Oy vey! Does Veeky Forums like bagels?
Oy vey! Does Veeky Forums like bagels?
Montreal style - poppy seed.
I thought lox was a meme for the longest time but holy shit it's the greatest thing ever on an onion bagel
Jews are alright in my book
I don't think delicious food is enough to forgive them over.
Also lox is not jewish.
I'm retarded, it is jewish
Y. with some lox and cream cheese.
I've fucked multiple traps in Montreal.
>30% of your daily sugar intake
>sugar intake for adult has increased drastically due to coke brother money
Nah I'm gud.
Love my THICC bagels.
Keto faggot, begone.
Yes, please. Scooped out for me. I don't want to get fat LOL
Hell yeah.
i like mine with hummus
toasted everything bagels with cream cheese is pretty ok breakfast
Bagels are my preferred breakfast. Especially a bagel sandwich with bacon and hash browns
Bagels are the best. Minimally with just cream cheese, or if you want to get fancy nothing - literally nothing - beats lox with the works.
fatty begone
Kys you kike-loving faggot
Onion bagels are definitely the best bagel vehicle for lox.
Given the choice I would get myself two, a onion bagel with roasted tomato cream cheese, and an everything bagel with chive and onion cream cheese. I live next to a bagel place that does nothing but that. They have gotten pretty good at it.
Kikes may be evil but their cuisine is quite good. I have an everything bagel egg & sausage sammich every morning.
Oh fuck, I haven't had a bagel in so long. I forgot that there's a Panera bread right next to my house.
They're the only good thing on the menu desu
the bagels are usually made by lesser working class jews, so they're relatively untainted.
Their zionist superiors are the evil ones.
I just learned today there is a RDI for sugar by the world health organization..
even though the body synthesizes sugar very easily.
So they reccomend you eat sugar.. even though the body doesnt need it.