Why do Americans seem to have so many allergies? I've never known anyone that had an allergy to peanuts for example.
Why do Americans seem to have so many allergies? I've never known anyone that had an allergy to peanuts for example
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I'm an American and I've never met someone with serious allergies.
I think there was like 1 kid at my school who was allergic to peanuts.
The tv tells them to spray disinfectant on everything.
>+350 million people
>people from all over the world live here
gee no idea user
suburbs, never going anywhere except by car, extremely limited diets
Didn't we have this thread yesterday?
"""Evidence""" is for gullible goys
There is a pretty strong correlation between allergies and affluence for some reason, probably because their lives are so good and everything is so plentiful, and so few die young
No idea, anyone with an archive link?
Why would you possibly think suburbs and cars are correlated to this?
Are you a Yuropoor?
Less exposure to the outside world.
It's just snowflake syndrome manifest, do you really need to start a thread about this? Pretty obvious what the answer is
are you really that curious
eh, traditionally the vast majority of people never went more than a handful of miles from where they were born and the vast majority of people were rural
Hard to imagine growing up in the suburbs with a car exposes you to fewer things
Not any more then most peoples. There's just better healthcare that can detect it and better education to know when you have it so you can sue people for putting tree nuts in your food without labeling there's tree nuts added.
The death-by-peanuts allergy isn't common, it's just so severe that when someone ends up dead because of it, it makes the news. We aren't China where they push dead bodies off to the side of the road so they don't block traffic.
True we clean up our dead. We only push the living starving homeless off to the side of the road.
When was the last time a homeless person here starved? America's poor are fat as shit
FLU vaccines. There, you have your answer. Delete thread.
>Why do Americans seem to have so many allergies?
Because there is a lot of different kinds of foods in the US so coming across something you may not even know you are allergic to isn't uncommon
the allergy isn't to the actual peanuts, but to a mold that grows on the outside of it.
centuries of unabated inbreeding
>t. american
Really? Wouldn't it be relatively easy for researchers to find an effective way way to pasteurise them and wash the dead mold away? I mean, if they can fake a moon landing they're surely capable of a bit of nut washing.
This makes little sense, Americans are almost certainly the least inbred major nation. An insanely high portion of its population is descended from people from other places, and the taboo against inbreeding is much stronger than in much of the rest of the world (see every European royal family)
>see every European royal family
le spanish face.jpg
Maybe but it probably isn't worth the added processing cost to placate a small small percentage of the population of people who wouldn't ever be their customers anyway.
The resulting increase in production cost would cut into their profts, a lot more than just printing a warning on the label
>get allergy test at thirteen
>says I'm very allergic to peanuts
>I love peanuts, I've eaten them by the pound my whole life
>never had a problem
>says I'm ver allergic to amonds
>love me some candied almonds and chocolate with almonds
>never had a problem
>says I'm allergic to peas
>I don't eat peas so no biggy
>says I'm allergic to horses
>I'm american we dont eat transportation.
they eat too less vegetable and fruit, antioxidants help to prevent allergies ( and other healths problems)