I want to make Ceviche but I live in an area away from the sea and none of the fish here is marked with what grade it is. Would it be safe to make it if I just buy the fish from the higher end grocery store?
I want to make Ceviche but I live in an area away from the sea and none of the fish here is marked with what grade it...
just believe in yourself and you'll be fine
You'd have to ask your fishmonger, honestly, and it can't be at an asian store and there is no way a corporate place would condone eating raw fish even if you "cook" it in acid. I think your best bet would be to find out when the fish comes in and buy it that day and make it that day. Hopefully you don't get worms
If you can't find fish, Mexican ceviche uses shrimp and is in my opinion just as good as Peruvian ceviche
Use canned mackerel
nigga here in mexico people eat the shittiest fish in ceviche and only a very small portion ends sick. For example i use whatever fresh tuna to make tuna ceviche and i'm perfectly fine, maybe it is years of living in a third world shithole that had made me invulnerable?
You are going to end up with a tapeworm.
If you're going to do this you need to freeze your fish first and rethaw it.
Yeah, i forgot to mention in my case that if it isn't really fresh fish i buy it frozen. Can't speak for my fellow countrymen tho
Just use cooked shrimp or something.
I feel you OP, I live in Minnesota and it is so hard and expensive to get seafood, while one state over in Milwaukee it was noticeably better.
I miss living in Milwaukee.
Enjoy shitting blood.
>I live in Minnesota and it is so hard and expensive to get seafood
Bitch I live in minnesota too and it is not hard to get shrimp, fresh or frozen.
you are probably out of luck man, your best bet would be to find flash frozen "sushi grade" fish, it wont nearly as good as the actual fresh fish but no grocery store would quality fish you need especially if you're not near the ocean
You're so dumb and ignorant it hurts to tell me this but most if not all fish are frozen if it is inbound USA.
Amy I the only one who feels like Summer is the time to eat ceviche? Maybe because it's theonlytime I eat a cold taco.
I do it Mexican style with shrimp and imitation crab since I am kind of scared to cook with real fish. Ask the fish dudes what day they get their deliveries, and go from there.
you're actually fucking retarded I live in new york city and most of the fish thats distributed comes from the New Fulton Fish Market in the bronx they open at 3am-7am and they wholesale very fresh fish to distributors and the public, in fact much of the fish still has rigor mortis, at many booths you can even talk to the captain of the boat that caught said fish, iv'e also lived in florida where snapper came out of the gulf daily, and seaside state will most likey have fresh fish at the fishmarket which you would know if you weren't retarded
you can't actually thinks all fish in the usa is imported from asia or europe, holy fucking shit nigger
>jelly midwesternfag who's never had real fresh fish
west coast tuna for life bitchboi
its called a fish market they have them on both the Atlantic and pacific side of the US
>never been to a fish monger
>only gets fish from grocery stores
>destined for a life of never buying fish that can be eaten raw
Just buy the vacuum packed shit.
Dolphin, shrimp, snapper, conch.
Vacuum packed frozen fish is almost as good as fresh and would be fine for ceviche