freakish exhibitionism. This world is a huge disappointment.
It is.
What's so unsanitary about bee?
Being unsanitary is that keeps vegans in India alive.
>eat the sausage
>tastes like pussy
>eat her pussy
>tastes like sausage
>infinite loop
kek. her pussy is literally the event horizon
I think theyre bees
Im ok with bees
bees are chill
>There's a video if you care to find it.
You're telling the story so you should find it.
Those are bees. And it's because most first world countries are obsessively clean to the point where we have tons of people with allergies and autoimmune diseases due to lack of exposure to vital bacteria
>we have tons of people with allergies and autoimmune diseases due to
GMO infested foods that are making us sick
Mmmmmm, horse snouts
what happened to the horse's donger?
this 100 times over.
>Cooking with a friend
>making meatballs
>taste them after adding seasoning
>"Wow user, did you just taste raw meat?!?!"
>so what? Raw meat doesn't stop you from taking my dick
Haven't been sick for 5 years now btw, no flu vaccines either.
>lives in shithole country
>Be Americunt
>Bourgeois is allowed to pay their workers under minimum wage
>Waitresses rely on your tips to subsidize their wage
>Don't tip
>Waitress sticks your food in her snatch
That could be part of it as well. We don't know as of yet.
Because other countries dont use toilet paper.
Toilet paper is the shittiest way to clean your asshole, no pun intended
>Because other countries speak a foreign language
Teach me how to properly clean my asshole user
If we don't tip their employer still has to make up the difference so it comes out to whatever minimum wage is in their state. It rarely comes to that because servers on average make more than minimum wage. This little fact is why you will never see servers demand an end to tipping culture.
Use bidet
Sure let me just bring one in to the office and/or to every public restroom
Inb4 you recommend an old ketchup bottle full of water for pooping on the go
Sure use tp while out. At home or in any living space, get a bidet.
and this is fools gold
maybe there's something in the water, or gmo foods, that's making white people go berzerk these days.
people everywhere have been going berzerk always for all of time
This, even then most places just pay them minimum wage now of days since it's easier to calculate
Tinfoil hat conspiracies.
but for justifiable reasons. even black people today are killing each other over money and drugs, but white people are more sinister and calculated, and are responsible for the major atrocities like school massacres and shoving someone's food up their vag for no good reason.
just sayn. take a step back and see the world for what it is. shit's going down.
oh, i see. you're just the resident McSanto shill who will use any means to whiteknight for gmo's.
>be american wait staff
>make 5 bucks and will always get minimum wage at least
>serve about 5 people an hour
>average tip is 5 bucks
>making 30/hour
>also get free food
>don't have to report tips on taxes which are tax free
>kitchen also give free meal at the end of shift
wait staff makes a killing anyone who doesn't think this is dumb
Why do americans pay a premium for honey that comes with the honey comb?
What do you mean? Why do we pay extra for local honey?
No. If you look at OP's pic, it's bee's flying to something sweet which is the same concept of getting pollen from a honeycomb. CHECK M8 Americunt. CHECK M8
reminds me of that hehehe plant picture
Why do Chileans eat this?
Maybe they want more money because they want financial compensation for the emotion suffering of being a server. I mean it would be an extremely depressing life watching other people having fun and on dates with beautiful women or just people generally enjoying each other's company.
I think I'd become bitter and judgemental too if I did that for long enough.
Looks like Eddie Murphy saying "Hey Shrek" in stereo
Carry around some baby wipes and use those to finish after you wipe with regular toilet paper so you can freshen and clean your asshole and can toss the wipes without them smelling full of shit
I want a restaurant where that's a standard part of the service.
Your mom is using that in her bedroom.
Partly because it's real honey, as opposed to Chinese HFCS with 10% honey mixed in.
great.. ill never go out to eat again
I always assume they are doing something like this when my food comes out after the people that ordered after me
>black people kill for drugs and shoes
>but muh white peepo are just evil, take it from me pal
my guess is that she had an itch in her cooter, that or she was starting her period, which could explain why she put ketchup on it.
I wonder how many times I've ate snatch hotdogs
I wonder if she was embarrassed when she was shown the vid before getting fired. then went home and saw a million people watching it online.
>1st-world country
>used to work in a small diner where we would prepare the food behind the counter visible to the customers
>have to go through a shit-ton of plastic gloves every day because laws and shit even though my hands are clean, i wash them often and i dont have any cuts or long fingernails nor dirt under them
>some customers are so fearful of bacteries that they have to stop what im doing every once in a while to say i should change my gloves because i just touched those cucumber slices and i shouldnt pick the tomato slices with the same fucking gloves to their baguette (no i didn't work at subway) etc
I can understand being clean and having clean hands when working in the food-industry but fuck sakes it's going too far!
Luckily on the place i now work the kitchen isn't visible to customers so no one uses the gloves but instead quickly washes their hands occasionally and avoids picking their nose and such shit that should be common fucking sense.
how did you sleep? well?
Just flush the wipes wtf
Also aloe is highly estrogenic so enjoy literally rubbing your asshole with estrogen.
>white people are more sinister
Back to ledd*t
if the waitress above was black and a customer pissed her off she would have said her piece to the customer at the time, and the customer would have walked away saying 'nigs gonna nig'. but the white girl is as sinnister as you saw.
facts are right there. you'd have to be raging lunatic not to see what's right in front of your face.
>wonder how many times I've ate snatch hotdogs
the color of your skin does not change moral judgment, or mental stability
or i should have said effect
You have to go back.
>flushing baby wipes
Just because the packaging says you can doesn't mean you should. I've done that shit and it's still clogged my pipes.
This is true. I work at a local fine dining, privately owned restaurant in upstate NY. It's one of the few in my area unless you consider apple bees fine dining, so we get quite a bit of business. average bill comes to $80-$100 and people usually tip 20%. this is usually for a table of 2, 6 or more and I make a killing. however i wait about 3-4 tables an hour. I can make anywhere from 55k- 70k a year in tips alone. plus my hourly. why would I ever want to leave?
The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get.
Because it is and they already piss out their butthole.
Maybe if you weren’t so fat, you’d be able to last a couple of hours between shitting.
Can't wait for robots to replace these people so I can feel safer about food
this, for the love of me i don't know how people can live without one. when you touch dirt with your hand you have to use water. same applies for your ass. using bidet then wiping is the ultimate way to clean up.
>infinite loop
kek. her pussy is literally the event horizon
hope the rest of the horse didn't go to waste
>the country that produces 65% of global HFCS stock is importing HFCS
These posts give me hope that maybe Veeky Forums isn't dead. Sucks that in 2018 I need to sift through a sea of "internet is serious business and this is disgusting degeneracy roastie wageslave cuckold" posts to find posts that remember that the internet is for fun.
The internet stopped being fun when women found it.
I need you to tell me how you know about the secret swiss bee pasta.
An ombudsman of the confederation will be to your door soon
i ate dog meat today, it was delicious
>pic related
>Have to pay "not-tax" or get your food fucked with.
She put ketchup because she was taking it to a customer. Bitch had to be arrested.
And yet your contribution is to piss and moan like a bitch.
kek. oh, the ironing.