those who voted today, what'd you eat afterwards?
Vote today
Voted for... what? I'm american and I don't give a rats ass about politics, so what big oh-so-important event am I apparently missing now?
I did early voting on Friday, I didn't eat.
I voted sunday and I ate pasta afterwards.
What did you americans even vote about, can't have been 4 years already since Trump, can it?
What were you voting for? I thought burgers only voted in November.
Mid-term and state primary elections. Nothing important, like every election.
Two scoops of ice cream
I literally know nothing about trump except this, and its the reason I will never vote for him again.
>Ballots are not yet ready for this election. Ballots are typically available 47 days before an election with federal contests and 21 days before state and local contests.
What the fuck are you talking about? I voted in the primaries for state supreme court justice and municipal chair last month you faggo
Left, right, I don't give a shit. Keep politics out of my food.
>Not eating left chicken wings only
Fucking Nazi
texas has 2018 congressional primaries today
Voting is terrible. Veeky Forums is ruled by a benevolent philosopher king and a natural aristocracy of patricians.
Nobody asked your Whatopinion.
This might be off topic, but I feel I should share this cause I'm honestly a bit concerned with the future of our children.
So I work at a colonial re-enactment center, where we teach kids about the Rev war, civil war, etc. for field trips, and such. Well today we have a very awkward situation. We had a private charter school from St Mary-Helens boarding school, in CA..
Things seemed fine at first, Like any other group of children they were attentive and eager to learn. But then it went south. On our candle dipping station, the kids started humming in chorus as they did their dips. I get most kids especially special needs, do this sometimes when in a group, but this was a highly religious catholic boarding school. So they start to hum, then they start to sing. Only, the song sounds like a nursery rhyme, but the lyrics were something along the lines of: "Judgement to thee sinners of jerusalem, to the fires of those who stand below" Etc. The song was basically God hates jews, being sung by a bunch of 8 year olds, while they dipped candles. Worst part is,. the teacher encouraged them to keep singing like it was nothing out of the ordinary. And we all just kind of stood there and stared in disbelief. These were, again mind you, 8 year old kids, no older. Singing a song from what I assume to be the puritain era as if it were "Baa baa black sheep" I don't even think those kids know what they were singing or the implications of it. either.
they have orange juice and cookies at mine to get your blood sugar back up
/pol/ is specifically right wing politics, dumbfuck. Facebook tourists need to learn their history
Not him, but no. You need to leave the Food and cooking thread and take this shit to someone who cares: IE: Not us.
The Democrats that voted today went home and ate a big bowl of soy while they watched their wives get fucked by an illegal alien
For me, it's Secret Aardvark. The Best Hot Sauce for Cuckolds.
That is off topic and I have taken the appropriate action.
Is $91.55 a good price for 'vark sauce?
No, your wife should get an American as her bull and have him ship it from the US
And this matters because? Spoiler, Republicans will win all the seats except for the most spice filled cities, Cruz will get reelected. WooooOOOOoooOOO, gaze into my magic crystal ball and tremble!
leftypol is a thing and no, pol is for all things political
State, county, municipal, and submunicipal elections (and the primaries for such elections) can happen year-round. It's only the federal elections that always take place on the first Tueday after the first Monday in Novemeber.
Mediocre, overpriced mongolian beef. Oh well.
Not that user but.
>pol is for all things political
It used to be.
After the last elections the only people still on /pol/ are lolbertarians, natsocs, and the influx of newfags from the election.
I haven't seen a post from a leftie in months.
Same threads every single day because asian moot refuses to make a /polg/
Theres a cigarette thread in the catalog right now fuck off, cunt. At least this still mentions actual food
This but the opposite. /pol/ was natsoc central for a while now its mutts, "trump btfo" and the latest media happenings
>fake news
Trust me, ok?
Your vote doesn't matter. Its all a game, and you do not hold the controller in this one.
i voted on thursday and i definitely don't remember what i had for dinner. it was maybe leftover potroast and spaghetti squash.
you're probably right but it's at least interesting, from what i've read texas has usually been one of the very worst states for voter turnout during midterm elections. this year people are turning out in droves and dems voted more than reps during the early voting period in several counties.
so it's a historical thing but still not a big deal because 1) texas 2) primaries 3) midterm elections
And rep turned out more on election day, the media was pushing a narrative, my naive friend.
When I voted for Trump and he was actually elected President I had the craziest feeling that my vote actually mattered for once. However, it's the only time I've ever voted for anyone for anything.
that doesn't contradict anything i said though