How come my pancakes never come out as circles?
How come my pancakes never come out as circles?
too much love and creativity user! you need to lower the dose !
eitehr your pan isnt completely flat or you need to thin out the batter
Everyday this board is always super critical of everything, but then I see food like this and it makes me realize noone on here really cooks.
Dear lord I thought those were unfolded omelettes from the thumbnail. What the fuck did you do?
Does your skillet look like a river bottom? What the fuck did you do?
It looks like you haven't been making pancakes for very long. Keep at it and experiment with changes in how you cook them, they'll turn out looking better eventually. At least they aren't overcooked. For a while, I used to always make one perfect pancake, followed by several bad ones. Turns out the secret is low heat. Otherwise the first will turn out fine because the pan is still heating up, and everything else will be overcooked by the time it is capable of being flipped without making a mess.
What I think might be happening is that you're using a pan that is larger than your desired pancakes, so the batter does not form-fit the way you want.
Your batter probably sucks, you suck at flipping, you are probably flipping too early. Make your batter a little tbicjer and put your pan at medium heat. Dont get anxious to flip. Wait until you see your batter bubble in the pan before flipping.
Looks like you're flipping too early. Bottom right has slightly more crust and has held its shape better. Wait until you see small bubbles on the top side before flipping. You can also always check the underside with a spatula first.
There's very few cooks. Mostly armchair chefs and trolls since this board always falls for bait threads.
Your batter is too thick and your heat is too high.
Whats happening is the batter is setting before it has a chance to flow out into a circle. And because its too thick it will never flow right but sit there like a blob.
Thin your batter.
Reduce your heat.
Yet, some part of me wants to believe the trolls actually eat like that and that they've never cooked in front of another human being.
It's the same story on every board
>these are the people on Veeky Forums telling you how to dress
people on this board hate nonstick pans but you should try a nonstick pan. also maybe thin your batter out more, and it looks like you are flipping them too early. the pancake will separate from the pan by itself when it's ready to flip
>all those chads
I fucking hate this site
Holy kek! I always knew there was something grotesque about this site and this explains it. Every board is a literal dystopian anti-form of the ideal.
Stop posting the shopped version
Roof-core is kind of aesthetic to be honest.
this. i usually make a test pancake or two before i fire off the entire batch.
what are you cooking them in/on? what are you using to grease the cooking surface? are you just pouring or ladling?
those are fags not chads
>A lineup of school shooters and closet trannies
>cosplaying geoducks
It's slightly /co/ related but there's a better board for that.
>all black
>those shoes
>that hat
>pant legs different lengths
>is that neck photoshopped?
>is that a boy or a girl? would bang regardless
>all black
>all black
>all black
>wearing a girls jacket
This board is nothing but a shitposting hub for the redditors of 2016, just like the rest of the site.
>trying this hard to fit in
I've been shitposting here since 2006 and lately I've been spending a lot more time on reddit. Reddit doesn't delete all your posts in a fit of pique because you had an opinion on food a mod didn't like. You can get downvoted sure but your posts are still there. The Veeky Forums mods have been drunk with power since maybe 2012 or 2013, it's not like the old days when you'd get a 3 day ban and that was it.
lurk moar pussies
wtf is that peter pandam
Learn the difference between funny shitposting and try-hard plebbitor shitposting, then come back to me.
go back
>funny shitposting
there is no such thing
>b-but it's art!
your parents fucked up badly
Try using more oil or butter in your batter.
My batter always looks too thick, but when I put it in the pan it always melts out into a circle.
It will also make your cakes "lighter" and they'll be more crumbly and moist.
They look very egg-y and compact. They look like a mix of pancakes and crèpes/Pfannkuchen. You can either go all the way to Pfannkuchen or switch up the recipe for american pancakes.
The clue for the german pancakes is to take about the ratio of egg and flour that you used(just a little more flour), but add more milk so that it's fairly thin (but not completely liquidy). Whisk only the egg, flour and milk up until the batter is smooth und let it sit for a few minutes. Mealwhile, heat up the pan to medium and I personally like to take a stick of butter and just lightly grease the bottom of the pan (should be a small pan). Then, you put in about two tabespoons of the batter and tilt the pan to make it spread out a bit. The edges will start to get cooked and when only the very middle is maybe a little runny, flip it with a spatula and cook on the other side only for about half a minute.
Now for the american pancakes, the clue is to seperate the eggs and use baking powder. You mix up the yolks with the same amount of milk as before, but maybe 1 1/2 times as much flour and half a teaspoon of baking powder. In another bowl, you whisk the egg-whites until they form stiff peaks and then very gently fold them into the batter with a spatula. Lightly grease the pan as you'd do for the other one and put the batter into the pan. If the consistency is right, maybe tilt the pan just a little bit to make it a tad thinner. If it's too runny, don't touch the pan until the edges get stiff to maybe save them and if it's very thick, use the back of a spoon to flatten it out.
You're a faggot. Maybe you should spend all your time on reddit.