Eurofags like to strut around acting better than Americans. Saying we all eat unhealthy and have diabetes. When in reality these self righteous faggots start their day off with cigarettes, a pastry and espresso.
Eurofags like to strut around acting better than Americans. Saying we all eat unhealthy and have diabetes...
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What's the problem with that?
t. Amerimud
Nobody in Europe starts the day with a damn pastry. Cereal and toast 90% of the time for 90% of the people. Still awful food though.
Yes, because this is so much healthier. Look buddy, why don't you go back to eating processed and genetically modified foods, drinking corn syrup and watching porn.
Go to bed you triggered ass euro faggot insomniacs!
>What are croissants
>What are pains au chocolat
>everyone i don't like does a thing i don't like, look at my picture that supports my bullshit argument!
yeah, nah, fuck off. i eat bread with cold cuts/cereal for breakfast on weekdays and have various breakfasts for weekends, boiled sausages, scrambled eggs & toast, pancakes, etc.
You shouldn't eat first thing in the morning. Next time you wake, pay some actual attention to whether you're hungry or not, as opposed to ritually conforming to the breakfast meme. If I wake at 6 I'm not legit hungry until 10-12.
It's around 2 in the afternoon in Europe you pleb.
>What are croissants
>What are pains au chocolat
Things we don't have for breakfast.
So youre one of those wanna be american eurofags who buys a mustang.
No, i just like to have variety in my food. I make local food, pasta, asian, american, whatever. As long as i see it as tasty, i'll try to make it if i have time.
And i drive a 1999 Toledo diesel, cunt, so wrong yet again.
>No comment on the chain smoking cancer sticks
Thats why your “legit” not hungry till lunch time is cause you binged a bunch of cigarrettes and coffee when you woke up, you dum dum.
>Implying all French people don't eat pastries and smoke Gauloises/Gitanes
Did anyone ever pretend that the French were healthy? They literally have bread, cheese, and wine going for them. Other than that they eat worse than the worst you imagine about Americans.
>Saying we all eat unhealthy
Wrong, we say you eat unhealthily.
We’re not tainted by your Ebonics.
Oh, no I don't smoke. Don't drink espresso either. And not wishing to sound pretentious here, but you shouldn't drink coffee immediately after waking either. If like most people you're addicted, leave it a couple of hours or more in the morning before getting that hit. It's so, so much more pleasurable if you properly, fully wake up before hitting yourself with a stimulant. All I have first thing is fruit juice and water. It's so much nicer, and guess what, healthier for you too. I cbf to find the link to the doc's article (N. Campbell McBride) who proved it.
Youre ebonics is terrible, nigga!
Stupid euro dullards yo!
>cereal for breakfast
What an unhealthy basic bitch you are
The items that you posted are considerably more nutritious, yes. I see fresh fruit, protein, and fat for starters.
Yes goy, keep eating white bread and sugar! It is healthy for you.
I live in Europe and 90% of the time I start my time with a beautiful shneck or a pain au chocolat. Fegit
Amerifats simply don't know that their food is awful, it's all they know, no frame of reference.
rolled oats are great with some fruit, what are you on about
I mean you are the worst western first world country health-wise.
Funny how unhealthy american breakfast doesnt give you lung cancer. Just say’n.
As opposed to a pastry?
>he thinks cereal means processed sugary shit
Figures, amerifat.
Not that guy but quantity is a thing
American breakfasts are like 1300 calories, like everyone is still LARPing as a 19th century farmer
Reasonable size breakfasts are for women and health fanatics
But the same goes for all meals here. The drinks too. Everything is high octane shit for drunkards. The average wine clocks in at like 15.7% ABV, your average beer is like 9.5%. No wonder nobody drinks at lunch.
I see a lot of refined flour, bacon/eggs, syrup and fruit juice. I also love how the strawberries and blueberries are out of focus in the background. 70% daily calories done before 8am perfect. Truly the breakfast of the obese.
Yes goy, a full american breakfast consisting of 1300 is certainly smaller than a giant butter pastry! Don't change dietary habits or question your intake, that would be un-american of you!
See you in 5 years when you have diab-I mean freedom syndrome, my wallet is already dancing!
It appears that the ciggarettes and pastries kill off all the eurofags before they even get a chance to get diabetus.
It's all about moderation. I like having pastries and black coffee for breakfast, but no sugar-loaded doughnuts or really fatty things, but plain raisin bread or brioche. Sometimes Kärntner Reinkerl which are like the best thing on earth (It's made with plain yeast-dough that's wrapped up into a roll with some honey inbetween) Pastries are not inheritedly unhealthy if you don't load them with sugar, fat and artificial favours.
Quit preaching eurofag. We know how unhealthy your pleb nation is! Nobody should take your advice!
>Things we don't have for breakfast.
Not him, but we europes don't eat croissant's for breakfast daily. Only on easter. and sometimes just because.
>Europe is a nation
So on a regular day you start off with just cigarettes and espresso. Thats so much better.
If you're a eurofag or americuck and aren't eating oatmeal w/ greek yogurt, honey, and chia seeds with some cinnamon sprinkled on you're missing out
throw a hardboiled egg in there too and you're set
I start my mornings with smoked sausage on rye, black coffee and a shot of vodka to keep me from freezing to death while commuting to work.
t. Eastern Europe who doesnt like -20C weathers
Your car doesnt have a heater in it or something?
Have to take the bus, which is freezing, since it opens its doors every 500 meters to let people in and out
Bed? Its afternoon here. Love it that no one in murica has any sense of modern time mechanisms.
Looks pretty comfy dude
There's loads of sugar in that. Couple it with a bunch of saturated fat and you have the diabetic breakfast of choice. Take out the juice and breads and itd be a good start
Objectively the greatest radio show of all time
>he eats breakfast
B-but muh English breakfast with nog puddin!!
This says it all you fucking mutt. Maybe start eating some homecooked food instead of your processed trash and GMOs
UK is USA-Lite, besides, 74,000 out of 65,000,000 is a tiny number.
>Boiled sausages
Is this really a thing?
>A bloo bloo muh GMO muh chemicals icky muh amerimutt
Don't you have a Somali to prep Mohammed?
That's southwest europe retard. I, as a Norwegian, would never eat a breakfast like that.
>he thinks fruit juice is healthy
It’s basically soda with some vitamins. Still causes your blood sugar to spike.
>americans think poptarts are an acceptable breakfast food
>americans have to 'come out' as atheist to their parents
Jesus fuck that looks comfy.
Actually that's a pretty good breakfast to avoid diabetes. Croissant for some immediate energy and caffeine+nicotine to surpress hunger, probably going to eat nothing until afternoon.
>All I have first thing is fruit juice
lmao stop posting
Juice has no health benifits because all the fiber has been removed. You might as well drink pepsi and tell yourself its good for you.
>Inconceivable to the wheezing amerifat
Shut up, and when you next wake, don't eat until you actually feel hungry, as opposed to instantly eating acres of cakes and butter, when you think you 'should' because you're such a terrified humanlet that you do what you're told without even thinking why you did it.
Fruit juice has more sugar than a lot of sodas. You're ingesting a stimulant right there
As far as I am concerned Americans are far less retarded the Eurofags. America is being invaded by bering strait chinks that settled in the jungles of south America. Eurofags are letting in millions of inbred snackbars and they are scared of guns and freedom for some reason.
Literal brainlet
All of the soyboys have taken the fat is bad for you meme seriously. I think it's why they are so retarded, no fat to grease the wheels properly.
It is though, very very easy to eat too much. A little bit is good.
They love coconut stuff though which is also high in that. Avocados also some and that's probably the biggest meme/hipster food.
>nog pudding
Go drink a glass of roundup and watch your sister suck Jamal, 56%er.
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman!
Redditors make cancer look like a panacea.
American here, fucking kill yourself cancer loving, sterility having cuck.
>200ml coffe
>small pastry
>2l coffee from starbucks
>heavy breakfast
why am I so fat and diabetic?
really boggles the mind alright
I think I have figured out why eurofags and japs hate large breakfasts so much, most of them are bean pole soyboy office slaves that only need to eat 1200 calories a day to sustain themselves. I have a job outdoors that requires me to move for more than one hour a day, I need a lot of calories to keep going.
>japs aren't hard workers
>can overhaul an entire train station in one night