Is your mother a good cook? Did she teach you how to cook?
Is your mother a good cook? Did she teach you how to cook?
no, youtube did #blessed
All she eats is peanut butter toast and Activia. I do the cooking now.
Thank god people on Veeky Forums force the shit out of memes or else we'd just have naturally occurring ones.
No, she's fucking shitty!
Here, let me share her usual hotdog-sauce recipe i sort of had to grew up with which is why i got 99 problems but a healthy body and mind ain't one.
>hotdogs (cut into small pieces)
>water (to make the sauce)
>flour (to make the sauce thick)
>throw hotdogs into a cold pan, DONT USE OIL/FATS because god forbid they are bad for you!!!!!
>put the stove on though, medium heat~
>pour some water in the pan (dont let the hotdogs COOK AT ALL FOR FUCK SAKES ALL THOSE CARSINOGENS AND SHEITT!!!)
>mix flour with a bit of water in a glass
>pour said flour&water mixture in the pan and mix it up a little so it dissolves evenly and thickens the sauce
>make sure to stop cooking immediately once it starts to boil at all, hell you dont necessarily need to wait for it to start to boil before serving
>serve with boiled potatoes
You might be asking
>"b-but what about spices or a pinch of salt atleast?"
No, no, NO! Salt is bad for you it raises blood pressure and i cant handle spices because im a fucking womanchild and diabetic due to shitty diet but fuck you im going to make sure my children will become just as sad fat sacks of shit i i am by making them eat shit!!!
It wasnt until i was around 23~ that i started to gradually fix my diet because shitty habits endorsed by my mother started to really fuck up my health so it was either eat yer veggies son or become 400p landwhale soon to be in an early grave.
Mom, Nana, Chef John, Everyday Food
In that order, nothing else
Yeah. Not much though. Indian milf neighbor taught me recipes after school for a while though.
She's never been particularly bad but she didn't learn to cook properly until all the kids left and I taught her most of what she knows now. She still won't fucking chop an onion properly though. Bitch drives me insane. Love her.
Do you also stand behind her and grab her hips when she cuts veggies, like I do with my mom
>be child
>mom tells me to come watch her cook so I "learn"
>doesn't let me touch or do anything, except maybe stir pasta
>be bored and distracted, because young kid
>be teenager
>trying to cook something by myself
>mom asks why I can't do x when I watched her do it so many times
>see in my mind what I have to do, but don't know how to execute it with my hands at first
>"I guess having you watch me all throughout your childhood was a waste of time, user"
>is your mother a good cook
My mother never cooked. I was lucky if there was a can of tomatoes in the house to eat. I sometimes wonder how I’m still alive
>did she teach you how to cook
The only thing she taught me is that women are heartless and evil.
You're such a disappointment, user.
Yes an no. But I should've involved myself more.
My mother is even worse, she is literally the reason that I don't cook meals for my family because she throws a fit when she feels "excluded" because I made something that she doesn't like
>no tomatoes
>no onions
>no mushrooms
>no spices (she will eat food with spices but if you tell her there are spices or she determines that there are spices during the pre-serving questioning period she will decide to not like it)
>no "green things" (spinach, parsley, kale, etc)
>no mayo only miracle whip
>no gross pickled or fermented food
>no pork (exception for the absolute shittiest processed lip and ass meat like those Schnieder's reconstituted pork rolls)
>no dark meat chicken only boneless skinless chicken breast
>beef must be cooked beyond well done, all fat must be rendered out until the resulting roast is just dry and flavorless lean beef that can't be swallowed unless drowned in gravy
>only a little bit of salt because of hypertension unless it's himilayan pink salt because she read on some nuhealth blog that doctors are lying and it really lowers blood pressure
>no "expired" items even if they are completely indiscernible from their fresh state
>pasta, cereal grains and acceptable vegetables (cauliflower, potatoes, carrots) must be boiled until they can be mashed with a spoon and you can only use canned pasta sauce because home made sauce has spices in it even though the canned sauce also has spices in it but that's another exception
she just had you watch her, and never told you to try while she watched. so you never really learned. This reminds me of when I started driving and didn't know how to get to places I had been thousands of times, because every time I went there I just passively watched
>>no spices (she will eat food with spices but if you tell her there are spices or she determines that there are spices during the pre-serving questioning period she will decide to not like it)
>>you can only use canned pasta sauce because home made sauce has spices in it even though the canned sauce also has spices in it but that's another exception
Why do people do this? What's wrong with food that isn't bland as shit? People would literally travel halfway around the world to trade for spices so their food would taste better
I'd wager your mom if you ever go to a restaurant together will only pick up something like pizza with ham&pineapple as that's the only thing she's willing to eat.
Not really, just some basics.
She basically hates anything with flavor so literally all our relatives say her food is mostly tasteless, not bad exactly but just between bland and having a distinct flavor I guess.
Freaks out if she thinks there's even a little too much salt or sauce on anything while cooking, not that she even measures shit, just sprinkles lightly.
The mindset of your typical soccer-mom is retarded and big thank you goes to the (((television))) for that.
They see some (((doctor))) in quack-show saying this and this is bad for you (unless eaten/used in moderation) and they proceed to completely cut it off from their diet if possible because it must be true, it said so in the electric-jew!!
I've fucking gone through a culinary school and now work in the food-industry making&serving food for the ungrateful little shits ie grade-schoolers (not Merican schools so i actually get to make some real food) but evidently i dont know jackshit despite my education&experience in the field compared to some whackjob in the TV or newspapers!
Only cheese pizza, no extra toppings let alone extra cheese. Not kidding either
>be mother
>have child
>insist on doing absolutely everything around the house
>complain that no one helps around the house
>child turns 14, suddenly realize you have an indentured servant
>tell child to do x, y, and z
>child doesn't do it the exact way you do
>the fuck??? I was doing all this and more when I was 7, why isn't this child immediately able to do this exactly like I do with no prior instruction??
>reeeee when child doesn't vacuum in the right order or doesn't cook vegetables into mushy paste like I do
>insist on doing it all yourself again
>complain that no one helps
>realize you have an indentured servant
>complain about "strange" spices
Why are moms like this?
Those "whackjobs" have devoted themselves specifically to nutrition. Yes, they do know more than you about that specific aspect of food.
Mom and dad are both okay cooks, but I learned most of cooking skills from good eats, YouTube, work experience, and pastry school.
Honestly, pastry school the least.
Because you have a shit mom
Yeah sure, whatever you say mr Schlomo Goldsteinenbergenstein.
I'm not implying i necessarily know better than actual professionals but if you've watched TV you should know most of them are either full of shit or thanks to the producers of the show they cant express themselves properly ie the viewers only get some general information that's not much to go on or even completely wrong!
The "whackjob" might've meant that you should eat meat or fats in moderation preferring certain good meats/fats over the others but thanks to the cutting board the viewers get the picture that he means you should go fullblown vegan because all meats/fats are bad for you!
She is just bad. Bad.
>Every meat cooked to the point it's dry as fucking wood and you can pull the dry strings out of the chicken breast
>Vegetables are just steamy mush, everything tastes the same
>Wants to be a professional cook so throws random spices into the dish without trying it and tells people she's great at cooking - the results? Inedible dinner at which I must smile and nod how good it is either way she throws a fit
>Never cooked for me and my older brother, only sometimes and we had to praise her for the "delicious" dish she made either way we're lost
>Used Maggi instead of soy sauce to dip sushi in it
>Every traditional dish (we're Polish) is overcooked to the point I couldn't appreciate it anymore - everytime I try the "good old" Schabowe at someone's house I'm just speechless how good it is
>Tiramisu recipe asks for coffee and rum? Maybe vodka works too
I've started cooking for myself very early, she has taught me nothing.
It could be worse.
The only “spice” she uses is (too much) salt and she way overcooks any kind of meat, but I think that goes for 90% of moms.
She’s not inventive or intuitive in the kitchen at all, but her food is generally edible and now and again she makes something that tastes good.
>any year
>trusting daytime tv nutritional specialists
The best thing she can make is her "chinese noodles" which is chopped celery, carrots, onions and mushroom with shredded chicken and fusselini. She'd leave a bottle of soya sauce on the table for us to season to our liking.
She didn't teach me but she did her best. She quit work when she started spewing out spawn between her piss and shithole and was a housewife. She cooked dinners every night - roast or fried meats, hearty soups, stews, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken cacciatore, etc. She overcooked vegetables to tasteless mush and often used canned veg. She didn't understand caramelization before stewing, but aside from that her food was above average for midwest housewife shit. There was always a carb, meat, veg and salad for dinner. She always asked what we wanted for lunch at school the next day and made it the night before. Weekends she'd do bacon, sausage and eggs for breakfast otherwise during the week, cereal. Holidays all stops were pulled and she did the traditional fare quite well. Dad grilled steak, hamburgers or sausages in the summer on weekends. Seems pretty idyllic when you see the shit most kids are living with nowadays and it ain't coming back.
>She’s not inventive or intuitive in the kitchen at all
I've found that Walmart-tier huge markets are one reason why most people lack these when it comes to cooking, all the produce is too far apart for you to get a clear picture on what's for sale.
My mom also has a tndency to buy very random things. Some real trashy products just because they are on sale. Guacamole jars with 7% avocado in it, that type of thing.
Meat is probably the worst since she always buys those big blops of shit that’s on sale. Always quantity over quality when it comes to meat. It probably could be salvaged mostly, but not when she just overcooks it.
I have observed my mom doing the following on more than a few occassions:
Say she’s making a dish with chicken breast in it.
In the morning she will boil the chicken breasts. Then a couple of hours before dinner she browns them in a pan.
Then when she’s cooking dinner, she cuts up the chicken and heats it in the pan or wok with vegetables or whatever else she’s adding in the dish.
She’s done the same with pork.
There’s usually not much life left in the meat once it’s been cooked thrice in a day.
My mum did a little bit of teaching, and my dad, as both like cooking different things, and wanted to pass it on. But most of my learning is self directed. The key thing was they always gave me the opportunity to cook.
My mom is a shit cook, we had a massive fight one day because the stupid bitch made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and used that disgusting premade sauce from the jar. That was a few months ago and we haven't really talked since, and I'm glad we haven't. It's so much easier just ignoring her
omg manchild alert yall
Be nice to your ol' mum and go over and have a cuppa
my mother likes the chicken extra dry and the spaghetti extra watery
You need to hatefuck her. It's the only way women ever learn.
My mom's favorite recipe is chicken dumpling stew. It has no chicken or dumplings with water being the incredibly thin broth. It's not slow-cooked and is made in 15 minutes. It's amazing how you can take a recipe and get literally everything wrong.
My mom's great, I feel bad for all these anons
>mom makes tomato sauce for pasta
>put noodles on plate
>so far so good
>pour ladle full of sauce on to noodles
>oh no
>red water immediately begins filtering through the noodles and pooling on the bottom of the plate
No, it was how shitty my family cooked that made me learn how to cook myself.
>have lazy family
>they have a child
>make him do everything while they just sit on their asses watching TV
>install new appliances, wash everyone's dishes, take out the trash and recyclables, make sure grandma takes medicine and eats, flush the fucking toilets, clean fucking everything like sinks and counters (everytime they made a mess they left it for me to clean), throw out old food they would buy and never eat (bonus points they just threw shit in the fridge and never organized anything so anytime you opened it things would fly out and break)
Imagine actually believing the media trots out qualified people in these situations and not borderline quack carnies because they are more entertaining in front of a camera
I cooked a little bit with my mother before she passed. But not enough.
>mom always bought the lowest quality ingredients because they were on sale or cheap
>never used spices because it's "too flavorful" and too expensive
>grew up eating slop made out of mixed canned foods
Whoever said women knew how to cook are complete fucking liars and should be shot.
My dad is the same way. He makes spaghetti soup.
Are perchance employed by Sir Rothschild.
Both my parents are pretty alright at cooking, and my mother has taught me a lot though I started learning pretty late.
All white moms
This thread is sad and makes me love my mom even more for working full time and being a great cook
my mom's specialty is special k loaf, gluten steaks, and tofu loaf
fucking no
my mom was a shitty cook and mother in general. she let me breastfeed till i was five and would smoke a cigarette while i did it.
I'm sorry he had to live that way ):
I have food OCD and not even I am this autistic.
my mom is a fantastic cook and she taught me a lot. never realized i was so blessed lmao
She could be decent but she doesn't care anymore.
Last time she made me food, almost 4 years ago, she would just boil pasta and fry ground beef and dump a jar of ragu in it and call it dinner.
My dad on the other hand taught me a lot and is a far better cook.
I'm older now so I don't have time to visit him on the weekends like when I was a kid so I don't get to eat his meals anymore. They were godly.
My mother once made a "soup" with the leftover beer from cans around the house and ancient jarred Tostinos queso dip.
Also, side note, if you are thinking about leaving your narcissistic parent to begin your own life where they can't find you I can only strongly recommend it. It's not your obligation to be the figurative host body to a parasite.
ITT people realize why men are the best chefs.
If you want something done right, don't ask a woman to do it.
It's like how you ride in a car a billion times as a kid but you never notice street signs until you actually get behind the wheel because they never meant anything to you before
>mom blames me for any mess in the house my entire life
>move out
>mfw her house gets even more dirty
The toilet stopped working so now piss and shit stew in it until she makes my little sister or herself pour a bucket of water down it to make it flush and their dog has been pissing and shitting in the house for 3 years and they don't get it trained.
I don't get it, she was clean before but she really stopped giving a shit about anything after I turned 18.
I'm actually a physician
Do not believe anything you hear on TV. Dr Oz, Dr Sanjay Gupta, they both peddle bullshit. They are not to be trusted. They get paid to say things, not to say correct things
one day she will die, keep that in mind you big baby
who cares, she was good for nothing
Yeah and yeah
My fucking dad does this shit to me all the time.
>don't know how to do X
>gives me shit for not knowing how to do X
>never made an attempt to show me how to do anything in my whole childhood
It's crazy how much you start to realize how shitty your parents were once you grow up and have kids of your own.
I contest this.
The majority of shitty, "mom-cooks" cook out of neccessity to feed their children and family. This group is much larger than men who cook, who do it for two reasons: they either personally enjoy cooking, or they're the type of aggressive or competitive man who strives to be good at everything
You're comparing a small group of hobbyists to a large group of average people doing a chore. It's like comparing artists who use paint to people who paint houses one color for a living.
I think it's actually more common with fathers. And also pushing you out of the way and taking over a task when you're not doing it well.
She's ok. When she wants to, she can create really nice meals but since she works, she rarely cooks and has fallen out of practice. Nowdays her efforts usually come out burned or missing a key bit. I didn't help motivate her by being an extremely picky eater, it must have been extremely frustrating watching me throw away half the meals she did cook. I basically only learned how to cook scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and waffles from my parents, from my dad. The rest of my food was usually frozen dinners or microwaveable mac and cheese because both my parents worked late and hated each other so they avoided the house when possible.
I learned everything after moving out on my own. A workplace cooking lesson kick-started my desire to cook and Alton Brown's "Good Eats" really helped as well.
My dad's gf taught me more about cooking than my real mom did, and I lived with my mom after the divorce not my dad. That said, YouTube taught me most of what I know.
Oh man, I didn't know mothers had to show us. I tried showing my boy here and there but he's still kinda too young for me to let him touch stuff, but I will when he's older. I explain to him that unfortunately he can't rely on a female to cook for him his whole life, and even if he does, he still needs to cook for himself for the times that he's in his own.
My mother never showed me but she cooked all the time. I would be around but hardly pay attention and I came out fine cooking.
Eh, my mom was very domineering. Frankly, if in the future, your kiddo wants to learn to cook, he will be drawn to it. If not, he won't. Cooking is kind of easy to pick up on really--just following instructions, not some arcane art like some boomer mothers make it out to be
If she's cooking from a recipe she makes good food but has questionable boomer habbits in the kitchen. Still nothing inedible. She taught me how to cook and got me interested in it.
Yes and yes, but not everything I know.
Dont let her mental disabilities ruin your happiness. I would never even speak to her again if I was in your position.
Idk man, my mom is a significantly wiser and more rational person than myself. Solid but not brilliant cook like my dad, but she understands that.
She has the skills required to cook but she's very lazy and will cut every possible corner to make things as easy as possible and the results are always shit.
She sounds like a typical picky, crass long island jew mom
My mum had a brain anyuerism which caused her to lose a lot of her mental capabilities. She never really cooked and was mostly down to my dad and eventually when I got older.
I guess men never cook out of necessity.
An intelligent post on Veeky Forums?
gtfo, this site isn't for you
that's an uncanny-looking pizza
This thread is giving me feels.
My mom is pretty cold and distant, only time she ever says I love you is in cards on Christmas and Birthdays, no hugs, nothing like that. So the only way she has to show affection is through cooking. She grew up in an Irish house, so she didn't exactly learn a lot of great dishes, but she does (and taught me) the basics pretty well, and even some exotic stuff like Butter Chicken. She's also makes a really great Irish soda bread.
Probably one of the reasons I'm fat is enjoying her food is the only way I have to genuinely show affection for her too.
Once in awhile I cook, but I can't do anything interesting because basically any kind of hot spice (cayenne, red pepper flakes, w/e) is too much for her, and she'll just dump a bunch of sour cream on it to cool it down. And half the time she'll decide she doesn't like something about it randomly.
Like I asked her what her favourite dish was, and she said moussaka. So I make this amazing lamb moussaka, and she barely eats any of it. When I ask her why, she says some bullshit about not liking dishes that use red wine?
Whatever though, clearly from this thread it could be worse.
Do they make you live in a broom closet under the stairs?
Anyway, my mom and grandma are both good cooks, especially when it comes to traditional dishes (we are talking good home cooking level, not a michelin star). Plus they know how to make food from the ground up, i.e. bring them a a whole pig, wait for few hours and the result is neatly packaged meat in the freezer.
Grandma is more conservative and she even dislikes spices she's not familiar with (like cumin and coriander, which is why she doesn't like it shen I make chilli), also not very good at preparing fish (unless you like them bland and mushy) but her sauces are fantastic. Mom is more "adventurous" and occasionally tries new stuff (not always succesfully, but hey!), she's also very good at preparing venison and can make really nice cakes.
They never specifically taught me to cook (around here we are in that social phase where it's still kinda expected from girls to do the cooking, except they just don't), but never turned me down when I wanted to learn something, and would give good advice even over the phone.
My mom baked a pork loin a few days ago and an hour into cooking I asked how much it weighed so I could tell her when to take it out and got told "I don't know" so she cooked it for 2 and a half hours and it was dry as fuck. I don't know how she manages to fuck up simple shit like that but she refuses to deviate at all from any recipes, time per lb is just another set of instructions.
Bring it In user
Cold mothers are the most perplexing things on earth. I have a son and I really can't imagine not being affectionate and loving towards him.
my moms idea of dinner is ground beef and mashed potatoes or boiled pasta with an entire jar of cream
dad knew how to cook but only a couple things and when he tried something new ot was disgusting since he had no idea what he was doing
growing up i thought that food was suppossed to taste bad unless you where eating on a restaurant or it was a special ocation.
I learned more about coking than them in the first two years of living alone
No woman in my family can cook. My grandfather was the best cook in the family. He was an old school catholic with a stay at home wife. Sadly my grandmother can't cook for shit and neither can my mom.
My grandma is a passionate cook. Not the classic "grandma who overfeeds you with traditional food", but she loves gourmet food and has taken some classes over the years while practicing on her own and throwing dinner parties with 7 to 10 courses. I've picked up a lot from helping her as a kid.
My mum isn't a bad cook, but she's just not that into into, so she's making stews, curries, different variations of fried rice and noodles and some vegetarian dishes that she sticks with. However, I think that wasn't too bad as well, because I started very early on to experiment and cook myself and if she had been the one to always make complicated dishes that I could have every day anyway, I'm not sure if I'd have had the same motivation to make them myself.
My mum was never a great cook but she tried her best to make home made food most of the time, she just didn't do it right because she was scared of messing up.
She told me the other day that she cooks her salmon in the microwave so I sent her step by step instructions on how to pan fry with pictures as I cooked it myself. A couple of days later she sent me a photo of some pan fried salmon done perfectly, looked really nice.
I think a big part of her lack of confidence is that my brother and sister constantly mocked her attempts at cooking, and still do today. They werent nice about it either, she cried a lot and told me she felt like a failure. My brother is obese and lives off takeaways and my sister is a drunken mess so I tell her to ignore them.
What about Mark Hyman?
post tits you slut
>Used Maggi instead of soy sauce to dip sushi in
Top kek
she's an allright cook, although she has a specific range and doesn't really innovate. My grandpa is the same with the range, but she does some killer stuff sometimes. Her cakes and holiday food is absolute god tier. My dad can't really cook, but she makes the second best scrambled eggs i've ever eaten. He also hates wasting food.
Nobody really taught me how to cook in my family though, it's something i picked up by myself. I'd like to say i'm better at some things that they are, which is foreign cuisine, but i'm trying to catch up at local food, and i've been praised quite a few times recently, so i guess it's okay.
Pic is one of the first ever dinners i've ever made by myself 10 years ago.