Well which is better?
Well which is better?
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Butter because it's not chemical shit
Butter is butter.
>one is made from cream
>one is made when trying to create a new plastic
Margarine is for poorfags who can't afford $3 for a few sticks of butter.
Margarine not only tastes worse but is likely to contain fishy manufactured polyunsatruated fats and trans fats. Butter is delicious and is all natural healty fats.
Polyunsaturated is fine. Trans fats are terrible.
Is this even a question?
the worst part is it hasn't been cheaper than real butter in decades but the shitmunchers keep buying it.
Margarine all the way, it's vegan.
Margarine was created because richfags didn't want poorfags to eat what they eat. They wanted real butter to be a status symbol again.
It was proposed as a low-cost alternative to butter and marketed as such, but it was never much cheaper than the real thing. Even the lower class can afford real butter.
Even today, the only people you see buying margarine over butter are the uneducated. Which is why you often only see margarine asked for by microwave instant "food" and shitty baking blogs written by women.
>Im a fucking idiot.
No, margarine became a thing due to WW2 rationing. Dairy was heavily rationed while margarine wasn't, or at least not as harshly.
There are no healthy levels of Hydrogenated fats. any amount is bad for you. don't eat it.
This is true.
Companies don't have to tell you they are using transfats in the US if they put in less than .5 grams per serving.
My grandma loves her margarine bless her soul, but it saddens me that people eat that shit.
FPBP. /thread
just fucking look at them
i never even had butter until i was about 22.
Why is chemical shit bad
Because it's so hot where I live I have to use margarine.
I have to store butter in the fridge or else it just becomes liquid and it's too hard to spread from the fridge so I use margarine.
Why did I have to scroll this far to find this?
/lard/ master race
It depends on what you want to do with it, honestly.
Butter is great for recipes where you want to have a better flavor, texture, or cancer risk.
Margarine, however, is perfect for when you want to throw something into the trash, unused.
>we live in an age where margarine is yellower than butter
when that shit was new it didn't sell because it was white, and butter gets it's yellow colour from plant carotine in the grass that they eat. but since they're forced to eat grains these days the butter is a pale shade of cancer.
i don't want to live on this western planet any more.
i have a sneaking suspicion that the boxes have been swapped and the product does not corrolate with the box. because the product on the left looks more like butter than margarine.
>i don't want to live on this western planet any more.
then move you fucking soychild, unless you're a poorfag who will never amount to anything :^)
Butter is better, but not that butter. Use real grass-fed Irish butter that is at least 80% butter-fat.
B-b-but user, that stuff is twice as expensive as regular butter. It is twice as expensive because it is 10 times better.
I used the regular stuff for years. I bought some Irish butter on a whim. My entire family after eating Christmas dinner at my house a couple of years ago.
Butter, but I still go through more margarine since it spreads cold
>Chemical shit
>Literally just solidified vegetable oil
Uh... what?
>Good for cold spread
>Good for lubricating pans/pots
>Good for bread and hot spread
>Good taste
Its that simple. Both have their uses. The only poorfags here are the ones who don't buy and utilize both.
You're made of chemicals user. I guess you're shit.
Margarine is shit. Would you spread vegetable oil on your toast? If the answer is yes, go fuck yourself.
I have bad news for you
Check the butter your mom buys before she puts it away
The product on the left looks like it has added beta-carotene to make it look more appealing. The product on the right looks like low quality butter from cows that have been fed corn.
Does olive oil count as vegetable oil? Because I like to dip a good quality bread into olive oil and then into salt before devouring it while I sip my imported beer before ploughing your mum.
>doesn't put best butter in pic
amish butter is always better.
No. I think olives are fruits.
You have to heat up the pan first, user. That's how you apply butter to it.
yes idk why people don't agree with this.. the taste is no different
>heating a teflon nonstick pan
enjou ur cancer
Isn't margarine just vegetable oil and a little bit of butter?
butter face
It's mostly vegetable oil and water, maybe some milk. It usually doesn't have any butter.
No, margerine just an emulsion.
while it's not necessarily bad for you, I just don't prefer it.
>Margerine is not made of chemicals
I like butter the best. I sometimes get a certain oily flavor with margarine, but it's not very common.
Margarine was invented specifically to be a substitute for butter. Napoleon commissioned it I believe.
Margarine gets a bad rep in general. It's not bad at all for frying.
I use oil or butter myself but my parents use margarine and it works fine.
Yo dude, polyunsaturated fat is fine. Just because it's a big word doesn't mean you should be afraid of it.
>tfw you make your own lard with lardons, onions and smoked bacon
>tfw you spread it on fresh bread
It's not that there are chemicals like heavy metals used in the hydrogenation process left in the fats, it's that hydrogenated vegetable oils contain trans fats. The human body doesn't know how to metabolize trans fats, as they are not natural. They cause heart disease. They also taste like crap. Margarine a shit.
Did you know they put dihydrogen monoxide in the water too? Unbelievable
vegans are trash
>it's that hydrogenated vegetable oils contain trans fats
Due to the process of hydrogenation (solidification), I mean. The ONLY reason trans fats were in everything is because it was cheaper than animal fats and could sit on the shelf for years. They got rich, you got heart attacks.
My mother gave me a teflon pan recently and I made a steak in it the other day to try it out. I was pretty worried it would be terrible because of posts like yours but it was fine.
The steak was lovely and the pan did not give off deadly fumes. Maybe Teflon was shit when it first hit the market but the pan I have works fine even at steak-searing temperatures.
Not a good photo I know but the steak was good. And the sear was good.
As opposed to the ever heart healthy butter?
AFAIK, there are three things you want to severely limit in your diet to remain as healthy as is genetically possible for you as an individual: sugar, alcohol, and trans fat. Every medical doctor on planet Earth will tell you this.
Take your momscience somewhere else, boomer retard
I like the smart balance butter
Non stick pans work fine even at high heat but only for a while. High temperatures mess with the coating so you better only use it for sauteing if you want to keep it for a few years.
Iron & steel pans last almost forever.
Are you fat or an alcoholic?
The guy who makes your fat whore mother moan every night, shut the fuck up you retarded boomer
Both, maybe? Jeez.
I'm the rainmaker, I'll skullfuck you until you scream my name in ecstasy, shut the fuck up
They live in your head rent free LOL
Fat, alcoholic and a teenager. Nice combo.
>Hydrogenated oils are fine with me
If you think that shit isn't a chemical you're horribly fucking wrong
>All of these newfag 18 year olds from reddit thinking margarine is good for people.
Margarine is crap.
Use butter. If you are trying to reduce dairy fats just use vegetable oils for everything else.
Everything in food is a chemical, including starch ((2R,3S,4S,5R,6R)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-[(2R,3S,4R,5R,6S)-4,5,6-trihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-3-yl]oxy-oxane-3,4,5-triol)), meat (mainly myosin), fat (derived from acetyl CoA, can be as long as 60 carbons long), vitamins (such as C6H5NO2) and so on. Of course it is a chemical. But so it is everything else. You mean it is synthetic? Kys you're self
How do i make sure they give me real butter at restaurants, some times I can't tell if it's real.
Then it doesn't matter.
These places to need to be shamed for serving margarine.
I was raised in a household where mom fell for hard for the saturated fats are death meme so I never ate real butter until I was out on my own. It was eye opening how much better tasting it was than margarine. I haven't used margarine since and in fact, bring a stick of butter for myself when I visit home.
Almost everything is a chemical, and they are all bad for you to some degree because everyone dies. Normalfags ruin everything, I would rather try to live through a plague than listen to some moron try to think.
I like how you completely sidestep the fact that hydrogenated oils are full of trans fats and instead just literally changed the subject. Here's some more actual factual websites about how they're bad by the way.
>Hydrogenated oil is a man-made food substance that is used widely throughout the food supply for its cost efficiency and technical advantages.
You're a fucking dumbass
I agree. Peasants should not be allowed to have opinions.
No shit. I was trying to fix your tax-wasting brain. Silly me.
You could just admit you were wrong you know.
You could just admit that you didn't go to college with your momscience. You reek of minimum wage.
But it's vegan..
On one hand, margarine tastes like shit and gives you cancer.
On the other hand, salted butter also tastes like shit
I've linked multiple sources of info to back up my statements. You've just said what you think with literally nothing to back it up.
>You could just admit that you didn't go to college
Methinks you're projecting pretty hard.
The only valid source you posted was mayoclinic. And even then, it's like citing Wikipedia.
Dhaka, V., Gulia, N., Ahlawat, K.S. et al. J Food Sci Technol (2011) 48: 534.
That's a real source. That's how I know you don't have a college degree.
Wow that's hilarious. You just posted a source that literally agrees with me.
>Research has proved the direct connection of trans fatty acids with cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, shortening of pregnancy period, risks of preeclampsia, disorders of nervous system and vision in infants, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity and allergy. In light of these new findings trans fatty intake should be zero and new technology of hydrogenation of oils is to be developed which produce zero trans fatty acids at the same time preserve the desirable properties contributed by trans fatty acids to the hydrogenated oils.
So is this your way of admitting your wrong and giving up while trying to act cool on the internet? It's pretty funny, you should go to actual college sometime btw.
>The only valid source you posted was mayoclinic. And even then, it's like citing Wikipedia.
...Um, why? Not anyone can alter the page and it has proper cited works at the bottom. Are you just making up stuff to seem smart?
>he knows Google Scholar
Wow you are a college-educated genius!
Just buy unsalted butter then dumbass
that's not an option in the image!
>People still fall for the college meme.
Have fun with that crippling debt and minimum wage job.
>make toast
you have
>1 gallon tub of margerine that cost a few bucks
>1 small stick of butter that cost the same
>toast is ready
>use any utensil to easily scoop out margerin & spread evenly all over without breaking the toast & eat while still warm and yummy
>grab sharp knife
>gently rock knife overtop of the length of butter amount you want
>careful to not cut too shallow leaving a small chunk of the slice
>but also careful to not cut too deep
>again trying to "eye" it
>meanwhile toast is cooling
>once the butter is eventually sliced place it on the toast where it sits in its form
>now take same knife and try to push it and break it off into tiny chunks of butter
>if you're lucky the toast will still be somewhat warm enough to melt the butter so it sticks just slightly
>but most likely an entire piece of toast with about 3-4 bits of that butter slice now randomly assorted around the top like a pepperoni pizza
>eat toast with every 2nd or 3rd bite actually containing flavor
>I don't know how to store my butter so it is room temperature because I am so fucking retarded I have to buy a vegetable oil substitute that tastes like shit because thinking is just too damn hard for me.
Hang in there champ.
>allowing mold to form just so u can actually use it
Not him but my room temperature butter is always cold and hard and I keep the apartment warm. I literally have to microwave it every time.