Why do overpriced hipster companies have such an obsession over handlebar mustaches?
Why do overpriced hipster companies have such an obsession over handlebar mustaches?
Because muh Italian and French artisans. It's a way for people to pretend they're involved in old world cuisine when they're just picky socialites.
Mustaches are very popular in the gay community. Remember the leather enthusiast in The Village People?
Maybe like 30 years ago you turbo autist.
Found the faggot
These pizzas are great (for frozen pizzas) and are often on sale for a reasonable price.
how is shitty walmart frozen pizza hipster?
I had the pepperoni one once and it was one of the worst frozen pizzas I have ever had. I will never get this meme product again.
Same here. Same with pic related.
I can only find this shit at Harris Teeter.
Sorry that you have such shit tastes.
>hipster company
Found the gay enthusiast
Those frozen pizzas are shit but the same company sells these strombolis that are basically just overstuffed hot pockets
It's good for what it is, only buy it on sale
because it's slightly more expensive and has a more notable box, so it's evil and mocking me
Found the pedo
Found the double pedo
It accents the nu-male scream face perfectly.
nobody can ever open their mouth ever again because some retards from /v/ made the word numale commonplace
fuck you
>Laughing with friends and family at dinner
>Someone takes a picture
>Anyone guy with a slightly open mouth instantly becomes a bugman/soyboy
Why does this always happen? How did /pol/ get this powerful?
It started with steampunk bullshit and then it swung over towards the hipsters.
because its fucking true
don't use submissive beta body language if you don't want to be treated like a submissive beta
They had a great chicken pesto one, but I can't find anything other than the supreme strombolis.
Opening your mouth makes you a beta? Unironically believing in alpha and betas makes you a cuck
These suck. They spent all their money on packaging and forgot to actually make the pizza taste good. Dense crust, soggy, bland.
>he shows both rows of teeth when he "smiles"
>he pops his fearful little eyes out when he "smiles"
Not our fault you're such a soyboy
>It has a BIG CRUST
>Lots of crust somehow a good thing
That overpriced shit tastes bad.
I tried a slice of that Great Value fro' 'za someone recommened Even though everyone laughed at you, and called you poor for it, I just want to say.
It was good. You were right, user
humans are social apes, we aren't some special thing that exempts us from our natural caste system the same way all other apes live
there are alphas and betas, if you want to be an alpha you need to seize the alphas spot. That's how it works
having your mouth gaped open is the same as standing there with one hand on your hip, or with limp wrists, favoring one leg over the other when you stand, looking at the ground when you walk, or sitting with your legs closed
it's submissive body language and you're a little faggot if you do it
This. You can pour the moisture on the top of the pizza into a cup too there's so much of it.
Pretty terrible pizza, wouldn't eat again.
Wolves arrange themselves by alphas, betas, and omegas. That's not how humans work.
You're assigning debunked wolf behavior to apes. In other words you don't know what you're talking about you
yes it is, it's how apes work too
in each troop there is an alpha male and an alpha female which outrank all other members.
they make the rules, they are in charge, all others report to them
if you want to be in charge you need to become the alpha
humans are exactly the same way
all animals with family groups arrange themselves this way actually
elephants, lions, people. The females stay in the family and are allowed to mate with males approved by the alpha
the males once they become old enough have 2 choices, become the alpha male of your group or go out and find your own group
Lions don't have alphas. There is one male per pride and multiple females. Lions without a pride aren't betas. They are wanderers outside of the social group until they can get a pride. Alpha, beta, and omega are social rankings within a group.
It's easier to catch all of that nigger cum being shot in their faces. Also, they get to savor it for later.
>educating others on human social dynamics without ever having taken part in them yourself
riveting stuff buddy, try going outside and talking to people sometime
He did once. He tried to pull "I'm muh alpha ape of this group guys" and they laughed so hard at him he swore never to leave his mom's bf's basement again.
That's because the beta lions are fucking dead.
Comparing humans to apes is dumb, like thinking evolution is real levels of dumb.
The soyboy scream is NOT a normal smile.
Damn, a whole 3 ronis. Can peopl even afford that theese days?
I paid 5 bucks for this at the commissary a few times for the mozzarella one. I fucking love cheese though, shame i live in the states now
it is a traditional symbol of masculinity which they know nothing about. same deal as fedora
That's not a handlebar mustache
Because they're kitschy and hipsters LOVE kitschy.
Why are you giving honey to the donkeys? Do you expect to not get swarmed by triggered numales on a cooking board?
These people actually believe races don't exist and biology doesn't matter, let that sink in. Ignore and move on. Knowledge is precious, don't give it away to the roaches, you'll only waste time and they won't believe it anyway.
>i luv muh science based on evolutionary theory keeping me and my spawn alive longer so we can prosletize how evolution is a trick of satan and humans played with dinosaurs in the garden of eden 6000 years ago.
t. literal ape-mind who is permitted a vote in the US. The elimination of loony evangelicals can't come too soon.
In general, yes. In first world countries where we don't need this caste system for protection or providing were seeing a deterioration of it though. There are still plenty of traits that put across confidence or being "alpha", but as society advances it's becoming less of a necessity in a lot of cases and there are more "betas" fighting back against it. It's a strange time right now m8. Just sit back and take it in until it all eventually crumbles.
the easiest way to stop letting it get to you is to imagine what the people spamming the soyboy meme look like, which in reality is probably a bunch of overweight or skellymode sub-16 year olds who claim they never smile in photographs and will never come within a mile of being masculine in their lives
>but as society advances it's becoming less of a necessity
The whole nice guy loner epidemic is directly caused by feminized men (endocrine disruptors play a role in this, thus the soyboy meme is real) raised by women and by media. A beta worldview is drilled into their heads at an early age.
Women crave masculinity no matter what they say, they don't even know what they want most of the time, but biology knows, and the female brain knows too.
Some kind of spineless beta who would unironically forgive being cucked, with new male mannerisms and a femenine ideology or worldview is not what women seek to mate. Women are attracted by classical european masculinity comprised of virtues such as: standing your own ground, bravery, being independent, not being stepped on, not being a pushover, being worthy of respect, being violent when the situation requires it (the fastest way to lose a woman is failing to deliver safety when she feels physically threatened). And many more. This is fucking wired into their brains biologically, why? Because it is an evolutionary advantage to have a man like that at your side, and natural selection is a thing, connect the dots. Men also respect other men who are like this.
Being a fedora wearing feminist yes-man who takes selfies with his epic fluffy cats won't get you anywhere even in this modern "society". Well, maybe it will if your role models are tumblr warriors with the hair dyed in rainbow colors, but still won't get you heterosexually laid.
>it is an evolutionary advantage to have a man like that at your side,
Au contraire you basement dwelling disenfranchised NEET. Potential mates imprisoned because they thought they were protecting something when they get convicted and sentenced because they escalated shit way beyond what was called for make shitty mates. In 1st world countries and banana republics masquersding as 1st world like the US, the female looks to a capable monetary provider which means intelligence and education levels capable of succeeding in feminized environments. Go back to your fetanyl and meth induced dreams of coal industries (trust me, ok?). The age of the mouthbreathing ape is over.
>read the first two words
>already know it's going to be a soy dissertation
It's like I have a sixth sense.
>blablabla nigger got jailed so u wrong xD
>u drugz u drumpf u ape
Aha, "sweety".
>the female looks to a capable monetary provider
Yes, the beta provider that's gets married after "his" wife gave every chad in town a run for his money. You look like a caricature of the kind of nice guys I was referring to, good one.
>capable of succeeding in feminized environments
>mass produced frozen pizza
If you are under the age of 18 discontinue browsing immediatley
You seem upset about this. People are simply able to be alone with their thoughts for one of the few times in human history. Not only that it's a large population of people doing so. With no struggle for survival people are becoming more open to the idea of disrupting the evolutionary rhetoric you're dispensing.
A lot of women enjoy masculine personalities and features. A lot don't.
You're not wrong with what you're saying, but you're being ignorant to the rapidly changing world that is western society. You can't definitively say it's one way anymore here when we have some retard in women's clothes saying he's a traditionalist on national television
Back in the 60s and early 70s tie-dye shit was trendy. Get over it, people package things they want to sell in "trendy" packaging. I swear this generation is the dumbest yet.
>capable of succeeding in feminized environments
And you're the kind of drooler who hails the corporate technocratic world which by definition is feminized since it requires only the physical capability to sit at a computer. As far as protection goes, you support the growing power of the fascist police state in their endless wars on muh scary pot smokers, berry picking mex and muh muzzies.
And yet you still have the gall, as you gasp for breath from the exertion of flopping your pudgy fat fingers against a keyboard, to bemoan the loss of individual masculinity from your mom's moldy smelling basement, lol.
i have a calender of hipsters naked on pizza with my neighbor on it
on that calander we marked down days that we ate pizza, which was a lot of them
It was a hipster symbol for some time, but then got taken over by companies trying to put a coin on that market.
I had a girlfriend who would often get in violent altercations with her younger, mentally disturbed brother. I was once baited into a fight between her and her brother on one occasion where she was walking his dog and he came out angrily demanding that she stop walking his dog as he did not want me around his dog. I just stayed quiet, as I viewed the whole scenario incredible absurd, and as I saw the argument between the two develop, and contrasted that with the fact that my girlfriend was a roastie plus a bisexual and a cocaine addict who did not stop talking to her ex despite my express wishes for her to discontinue communication, I figured this was an excellent learning lesson for both me and her that could eventually lead to our much needed break up. In fact, I had made a mistake in letting that relationship go for as long as it did (about 13 months of on/off contact).
Anyways, it's a little more complicated than just standing up for your partner and defending her. I didn't love my partner at that stage as I had seen too much that warranted concern on her behalf. I was definitely not going to go out on a limb and fist-fight her brother despite the potential tingles she would have received because my safety and sanity is more important than having steady sex.
>>he shows both rows of teeth when he "smiles"
>>he pops his fearful little eyes out when he "smiles"
>Not our fault you're such a soyboy
you are aware that showing teeth is a sign of dominance/aggression among primates, right? Like they tell you not to smile at monkeys or they'll think you're threatening them.
lol I do all those things other than the mouth gaped open. I'm a feminine dude and I don't give a shit
>disputing one unfounded assertion couched in pseudo-scientific lingo means you don’t think biology exists
Want to know how I know you’re uneducated?
Artisanal/ersatz manliness.
Yeah, we have full beards now.
Anybody can pretend to be an alpha macho-man on an anonymous website, your arrogance is unfounded until you provide a picture of yourself. Let's see that chiseled physique that has the ladies swooning over you.
>paying an art-school dropout a bundle of heroin to design a pizza box cover left them digging for change
Their toppings are really good tho
I like the Bessie's Revenge pizza of theirs, but it is too pricey for what it is.
Wew this thread got really gay really fast
Just bought one today without ever hearing about them. Had one of their pizzas once and it was pretty awful besides the toppings, but the dough tasted like absolute shit.
Don't have high hopes for the stromboli if it uses the same dough.