>visiting bongland
>all the forks in all the restaurants have flat tips
>only ever given a butter knife
>had to specifically ask for a steakknife
Holy fuck is there a more cucked country on this planet?
>visiting bongland
>all the forks in all the restaurants have flat tips
>only ever given a butter knife
>had to specifically ask for a steakknife
Holy fuck is there a more cucked country on this planet?
>Reddit frog
You’ve got to go back.
Sharp tipped dining forks is just poor design. You stick those things in your mouth.
As for the steak knife, did you have a steak? You don't normally have to ask if you actually have a steak.
if you have such shitty hand eye coordination where you’ve ever stuck yourself with a knife you have bigger problems to deal with
You don't have to stab your tongue hard to draw blood. Just scratch it. Have you ever bit your tongue? It shouldn't be possible, but stuff just happens sometimes.
Holy shit they're actually trying to defend this
I've been using sharp-tipped forks for my entire life and I never once stabbed my tongue or hurt myself. You're just a pansy
First of all you do realise reddit and Veeky Forums are basically the same thing right? Most of the content posted here comes from reddit anyway.
Secondly there's no difference between a flat tipped fork and a sharp fork for stabbing food, both work fine the only difference is the extra safety that comes from using a flat tipped fork, ergo we should only use flat tips it's not hard to understand
you're a fucking idiot
>visiting murica
>no cutlery, only shovels
>300lb mouth-breathing waitress drives to my table on a mobility scooter and hands me a pistol
>"anythin else dahhhlin'?"
>starts clapping when I accidentally discharge the firearm in a panic to give it back
>hurriedly try to leave, throw down a handful of bills, I don't know how much exactly but at least 3x the value of the meal, she scoffs at my tip saying she has children to feed
>I apologize and stumble out the restaurant
>she waddles after me but gets stuck in the door
>I run around the block and down an alley hoping she won't find me
>In the darkness I hear a rustling, I turn to see the embers of a blunt or maybe a crackpipe idk, the faint glow of a pair of eyes and teeth
>oh no, it's a chocolate gentlemen, i've seen these on tv, maybe he won't see me if I stay still
and that's how I lost my virginity
You’re a fucking idiot
>300lb mouth-breathing waitress drives to my table on a mobility scooter
>she waddles after me but gets stuck in the door
muricans are dumb amirite
Are you under the uninformed opinion that those who utilize mobility scooters are unable to mount their mechanical steeds when duty calls?
Bullshit, tell someone on Reddit they are being a faggot and watch yourself get down voted and lectured to about how hateful speech can be and that's why it needs to be banned.
And why do you think flat tipping forks are safer? A dull kmife is more dangerous than a sharp one why are forks any different.
>go to pakistan
>turns out I was actually in the UK
Well why in all of America would you visit Detriot?
People would soon start to downvote you here for calling someone a faggot if we had a voting system
A dull knife is more dangerous because when cutting food while cooking it can act unpredictable and slide when you want it to bite, a fork is just stabby either way. If you think there's no difference then please be my guest to eat future meals with a scalpel knife and 3 syringes glued together as a fork
There is a reason Veeky Forums doesn't have a voting system, because it's not fucking Reddit it isn't "basically the same thing" hell Reddit you aren't even allowed to make fun of fat people anymore. I don't see Veeky Forums getting rid of /r9k/ because of muh misogyny the way Reddit routinely does to groups of people it disagrees with.
Syringes are not tines like a fork are you seriously a complete retard?
>reddit and Veeky Forums are basically the same thing
As expected from a namefaggot. chop, I tolerated you for a while.
fuck you're dumb
>Syringes are not tines like a fork are you seriously a complete retard?
You are asking a bong this?
Remember to hide all topics that begin with a wojack/pepe for a better and more fulfilling Veeky Forums browsing experience. Thank you for your time.
You're right, but you need to use literal concepts to explain yourself to these people because they're mostly autistic. Hyperbole is far and away beyond their meager mental capacity.
>spending money to visit a cucked country
lmao @ u
>visit bongland
>be working
>opening package of new stuff
>take out tiny folding swiss army knife as is allowable by her majesty the queen
>all nearby coworkers make an o face and ask me why I have that user is going to stab someone etc.
What the fuck is their problem?
There are so many migrants in the UK, doing acid attacks and terrorism every single day.
>be British
>visiting america
>have to ask for the waiter to file down my fork so I don't accidentally kill myself
>get nervous when he hands me a knife for the food I ordered
>ask him to cut it for me, because I can't handled sharp objects
you dont need a fork to gobble soy
Right. Forks weren't in widespread use in america until after the civil war. Amerilards shoveled the food into their gaping maws with the same hand they wiped their ass with in the halfmoon outhouse. And they had to have a publicity campaign to teach the inbred 56%ers to build an outhouse. At least Pajeet uses a different hand.
Do you just say dumb shit to be inflammatory or are you actually, literally a ręddit transplant namefagging on Veeky Forums.